Tuesday, August 10, 2010

New Avenue B rock club to feature White Castle's, Artichoke and a 'Weirdo Room'

UrbanDaddy has details on the "New Luxe Rock-and-Roll Attic Bar" in the former Uncle Ming's space on Avenue B near 14th Street... (Above Bee Liquors and across from Mona's...)

Introducing White Noise, a new luxe rock-and-roll bar in the East Village (naturally), opening [this Friday] with the promise of hazy Jack Daniel’s nights, impromptu live shows and a crowd that feels good being bad.

Climb the stairs to White Noise’s hidden second-floor lair ... and you’ll be thrust into a world of vintage couches covered in black vinyl (leather is so pretentious), a bar layered in old tin roofing and windows boarded up and covered in thick black curtains. Even the chandeliers have been dipped in black tar.

It’s the sort of dark cavern that will gracefully usher in your next night of moody carousing with hot muses and rigorous academic debates about bass players, which may just end with a session in the secret "Weirdo Room," where you will sit alone, under a strobe light, and contemplate the meaning of "Stairway."

And the next morning, when the hot blaze of the Sunday sun proves too much, you can head right back in for their hangover party (starting in a few weeks), complete with vintage rock operas playing on a projection screen, microwave White Castle burgers and slices of Artichoke pizza.

The reader who sent me the link included a simple comment: "Gawd, this looks awful."

Monday, August 9, 2010

Community gardens reminder

From the Time's Up Save Our Gardens Action Group:

The next public event is tomorrow at 11 a.m. at Chelsea Rec Center, 430 W. 25th St. We will convene for our rally at 10:30. There is much planning and coordinating that needs to happen to keep our momentum and success going...

Come to the Planning Meeting tonight at 7 at ABC No Rio. At that meeting, committees will be formed so we can better mobilize and spread out the fun. Please come prepared to sign up for a committee — things are moving very fast!! The Gardens need everyone's participation. The committees suggested thus far are:

1. Fundraising - grant writing - North Star Emergency Grants
2. Media/Press/Social Networking
3. Communications and Fliers
4. Props/Banner/ Art Committee
5. Photos and Video Committee
6. Food/Dumpster Divers Committee.
7. Legal Committee
8. Event Planning

Things that I learned today!

The difference between the Belgian flag and the German flag!



Uh, sorry!

Previously on EV Grieve:
More German-themed plywood for Second Avenue

Acronym alert! New community coalition forms in response to NYU expansion plans

Meet CAAN!

Following the suspension of the Community Task Force on NYU Development by Borough President Stringer, a dozen community groups have formed a new coalition to respond to NYU’s 20-year expansion plan, NYU 2031. The Community Action Alliance on NYU 2031 (CAAN) is composed of neighborhood, preservation, parents and building groups which are concerned about the detrimental impact NYU’s massive growth plans would have on our neighborhood.

CAAN is working to ensure that elected officials and the Community Board support the recommendations of the Community Task Force on NYU Development, which met for over four years with NYU. The Community Board and local elected officials have not yet taken a position on the NYU 2031 plan, but will ultimately take the votes which determine whether or not the NYU plan is approved and enacted.

Please do not attempt any of this in the new First Avenue bike lanes

The King of New York BMX competition rolled into Tompkins Square Park over the weekend...

Thanks to EV Grieve reader Steve for the photos...

And I hope that nobody gets any funny ideas now about the new First Avenue or Second Avenue bike lanes....

Things that don't look fun

Swimming (standing?) in a dumpster pool on Park Avenue.

Photo taken by Our Lady of Perpetual PMS.

Kurve/Rhong Tiam's long, strange trip is apparently over

Oh my what a wacky few years here on Second Avenue and Fifth ... where Kurve became Rhong Tiam East... the potted-plant neglectors here have been "closed for operating" illegally ... battled local taggers... given themselves a Michelin star...

The location is seemingly closed now... Let's start with Friday evening.

I walked by several times later and never saw any private parties inside. Unless it was off-site....

And people were stopping by to eat...

Yesterday, the place looked pretty dismantled...and the phone was not in service.

And all last week, there were offering 25 percent off...

To be honest, I actually called for delivery one night last week. Was curious about their food. However, I was told the special was reserved for people who would eat in the restaurant... not for people who wanted it to go or delivered...

Oh, also on Friday, a photographer and her subject were using the wall for whatever this was...

All Kurve Koverage.

More German-themed plywood for Second Avenue

First, as you will recall, a new restaurant is coming to the space behind the German-themed plywood here on Second Avenue at Second Street...

And now -- the plywood is gone!

No worries, though, German-themed-plywood lovers! Um, yeah, this is actually the Belgian flag... duh. Sorry.

Check out the Crazy Landlord space the next block up on the northeast corner of Third Street...

This will soon be home to the Belgian ale place that wants to be a "sexier Balthazar."

Previously on EV Grieve:
What's behind the German-themed plywood on Second Avenue?

"Crazy Landlord" cleans up his corner: Here comes a "sexier Balthazar"

Former Miracle Grill space on the market

Hmmm... we've been wondering what's going to be happening here on First Avenue near Seventh Street ... Seems as if the Miracle Grill has been closed for (three!) years... apparently there won't be any outdoor space here...considering the garden is now a condo.

Previously on EV Grieve:
Former Miracle Grill garden not-so-suddenly looks like a condo

Crazy ideas of the week: Turn Ray's into a tiki bar

The East Villager has a Page 1 feature this week on Barry Kushelowitz’s tiki-rich apartment on Seventh Street...

