Tuesday, July 13, 2010

A quick update on the 240 E. Houston fire

Just a quick update on the fire from last Thursday at 240 E. Houston... As I mentioned, Discovery Wines reopened last Friday... Kelly's is also open, though the Double Down next door is still "closed for renovations" (it was closed even before the fire...)...and the nail salon around the corner on Houston remains closed...

As for Discovery, here are a few shots from the fire's aftermath...

[Top two photos courtesy of Bill Farrington]

The Discovery folks are babysitting the fish for some displaced neighbors from the fifth floor...

The illegal Chipotle banner is gone

Yesterday, I got word that the Chipotle banner hanging from First Avenue and St. Mark's Place was coming down... Sure enough... as a walk by last evening revealed...


Per a reader yesterday:

So I was living in that building when they put up the banner. Actually, I was lying in my underwear in bed when the guys putting it up drilled it into the wall directly outside my window (the one next to the bottom left hand corner of the banner).

I took it as one more sign that the East Village has become one big Starbucks -- a pantheon of ads and corporate chains. Solution?: I moved to Brooklyn.

Previously on EV Grieve:
That really big Chipotle ad on First Avenue is illegal, probably

Monday, July 12, 2010

RIP Tuli Kupferberg

Tuli Kupferberg, a co-founder of the Fugs, has died. He was 86.

Robert Christgau called the Fugs "the Lower East Side’s first true underground band."

As the Times noted, the The Fugs formed in 1964 in the Peace Eye Bookstore on East 10th Street ... (Ephemeral New York has more on the bookstore here.)

Here's a photo of the shop when it was on 147 Avenue A...

Read more about Tuli's work here. Read more about the band's history here.

At the Shepard Fairey mural: Talk about plywood!

Oh boy. Is the Penistrator now using a new canvas?

[Photo credit: DNAinfo]

Chipotle banner coming down on First Avenue?

Our friends at East Village Wines report that it looks as if the (ILLEGAL) Chipotle sign on First Avenue and St. Marks might be coming down. There's a big crane with some guy wobbling up top fidgeting with the sign. And there's nothing on the truck to indicate a replacement ad. (Photos anyone?)

Previously on EV Grieve:
That really big Chipotle ad on First Avenue is illegal, probably

Free screening tonight: 'Local Faith Communities of the East Village'

Tonight is the premiere of the documentary "Local Faith Communities of the East Village," a film by East Village resident Anthony Donovan, who, as the Lower East Side History Project put it, "has been selflessly bridging the neighborhood's various religious and spiritual institutions for a long time."

Monday, July 12th, 7:30 p.m.
@ Anthology Film Archives
32 Second Ave. at E. Second Street
Free (donations appreciated)

Another fire in the East Village?

An EV Grieve reader noted some smoke coming from what looks like west of First Avenue. There was also a helicopter hovering...I'm stuck at work, so if anyone has any information...

UPDATE (12:03 p.m.)

Several readers have said the fire is on Broadway near Houston... possibly Best Buy? In any event, the fire is apparently out.

UPDATE (12:06 p.m.)
NotifyNYC Emergency personnel are on the scene of a 2 alarm fire at 628 Broadway between East Houston St and Bleecker St.

[Top photo via Twitpic]

[Photo via]

Fear of Dutch Elm Disease in Tompkins Square Park

There's a big operation under way this morning in Tompkins Square Park... workers are removing one of the Park's beautiful elm trees ... A Park supervisor said that this tree and several others have been stricken with Dutch Elm Disease. Unfortunately, several of the trees can't be spared. Officials are worried that the disease from an infected tree's roots will spread to nearby healthy trees. So far, two trees have been removed. The supervisor said they will begin injecting healthy trees with some sort of solution to help keep them healthy.

The supervisor also said that he had been getting grief from several people for removing the trees. "Believe me, no one wants to remove these trees, especially not great old elms like this. But we don't have any choice."

Bagels for Avenue A?

Last week we mentioned that 165 Avenue would be turned into a restaurant/bar, former site of the Monk Thrift Shop....

Well, per a reader comment:

I heard from someone who worked on the construction of Diablo that this next door place will sell bagels.

Another tipster said that it is going to be a shop from the same people who own the Bagel World stores in Brooklyn.

Butter Lane closed until Thursday -- for a folding table and chair violation

Butter Lane, the popular cupcake emporium on Seventh Street between Avenue A and First Avenue, will be closed for the next three days thanks to the city. Co-owner Maria Baugh told me it is "due to a permitting violation for having a folding table and chairs in front of the shop." A Butter Lane staffer will be posted outside during business hours to answer any questions and give out coupons. The shop reopens Thursday.

"Obviously we're not happy with the penalty, but we plan to make the most of the down time," Baugh says. "Since they can't get paid for their regular work, we're going to pay our staff to plant flowers and do other small clean up/fix up jobs on our block during the three days."

Work is getting real serious at St. Brigid's

The amount of scaffolding continues to increase at St. Brigid's, on Avenue B at Eighth Street...

Meanwhile, looking up from Eighth Street, it almost looks as if the entire northern side of the church has been removed...

That was the side with the enormous crack in the foundation...(previously!)

2 Cooper shows off its windows that open

Sunday, July 11, 2010

A grizzly discovery on First Street

Who killed Teddy? In a dumpster on First Street near Second Avenue.

World Cup humor

Spotted outside the new sushi place on 13th Street and First Avenue.

