I haven't been following this story too closely... the architects who campaigned to put a floating pool in the East River exceeded their crowdsourcing campaign to help make this thing a reality... Sooo, if it all does happen, will you take a dip in the +Pool? (Maybe I should ask this in December.)
Also, arguably my most favorite rendering of all time... just for the whale.

Read more about the pool here.
What if the whale gets mad and decides to swim up and tip the pool over?
To answer your headline:
She's trying to save her calf who strayed looking for the East Village famous farm-to-table, artisanal, organic, gluten-free biscuits, fro-yo in a hoof and a refreshing micro brew!
Haha!! That rendering is awesome!
When I'm in that pool, I feel like Jonah in the belly of the whale.
EV Squiggly, gentrifying EV Arrow.
No water slide?
Is that a blue whole or a humpback?
A more realistic rendering would be to replace the whale with a rotting body chained to a cement block.
Whales are so 1851!
And if the project doesn't go through (of course it won't), will the architects refund the money?
There are plenty of bodies floating in the East River, might as well have a few more. This pool will bring new meaning to the phrase "Sleeping with the fishes." And I'm pretty sure thats not a whale but a former member of a local crime family. From the size of it, looks it could be either Luca Brasi or Big Pussy Bonpensiero. If only the mafia had used Kickstarter they wouldn't have had to shake down all those innocent people...
And if the project doesn't go through (of course it won't), will the architects refund the money?
Very good question. This project is being done by the teachers I had last semester at FIT. They've been trying very hard to get this done. They are young and confident.. who knows.
Probably not. The drawings indicate they will forget to install a pool filter.
yes Yes YES, I would swim there! There are not a lot of places to swim outdoors in NYC. All of my swimming takes place in pools in basements of the Y or a college. This would be great and the views would be spectacular
I saw this on one of the news channels and for the price they could build a pool in each boro....
Remember when those designers wanted to make the Hi-Line into a giant swimming lane pool?
Goggla, in the book “Shadow Divers”, divers who don’t come back from deep wrecks (get tangled up or lost. etc.) such as the Andrea Doria are called “Creature Features”.
It's not even a pool it's 10,000 smurfs hugging.
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