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There are two remaining design presentations and outreach sessions this week regarding the East Side Coastal Resiliency Project.
Officials will be presenting actual design alternatives that residents can provide feedback on the project, which is being designed to mitigate future climate change and flood risks along the East River.
Here's the official description of the project:
The East Side Coastal Resiliency Project is a federally funded coastal protection initiative aimed at reducing flood risk due to coastal storms and sea level rise on Manhattan's East Side from East 23rd Street to Montgomery Street.
The ESCR Project is a priority of the City of New York as outlined in the 2015 One New York: The Plan for a Strong and Just City and by the innovative Rebuild by Design competition sponsored by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The project design intends to integrate flood protection into the community fabric, improving access to the waterfront rather than walling off the neighborhood.
As a CB3 rep told us:
"If folks are interested in providing feedback on what the waterfront will look like for the foreseeable future, then they should attend one of these two sessions ... these sessions are the opportunity for the public to weigh in on actual design alternatives. The waterfront will never look the same again, and people deserve a right to weigh in on that decision-making process."
Presentation locations:
Tuesday, Oct. 6
Grand St. Settlement
80 Pitt St.
Thursday, Oct. 8
Washington Irving High School
40 Irving Place
So they are using the shoreline protection argument to redesign the East River park so that they can make it attractive to the future wealthy tenants of the redesigned projects. Smart.
don't worry
whatever the city abbott and costello engineers design it will cause more problems that it was created to solve.
DOT has removed bus lines and put in so many select buses that the elderly and handicapped can wait up to an hour for a local bus.
the bike lanes are not safe for pedestrians, bikers, or drivers.
and of course there will be a below ground park, an artisanal refreshment stand, and beer garden and boat docks, and very difficult access.
and it most certainly it will be a living hell for everyone living on the perimeter during construction that will certainly have huge overruns and long delays.
And yall think it's better to do nothing and wait for Ave C & D to flood again? Which will happen more and more often.
As for the real estate prices, they will keep going up anyway.
Theme-parking the city has made city life more difficult. None of these things are improvements.
it would be great if the folks that have the power to solve problems for the city actually were able to think and solve - they look at each project as an opportunity to acquire funding, to create jobs, to do favors, to grant contracts, etc. stc. and to finally build what they have wanted for the area regardless of what is needed. sort of like adding the kitchen sink to a congressional bill and leaving out the original intention.
nobody said don't try and prevent flooding - but can we keep the project to what is needed not what we can throw into it?
Future wealthy tenants? The blight that is public housing isn't going anywhere.
I love the work that's been done in the East River park these past years. It's cleaner and safer. It's actually a place people want to go!
{Sigh} Soon there really will be no place left for me to go and tag, break bottles, and take a giant shit behind a rotted park bench. This sucks.
I always feel there is a fundamental design issue with so much of the park area dedicated to the ballfields and the way these act as barriers (with all the fencing) between the neighborhood and the actual "park" along the waterfront. And there needs to be more space, i.e. grass, to hang and picnic etc facing the water, like on the West side.
Anonymous 4:08, the barrier is created by the FDR, not the fences inside the park. Parks are for people to use, not just look at.
I tend to be negative about developments in the East Village, but it is good news to hear the city is doing something to protect this area from flooding again and is asking for our input. Hurricane Sandy devastated residents and businesses close to the East River. Instead of complaining, let's all get to one of these two meetings and share our input.
Thats an easy construction job it will be complete by the 20's ... the 2120's. :{
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