East Village on Russell Brand alert

The 'Arthur' remake (a travesty that I won't even go into) is filming around Second Avenue and 11th Street tomorrow... The remake stars Russell Brand in the Dudley Moore role... co-starring Jennifer Garner and Nick Nolte....and maybe the old Batmobile.

Flea market today in Tompkins Square Park

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Closing sale at Village Fabrics

As I noted this past Tuesday, Village Fabrics on First Avenue and 11th Street is on the way out... closing sales are going on now...

A lot of comments for Village Fabrics here. The store will be missed.

Previously on EV Grieve:
The East Village continues to lose retail diversity

240 Houston fire update

This morning on Houston and Avenue A... workers had boarded up the windows on the top floors...

Patrick Hedlund at DNAinfo has an update on the fire here...it's still under investigation...and tenants were allowed back in briefly yesterday to retrieve valuables, including pets. Two cats were found safe in a second-floor apartment.

Previous coverage here.

Discovery Wines back open

The four-alarm fire at 240 Houston on Thursday evening shuttered several businesses... One of them, Discovery Wines, reopened last night. EV Grieve reader BaHa said that there is a lot of ceiling damage, so the overhead lights are out. They are getting by with clip-on lights. However, the refrigeration is working...

Tim from Discovery Wines left this comment for us:

We feel so very lucky to have only water damage and smoke odor.

We must have dumped over 300 gallons of water between last night and this afternoon -- I've never been so happy about a leaking ceiling in all my life!

We've still got a lot of electrical work to straighten out, but we reopened at 5:30 tonight (Friday).

Best of luck to our displaced friends and neighbors and a big thank you to the firefighters who saved lives last night.

All fire coverage here.

No respect! Queen's historic speech interupted at the UN

Those Smurfs!

[Flashback to Wednesday.]

The other day on Seventh Street

Between Avenue B and Avenue C... quickly riding through the spray of an open fire hydrant to make a delivery...

Friday, July 9, 2010

'Love Songs' tonight in Tompkins Square Park


Shepard Fairey mural gets boarded up, no trespassing signs

As Jeremiah first noted this morning, the Shepard Fairey vandalism magnet on Houston and the Bowery is getting covered up... this afternoon, a worker was also putting up "no trespassing" signs...

How long before that plywood is tagged?

Pretty things

Reminders tonight: A French film in Tompkins Square Park

It's "Love Songs" (Or, "Les Chansons d'Amour") starting around 8:30...

Per the description:

In the hope of rekindling their stalled relationship, Ismael (Louis Garrel) and Julie (Ludivine Sagnier) enter a playful yet emotionally laced threesome with Alice (Clotilde Hesme). When tragedy strikes, these young Parisians are forced to deal with the fragility of life and love. For Ismael, this means negotiating through the advances of Julie's sister (Chiara Mastroianni) and those of a young college student; one of whom may offer him redemption. French (with English subtitles)

And now, for some reason...

The 240 Houston fire on video

A passerby, Sheryl Jordan, captured yesterday's fire on video... there are five parts... here are the first three... You may access all of them via her YouTube page.

The $500 shot

Josh Spear took the first photo from yesterday's fire that showed the extent of the fire at 240 Houston ...

(Via Twitpic.)

The Post published his photo today...

Per Josh's Twitter feed, he negotiated a $500 fee for use of the photo from the Post ... and he is promptly donating the money to the FDNY Foundation.

Previously on EV Grieve:
More on the fire at 240 Houston

All coverage here.

Assessing the fire damage this morning at 240 Houston

Thanks to EV Grieve reader Chris for this photo from a little earlier this morning ...

Meanwhile, BoweryBoogie has a roundup of media sources on the fire ... The Lo-Down has some nice shots too from yesterday.

Previously on EV Grieve:
More on the fire at 240 Houston

All coverage here.

East Village noise wars new battlefront: Sin Sin/Leopard Lounge

Sin Sin/Leopard Lounge is on the docket for the CB3/SLA meeting next Thursday for a liquor license transfer...

Stuart Zamsky, president of the East Fifth Street Block Association, calls the bar combo on the corner of Fifth Street and Second Avenue, a "notoriously bad neighbor."
Among the alleged disruptions: "Night after night of screaming, shouting into cell phones and loud music" and "fist fights are a common occurrence." (Their website advertises hosting birthday parties fro groups of 15 to 300.)

Zamsky is asking for residents who are directly impacted by Sin Sin and live in close proximity to it (on Fifth Street or Second Avenue) to sign the online petition (and include your building’s address with your signature). The petition is here.

You can also write a short letter entailing the difficulties you experience due to Sin Sin and forward it to Zamsky: east5thstreetba@mail.com

Also, as he notes, you can attend the meeting on Thursday at 6:30 p.m. — JASA/Green Residence, 200 E. Fifth St. at the Bowery.

If you live in the neighborhood but not necessarily in close proximity to Sin Sin, Zamsky says you can write a short letter entailing the difficulties you experience due to the proliferation of bars in your East Village/Cooper Square neighborhood and forward it to him: east5thstreetba@mail.com.

As Zamsky says: "Sin Sin received its license before the East Fifth Street Block Association began getting asking to agree to stipulations regarding their methods of operation. This license transfer application is the neighborhood’s opportunity to sit down with the operators and get them to agree in writing to conduct their business in a fashion that will allow residents to experience peaceable nights."

Previously, the East Fifth Street Block Association worked with the Lit Lounge owners on becoming better neighbors. You can read about that right here.

If you do go the the Sin Sin website, then turn the volume down in advance. Party photo via the Sin Sin website.