Sunday, July 3, 2011

Alien invasion on Avenue A

Yesterday afternoon, evening. Near Sixth Street. You've been warned.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Along for the ride

At the Mary Help of Christians flea market today. Photo by Bobby Williams.

Earlier today on Second Avenue

Photo by Bobby Williams.

This cat is stranded off East River Park

East Village resident Clotilde Testa writes to tell us the following ... she was walking through East River Park "and noticed so many stray cats, one of which was stranded and abandoned on the off-shore industrial area opposite the East River Environmental Learning Center.

"That poor fella looks like he's starving to death and stuck off shore. He was meow-ing away. Do you know someone who might be able to help?"

On Avenue B, Subway inches closer to its Grand Opening

With any luck, you'll have a foot-long for July 4th.

Previously on EV Grieve:
Today's sign of the apocalypse: Subway opening on Avenue B (30 comments)

Today at Crusty Meadow

In Tompkins Square Park this afternoon. Photo by Dave on 7th.

Mobile crane alert! BMW Guggenheim Lab construction closes East First Street today

East First Street between First Avenue and Second Avenue is closed today, as you might expect after seeing the crane photo.

Workers are on the scene to install the urban think tank, which we're told is the yellow thing on the back of the truck.*


* Yes, that was a terrible joke.

Did you you lose a Scooby-Doo lunch box?

If so, then you're in luck. The folks at NYC Icy have it at 171 Avenue...

The contents include hand sanitizer.

Earlier today on East Sixth Street

[Photos by Dave on 7th]

And then veer right when you near the Ludlow...

East Ninth Street, 9:17 a.m., July 2

Friday, July 1, 2011

Earlier on Second Avenue today

Photos by Bobby Williams

A midsummer's night dream

Something more current than the usual hereabouts ... Dirty Beaches — basically just Alex Zhang Hungtai — play for free tonight at the South Street Seaport... And I like it because it reminds me of Alan Vega/Suicide...

Tonight in Tompkins Square Park: 'Mr. Hulot's Holiday,' French hijinks

And tonight around 8:30ish, the Films on the Green Festival presents "Mr. Hulot's Holiday." Or, to annoy your friends, Les Vacances de Monsieur Hulot.

An update on d.b.a. owner Ray Deter: 'Please celebrate Ray as he passes on'

On Wednesday, we posted information about the bicycle accident involving Ray Deter, who owns d.b.a. on First Avenue as well as the locations in Williamsburg and New Orleans. He has been in critical condition since the accident. His wife, Catherine, just updated the d.b.a. Brooklyn Facebook page with this note:

"Thanks so much for everyone's kind words and support for me and the boys....Ray will no longer be with us after this weekend, but we hope our loss will give life to others. Please celebrate Ray as he passes on. Love to you all, Catherine, Jake & Maxwell"

More information will be posted at a later date regarding funeral arrangements.

[Image via MetroMix]

Earlier this morning on East Ninth Street

Photos by John Marshall Mantel.

The Yippie Museum Cafe closed for renovations

Over Bleecker Street between Bowery and Elizabeth, the Yippie Museum Cafe (and the Lenny Bruce Academy of Sick Comedy!) is closed for renovations. We don't have any further details at the moment...

And now, photos of Don King smoking a cigar in Tompkins Square Park

Don King was in the Park last night to introduce the screening of "Raging Bull." And, apparently, he was paying no mind to Bloomberg's No Smoking In the Parks rule.

Photos by Bobby Williams.


In Tompkins Square Park, not everyone appreciate the corporate sponsorship for last night's screening of "Raging Bull."

Above the Mars Bar: neighbor vows return; next door, killing rats

So the Mars Bar will be open a little longer ... However, some of the residents who live upstairs have already moved out... and per their curtain call, they'll be back.

Meanwhile, just a building down on Second Avenue, the baiting program begins ... the first sign in the demolition process...

Finally, at least one Mars Bar patron believes that the place won't be open today... to prevent any kind of teary farewells and looting. Just a feeling, that's all.

That's a wrap for the Film Academy Cafe on Astor Place

The demolition of 51 Astor Place begins today (abatement, etc.). And with that, the Film Academy Cafe had to vacate its home of 18 months... Wednesday was the Cafe's last day. Workers gutted the place yesterday.


Dukovny Floors closes on First Avenue

[Photo by Blue Glass]

Both Blue Glass and Dave on 7th noted that Bernard Dukovny Floors on First Avenue just north of 11th Street has closed...

I went to Google Maps for a Street View... and the Google mobile caught Mr. Dukovny standing in front of his store...

I keep wondering what he was thinking about...

Open Road Park back open last evening

Dunno if it was supposed to be yet... but the gates were open... and I counted 14 skateboarders inside...

Previously on EV Grieve:
Open Road Park closed now on 12th Street

Why the Open Road Park is closed

Happy endings: No more blood on the bench

On Wednesday, we wrote about the new bench adjacent to the MTA ticket machines on Second Avenue just south of 14th Street.... the one with the dried blood on it... EV Grieve reader Peter figured it had been there for five days. MTA officials standing there told him that it wasn't there problem.


Anyway! As of last evening, the blood is gone.


Now if someone would only pick up that coffee cup!

And now, the newly designed menu at Odessa

Matt Rosen at Neighborhoodr notes the newly designed menu at EV Grieve favorite Odessa on Avenue A.

The previous menu seemed to be about, oh, 20 pages... Matt says that the new version is more streamlined.

Oscar winners film TV commercial in Yonah Schimmel, Katz's

A reader came across this scene earlier this week at Yonah Schimmel Knishery on Houston ... a crew was on the scene filming a commercial. After a little digging, it turns out this is a high-powered crew — Tom ("The King's Speech") Hooper on the left and Guillermo ("Pan's Labyrinth") Navarro on the right. They were also filming a scene at Katz's ... it's for a credit card commercial...

When using a Groupon at Veniero's

Last evening on 11th Street. Such confusion among the Grouponers! We even heard squealing.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Before 'Raging Bull' tonight in Tompkins Square Park

Oh, don't worry — we won't be posting all these photos before every movie in Tompkins Square Park this summer... we were curious about the first one, what we could expect, etc.

If you went, what did you think? Of the scene, not the movie..

Photos by Bobby Williams.

Things to be advised about before watching 'Raging Bull'

On the way in to see "Raging Bull" tonight in Tompkins Square Park. In perpetuity, of course! Photo by Dave on 7th.

Avenue A, 7:17 p.m., June 30

Soon, 'Raging Bull'

Bobby Williams spotted crews setting up for the "Raging Bull" screening tonight in Tompkins Square Park... I remember those cheers...

...and it looks like quite a production, with sponsor tents and what not...