Jefferson Siegel from The Villager and Daily News passed along the following information...
The East Village may not see Bob Arihood in front of Ray's for a while, or see updates to his blog, because Bob was hospitalized early Friday for an ongoing condition he's had for years. On Sunday doctors started running some tests and by early this coming week they should have a clearer diagnosis and be able to formulate a plan of treatment. Right now Bob doesn't want to name the hospital. We speak daily so I'll keep you posted on developments.
We wish Bob the best... and hope to see him back soon outside Ray's...
[Photo of Bob via The New York Times/Jessica Dimmock]
Best wishes for a speedy diagnosis and recovery to Mr. Arihood.
Sorry to hear that. Hoping Bob is back real soon.
Get well soon Bob - "Mr. Leica!"
Ah - I had noticed that nadie had not been updated in a few days. He is a remarkable artist. EVG - please let the community know if he needs anything.
yes please let usknow if there is anything we can do! sorry to hear this! best wishes for a speedy recovery bob
Bob--miss you and hope you get better soon. Hope you are feeling better already and seeing the snow flurries and a capuccino is waiting for you when you get outta the hospital..maybe a decaf one!
Get well soon Bob. We will have a cappuccino ready for your return. Just as Melanie said.
-The Lucy team
I hope you're feeling better, Bob. Take care!
Looking forward to seeing more of your photos again SOON! :)
Bob, we're all pulling for you over at Boogie. Get well soon!
we wish u all the best from WALES Please take care We miss your style ....
Bob, hope you feel better soon. You do a great work for the community. Best wishes.
Hope you're better and back in action quickly.
Get well asap, Bob - hope you're back on your feet in the 'hood real soon.
Wishing Bob a real speedy recovery and some cute and friendly nurses! I miss your look on life! Best wishes from Munich, Misha!
Get well soon, Bob.
Thoughts from afar.
Get well, soon Bob! I miss seeing you around TSP and hope you make a speedy recovery. Best wishes.
Bob is a genuine good guy as well as a well respected artist. Get well soon, we need you.
Bob, just found your NMNL blog and love it; sad to hear you´re off your feet; hope you´re back in fine form soon.
Shanghai Sean
Hi Bob Get better fast. I miss your updates even in Idaho
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