Showing posts with label graffiti. Show all posts
Showing posts with label graffiti. Show all posts

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Sharpie-wielding artist off the hook; MTA misses out on making some money

Back in February, pop artist Yoshitomo Nara, spent the night in jail for doodling a smiley face on the wall of the First Avenue L-train stop. Thank God this fiend was busted! Oh, the charges were dropped today.

His attorney modestly told the Post: "He can get back to wowing the art world with his great art."

The paper also notes the following:

The always cash-strapped Transit Authority missed an opportunity to make some money off the incident -- their efficient employees wiped the graffiti off the wall. It's been estimated the brick it was on could have been sold for an estimated $10,000.

Image via.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

What Koi needs on the Bowery

Fresh graffiti on the old Koi notice on the Bowery. And the second part is difficult to make out. Soporific?

Previous Koi coverage on EV Grieve.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Another view of the Mystery Lot

Just wanted to follow-up on the Mystery Lot post from late July. Wanted to have a record of the lot from the 14th Street angle looking south toward 13th Street.

And thanks to everyone who left comments on the post. Chris Flash had a chance to look around at the interior of this property's former occupant, the Jefferson Theater. "The place was in horrible condition, but definitely could have been rehabbed. The lay-out was tight but perfect for sight lines and accoustics -- I could feel the history still living inside there."

A shame.

City funding likely not behind new public art

On Avenue B near Eighth Street.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

The ramenators are ready to ramenate next week

The new ramen place on Second Avenue at Seventh Street is nearly complete. No trace of LSD remains. (Not that I expected a tribute...) The paper is off the windows...and at least 30 restaurant workers in uniform were inside prepping food, etc. I asked someone when they'd be open, and he replied, "Next week." Looks like it will be open in 10 minutes. Perhaps they'll be serving "family and friends" this weekend.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

An appreciation: That empty lot on 13th Street

Between Third Avenue and Second Avenue. The empty lot has been discussed for years. It has sat vacant since 1986. The Jefferson Theater was here. According to Cinema Treasures:

[T]his theater was located at 214 E. 14th Street near Third Avenue. The entrance was a narrow space between two tenement houses with the bulk of the theater (auditorium) located in 13th Street. The Jefferson operated at least into the 1970s and was demolished in 2000. Today, the site is filled with bricks and debris from the demolition and the old Jefferson as passed on.

Here's what it looked like near the end, via Forgotten NY:

Despite threats/promises of development through the years, the lot -- 23,000 square feet -- remains empty. But for how long? So, until NYU or something comes along...

Earlier this week:

The previous week:

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Marshal law at former Citi-Spaces location

The Awl beat me to posting this. About the former Citi-Spaces offices on Second Avenue at 11th Street. Looks like the marshal came calling.

And did the landlord run out of paper for the windows? Or are they merely trying to keep the neighborhood children from seeing in....

Previously on EV Grieve:
A short history of Citi-Spaces at Second Avenue and 11th Street

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Caffe Buon Gusto looking a little sad, neglected

Work on Caffe Buon Gusto on Avenue B and Fifth Street has seemingly come to a halt. More graffiti appears by the day. The paper covering the windows has fallen down. Not much progress can be seen inside.

An EV Grieve reader files this report after a walk by this past weekend:

One of the plate-glass windows has a big crack running from side to bottom, most of the new paintwork is tagged and defaced, and the paper peeling back from one of the windows shows that construction inside has come to a halt. I have eaten at the Buon Gusto on the upper east side a few times, and found the food tasty and the staff welcoming; not that the East Village or the Lower East Side wants yet another homespun Italian restaurant, but the empty storefront has a very sad look to it.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Bunny bin Laden

Can't say that I've ever seen Bunny bin Laden street art before... and I've spotted several in recent days...

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

A short history of Citi-Spaces at Second Avenue and 11th Street

As The Real Deal reported last Thursday, Citi-Spaces closed their office on Second Avenue at 11th Street.

The office was open for less than a year at this location. On this solemn occassion, let's take a look back at their history here!

It began June 17, 2008, when Jeremiah Moss noted this in his *Everyday Chatter:

Something weird is coming to the EV where a bodega used to be at 2nd Ave and 11th St. -- looks like a Mexican restaurant outside, with Moroccan-style lamps inside, but filled with many wooden cubicles, each with a computer terminal and an office phone. Hmm, DIY phone-sex biz?

[Photo courtesy of Jeremiah Moss]

Then! Shortly after its July opening, it was tagged.

Then it was tagged again in late winter...

...but someone had a change of heart a few weeks back. Just say no to the anarchy!

And now, it sits empty...

...with a new tenant forced to deal with the worst color scheme ever!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Banks showing more attitude with ATM fees

On Seventh Street.

Anti-ramen graffiti remains at former Love Saves the Day spot

Back in May, we noted some graffiti left behind by someone who, perhaps, didn't care much for the new ramen place coming to the former Love Saves the Day location at Second Avenue and Seventh Street.

Since then, we've continued to keep tabs on the progress of the renovation. On Thursday, we noted the removal of the plywood.

Oddly enough, though... most of the graffiti was left up...