Saturday, May 9, 2009

Pass the Tums: First of 458 spring/summer street fairs kicks off today on Second Avenue

Runs from 14th Street all the way down to, oh, Georgia.

There's at least one new addition to the usual array of sausages, bags of socks, four T-shirts for $10 kookiness...a local merchant... Chocolate Bald Men have a stand/booth

REALLY big crane doing something on Third Avenue

So Second Avenue is off limits to traffic with the street fair... Meanwhile, on Third Avenue between 13th and 14th Streets...this humungo crane is lifting something up to the roof at 111 Third Ave. And slowing down traffic. And making everyone look cautiously toward the sky.

EV Grieve Etc.: Mourning Edition

An item about "Ugly Betty," an EV gallery owner and trash (Page Six)

Private fashion event to take over West Fourth Street ball courts (Washington Square Park)

Highlights from Miss Heather's trip through the EV and Chinatown (New York Shitty)

Hot dog in the early 1990s (Little Stories and Maybe Poems from Now and Then)

More on the possible move of Ludlow Guitars (BoweryBoogie)

Trash?: Thoughts on the new New York Dolls record (This Ain't the Summer of Love)

Getting to know Crazy Joe Gallo (Jeremiah's Vanishing NY)

A slam the landlord party (Blah Blog Blah)

Q-and-A with author and EV Grieve reader/frequent commenter Mykola (Mick) Dementiuk (Amanda Young)

Words to the wise on the street (Flaming Pablum)

Going underground: A tour of the world's oldest subway tunnel (Patell and Waterman's History of New York)

Going underground?!


At Joe's (The Village Voice)

Fake cabs (NYC Taxi Photo)

Update on Ray of Ray's Candy Store (Scoopy's Notebook, The Villager, third item)

Also from Scoopy: Florent Morellet's new restaurant plans (fourth item)

Speaking of Florent's! Perfect time to run this photo that Karate Boogaloo passed along by photographer Gary Breckheimer:

Another NYC nude here (NSFW)

Manhattan now more reasonably overpriced

From the Times:

When you go to Manhattan, there’s an air of selling out,” he says. “I’ve accepted that.”

Great Recession prices are drawing even the most loyal outer-borough dwellers back to Manhattan. The migrants hail from Hoboken, Astoria and the brownstone blocks off Prospect Park, as New Yorkers who found themselves priced out of the gilded isle in the boom years are bidding farewell to long commutes and skinny-jean chic.

Among the lures: $1,600 one-bedrooms on the Lower East Side. Lenient landlords who no longer require security deposits. And an overriding sense that an obscenely overpriced borough is now, well, slightly more reasonably overpriced.

This is a rainy day (sung to the tune of "Perfect Day")

Kinetic Carnival posted this on Thursday...Lovely.

From "Little Fugitive."

Friday, May 8, 2009

A little something for all you lovers in the house

Reminder: "Praise Day Reading for Richard Leck" tomorrow afternoon

Karen Lillis hosts a memorial reading for the late poet Richard Leck, at the Bowery Poetry Club tomorrow from 2 p.m.-3:30 p.m. It's called "Praise Day Reading for Richard Leck." Free admission. Several writers will read from Leck's poems and excerpts from his memoir, "Jumped, Fell, or Was Pushed." Ken Wohlrob has a list of the speakers.

Previously on EV Grieve:
Remembering Richard Leck: "He liked the anything-goes quality, the creativity and the street life"

"Start spreading the wealth".... and Bloomy gives thumbs up to an awkward performance on the congas

Thanks to Slum Goddess for reporting on Rev. Billy's new singing endorsement.

And here it is... You may recognize a few folks (aside from Rev. Billy, of course...)

Meanwhile, to be fair and balanced, here is Mayor Bloomberg playing the congas. What a natural!

Anyway, as NBC noted: "Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to watch all 70 seconds of this awkward, spine-curling video of Mayor Bloomberg playing the congas at an event in Spanish Harlem Tuesday."

Village Green ready for sales action

Village Green, the new condo going up at 311 E. 11th Street between First Avenue and Second Avenue, advertised in the Post's real-estate section yesterday. It aims to be the first LEED Gold certified building in the East Village. Prices at the former parking garage range from $730,000 to $1.9 million.

Meanwhile, here's some of the marketing copy on the 311 Web site that's now live:

Upon entering 311 E. 11: Village Green, you are greeted with a welcoming smile from the 24-hour doorman. From the ice white quartz floors to the embroidered accent walls, the lobby is the perfect fusion of modern elegance and 21st century technology.

The accompanying lounge by interior designer Andi Pepper is a serene go-to spot to meet new friends and greet old ones.

Here's one of the renderings of 311... there's a gym on the street level for the pervs to gawk...

And a word of caution once this place is open.... Watch out for the cars driving by at 125 mph! Hey, Vin Diesel!

