Village X at 36 St. Mark's Place has closed...
One of those store with band T-shirts, thumb rings, water pipes, etc. Big with the kids and tourists. But you knew that. (And how long was this here? I can't remember...)
The store was one of three along here busted for selling fake Baby Phat bling a few years back.
With an empty storefront, could this possibly mean another ramen or FroYo joint on the block?
I wrote this last July about my trip to "Village X"...
I went to a place called Village X (36 St. Marks Place), hoping to find a Plasmatics t-shirt. The guy working there had never even heard of them. I explained and he was still blissfully unaware as he stood next to a G.G. Allin t-shit on the wall, but no Wendy O. OK then. I walked out and went up the street a bit to Trash and Vaudeville (4 St. Marks Place), and sure enough, they had not one, but two Plasmatics t-shirts. As I paid for my shirt, I told the girl at the counter about the guy at Village X not knowing who the Plasmatics were and she laughed...
Shit, another t-shirt place bites the dust.
I'm opening up another t-shirt place there. The only shirts I plan on selling are "I fucking hate Ramen" and "Fro-Yo is for dopes." I can make a killing...
That may be at odds with my plans for T-shirts that read "Our FroYo is better than the FroYo across the street."
My friend just informed me of this and I had to see if this was true. I was just there 2 weeks ago and I didn't see any kind of evidence of this place closing. I had so many memeories of this store. Not only have we lost another important part of the East Village, but New York itself as well. I'll bet that fucker Bloomberg had something to do with this. God forbid should we have anything representing NY. He's trying to make NY a place for the filthy rich and driving small businesses and working people away. I also blame the fuckers who voted for him and really believing he's democratic like and actually cares for NY. He's only here to bleed us all dry by spreading his lies and manipulations. NY has become and empty shell of itself and I don't see why we shouldn't get rid of him this election year. I fear that the place formerly know as Village X will either become a juice bar or another yougurt shop for all the fucking prepies to come hang. God damn New York and God damn Bloomberg.
Ha. This is a joke right?
I would say that store has been there between 23-26 years. Before that, the whole section - from Gem Spa to Khyber Pass - was inset and not built out onto the street. There was a florist there and next to it a used closing store. On the outside of Gem Spa on SMP was a giant bank of pay phones. Great for calling "the man."
Also, believe it or not sometime in the early 80s across the street where the cd place/sock man is used to be a kosher butcher and a lawyer. Manic Panic was at 33 SMP - lots of places have this address wrong. But having spent lots of time there I am positive.
i worked there, the store closed, and moved to 28-82 3av. bronx,(150th st/ 151th st) too far right, but guess what, they might close down there also, no one there knows any of the bands they have......lol ok people, saint marks isnt the same anymore you will c it more like the 34th st. later.....
Good News Village X wil soon re open, close to St. Marks, i will update soon with address and opening day!
Village X news, here is the link http://nycvillagex.blogspot.com/, check it out.....
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