The Anthony Bourdain/"No Reservations"/Travel Channel
site posted more information on their "Disappearing Manhattan" episode that debuts Monday at 10 p.m. Based on the publicity still above, should we assume that the Brooklyn Bridge is going to disappear?
What does he know! Also, after poking around the Travel Channel site, I discovered that the Bourdainsters had already posted a
snippet of the interview that Bourdain did with Nick Tosches at Sophie's. According to the description of the two-minute clip that was shot last November, "Anthony Bourdain sits down and grabs a beer with author Nick Tosches, to chat about Southeast Asia and Tosches' new book, 'The Last Opium Den.'"
Presumably there's more of this interview (maybe not so publicist friendly?) with Tosches during the "Disappearing Manhattan" segment. Meanwhile, Daniel Maurer at
Grub Street had more information on the episode...
Previously on EV Grieve:
"No Reservations" at Sophie's