[Photo by J.B. Nicholas]

Here's an excerpt that's rather funny and, probably, a little alarming...:

Does he have any interest in opening up his own tiki-themed establishment? Yes, he says, but real estate in New York is too expensive and the city has become too "sterilized." One idea he has is to use his collection to turn Ray’s Candy Store, on E. Seventh St. and Avenue A, into a tiki bar, with Ray Alvarez, the store's owner, as emcee.

"Ray could come down at night and tell stories," Kushelowitz said. "He's got a million stories."

Motel for First Avenue and Ninth Street looks less likely now

Several readers have passed along this news (thank you!) after signage went up on Friday...We now have a better idea of what's going in here at 147 First Avenue at Ninth Street...

So much for our motel theory! Anyway, whatever comes here promises to drive up the rents for nearby businesses who are already struggling... soon, this whole stretch will be one big Momofuku...

And EV Grieve reader Blue Glass sent along a photo with another angle...

Previously on EV Grieve:
Ninth Street and First Avenue shocker: Motel ... Hello?

Blockbuster: 147 First Ave. set for demolition

German burgers coming to Seventh Street


At the former Mohammed Falafel Star space on Seventh Street near Avenue B... the barn/stockade/dungeon-looking thing...

So we've heard that it may be a burger place... or a Mediterranean eatery... And now! A name!

It will be a German burger joint... Of course, we were rooting for a dungeon...Thanks to EV Grieve reader Peter H. for this photo...

Sunday, August 8, 2010

And they call it...

Puppy love on 13th Street near First Avenue. Well, he or she is more of a dog. But that doesn't really seem as endearing.

When dogs poop near diners outside Zum Schneider

Yesterday afternoon, the folks here on Seventh Street outside Zum Schneider were enjoying some food and drinks...

...when along came a young woman with a fairly large dog, who proceded to befoul the sidewalk right near the tables... without as much as slowing down, the woman continued on her way, turning south on Avenue C... the diners at the table on the far left above were fairly horrified/angry... one yelled something like, "Hey, your dog just took a dump. You have to clean that up."

I cannot say whether the woman was simply lazy or poorly mannered... or if this was an act of aggression toward touristy people eating outdoors...

I did not photograph any of the evidence or the dog owner in question. You'll have to trust me on this one.

Fight night

First, a reader passes along word of "a ferocious fight at 4 am outside of st. dymphna's" on St. Mark's Place... Anyone hear anything about this?

Meanwhile, in another fight last night... from the Daily News:

One shot, one slashed in East Village fracas Saturday evening

Two men were injured Saturday night after a brawl in the lobby of an East Village building, sources said.

One man was shot in the hand and another slashed in his face when a fight erupted at the 13th St. building near Fourth Ave. about 11 p.m., sources said.

Today in Shepard Fairey disses

Here on Houston and the Bowery...

Oh, and this was added sometime this weekend...

Previously on EV Grieve:
Keith Haring reappears on Houston and the Bowery

The CW still hiring horny teens to create their ad campaigns

Saturday, August 7, 2010

In case you were off to Lucy's tonight...

Hmm...not open tonight....No sign about a holiday, per usual.

Rosario Dawson's mom wants to return to 13th Street

From Page Six today:

The mother of "Sin City" actress Rosario Dawson is trying to move back into the East 13th Street tenement she turned into a "squat" 25 years ago -- but the tenants don't want her as a neighbor.

Isabel Dawson moved out of the building two years ago, having feuded with the other occupants of the "squat." Rosario's father, Greg Dawson, who is separated from Isabel, still lives in the tenement along with her handicapped uncle.

Isabel -- who broke into the abandoned tenement with Greg when they were both 21 (and Rosario was 6) and installed plumbing and electrical wiring -- feels she's entitled to move back in, despite all the bitterness from past squabbles. Residents say they are scared.

And what's with the "quotation marks" around "squat?"

[Photo by Roger Wong/INFGoff.com via the Post]

Angelina Jolie trashed!

Second Avenue and Fourth Street last night...

Previously on EV Grieve:
East Village Cathedral stars alongside Angelina Jolie in 'Salt'


Photo by Red Riotdog via Facebook.

Friday, August 6, 2010

End note

And Thurston Moore's Ecstatic Peace label is releasing a new record from the Notekillers.

EV Grieve Etc.: Mourning Edition

When Campbell Soup wrote to Andy Warhol (Letters of Note, via BoingBoing)

The Grumbler considers the fab (and fake?) abs ads (The Grumbler)

Selling 341-343 Bowery in 1954 (BoweryBoogie)

Tales from Times Square (Stupefaction, and This Ain't the Summer of Love has the NSFW Times Square short film....Rump Humpers?)

More pics from '96-2000 (Flaming Pablum)

Catch Goggla and other artists at the Hester Street Fair (The Gog Log)

A new business has already called dibs on the former Beauty Crisis space on Seventh Street...

And would someone please give me a hand with this? Thanks!

Pretzel logic

So... you remember that little controversy about the pretzel-ad campaign....like the one seen here on First Avenue and First Street...

NYC the Blog had been in touch with the pretzel people who said...

"Based on the feedback received from you and other bloggers, we will be taking the ‘You can never be too thin’ ads down."

The company has also apologized.

So they replaced the ad. And what did they replace it with?


Thanks to EV Grieve reader K. Knipfing for the photos.

Previously on EV Grieve:
Into thin air: Pretzel maker removing 'too thin' ads