For further reading:
New East Village Building Outed as Hippyish "Village Green" (Curbed)

I just feel like hearing this now...

Pearl Street almost starting to look like a street again

Almost! After being torn up for about, oh, 18 months or so, Pearl Street at Maiden Lane is shaping up.... the sidewalk has been poured...the Rockrose development has windows... now the street just needs to be repaved...any bets on how long that takes?

Previously on EV Grieve.

The fellow who was terrorized by old people during the Tribeca Film Festival

The Tribeca Film Festival ended Sunday...

Anyway, I was sitting at the Grassroots the other day. And this young fellow started talking to his drinking partner about how much he hated the Tribeca Film Festival. Specifically because he lived on Third Avenue near the Loews Village VII where some of the films were showing. He complained about sidewalk congestion. People screaming for cabs at night. Idiots paying no mind to their surroundings while texting/talking. Couples arguing about whether his/her spouse remembered to bring the tickets. That kind of thing.


The perceptive drinking partner asked how this was different from any other Thursday/weekend night.

"These people were old."

Possibly unrelated! As Daily Intel reported, "500 New York Police Department barricades were used throughout the Festival."

Did anyone else hear any TFF horror stories?

Gold's Gym Crunched

There was a Gold's Gym on John Street in the Financial District....then one day a few months back, it disappeared behind some plywood, and gymgoers had to enter through a different doorway...and then overnight this week it became a Crunch.

A note from EV Grieve about spring cleaning. And stuff.

Hello. In keeping with the spirit of the season, I did some spring cleaning. Specifically in the drafts section in the EV Grieve archives, where I was horrified to find 228 half-written posts taking up space. Some of them are just dated. Some of them just weren't quite working. So I posted a few of them anyway. Which explains all the nonsense going on below this post. Now what to do with the other 217 or so drafts...

Posts that I never got around to posting: The red zebra sweater

On Seventh Street between Avenue A and Avenue B. [ was between Avenue B and Avenue C...]

Posts that I never got around to posting: ConEd blows its 2009 budget on plastic sawhorses

10th Street near Avenue B.

Posts that I never got around to posting: The Ludlow from Boca Chica

Posts that I never got around to posting: Bus ads that cover a lot of the bus

On Park Row downtown.

Posts that I never got around to posting: What's new on 53rd Street between Park and Lexington?

A Derek Jeter fitness center and a bank. Which kind of seem to go together.

Posts that I never got around to posting: Missing paintings

Avenue C at Third Street. Wonder if they were found.

Posts that I never got around to posting: The hi life

On Second Avenue.

Posts that I never got around to posting: U2, Depeche Mode haters

Posts that I never got around to posting: Ryan's moved its door

On Second Avenue near Ninth Street. Very important news!

Posts that I never got around to posting: What could have been!


Posts that I never got around to posting: This passage from someone's blog from a long time ago

After dinner, my girls took me to Bowery Wine Company. Bowery Wine Company is a really cute, smallish bar. A group of guys bought us all tequila shots as soon as we walked in the bar. We spent the rest of the night there talking, laughing and drinking lots of lots of shots. We stayed until about 3am and then decided to head home.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Former Two Boots Video store "in contract" -- largest available retail space on Avenue A

Last September, Two Boots Video consolidated their remaining stock and moved it into a corner of the Two Boots Pizzeria on Avenue A and Third Street.

Meanwhile, it was reported in January that the Upright Citizens Brigade Theatre was taking over the former Two Boots Pioneer Theater space at 155 E. Third St. that closed in November. (The CB3 approved their liquor license in January.) According to the Tower Brokerage site, the old Pioneer is in contract...

As is the former space for Two Boots Video on Avenue A...

Details on the site:

44 Avenue A - Retail Space (Corner East 3rd Street)
Over 20 ft. frontage on Avenue A. High ceilings, floor to ceiling glass, H.V.A.C.
Approx. 2,335 sq. ft. -$75 per sq. ft.!!
In Contract!! -- $14,600/mo

42 Avenue A - Built Out Store (East Village)
Great Built Out Store with Selling Basement
Approx. 550 sq. ft.
In Contract!!

The two properties are listed separately and as one unit on the Tower Brokerage site:

Prime Avenue A - Largest Retail Available On The Avenue!!
Approx. 2970 sq. ft. Can be divided!
In Contract!!

So is one tenant taking the entire space? Or are the Uptight Citizens Brigaders taking over this space and the Pioneer Theater?

On Feb. 20, Jeremiah reported that a "'giant restaurant'" is moving in to the former video space and Pioneer Theater and the basement. We heard Upright Citizens Brigade was taking over the Pioneer, and they've applied for a beer and wine license. Could they also be a ginormous L-shaped restaurant that will run from Avenue A to Third St?'"