Thursday, September 27, 2012

Day 2 of the wall work at 420 E. 12th St.

Workers were back at 420 East 12th St. today... where they are taking care of a structural defect on the school's eastern wall...

Students from East Side Community School and the Girls Prep Lower East Side Middle School, who share the space at 420 E. 12th St., have been temporarily relocated to other schools.

East Side officials held an informational meeting tonight for parents... perhaps we can get an update later about what transpired...

Also, NY1 has a report on the situation here.


EV Grieve Etc.: Mourning Edition

[East 12th Street this morning]

The Mosaic Man's McMansion work on East Third Street (BoweryBoogie)

More about Morrissey assisting a woman who collapsed at the Strand (Gothamist)

A 12-story building for Pitt and Delancey (The Lo-Down)

A night at the Blackbird on Avenue B (The New York Times)

The Yom Kippur riot on the LES in 1898 (The Bowery Boys)

Changes at the Bleecker Street station (Off the Grid)

An appreciation of Neil's Coffee Shop on the UES (Jeremiah's Vanishing NY)

The end of 5 Pointz (The Observer)

Through the years with the sunlight-blocking Hyatt Union Square, opening Nov. 15

Well, here we are at 132 Fourth Ave. and East 13th Street ... at the site of the incoming 178-room Hyatt Union Square — five years in the making! Where it looks as if a piece of metallic space junk landed upright on a formerly historic two-level building...

Yesterday, real-estate blogger Andrew Fine, who has been monitoring the lack of progress here for years, noted that the opening is tentatively set for Nov. 15.

Oh, the memories that we've had here!


And there goes the view and daylight... (and this must have really been awful to cope with... from the construction noise to loss of the views and sunlight) ...

[Via A Fine Blog]

[July 2011]

In any event, the stalled/unstalled/too tall/view-blocking hotel project dawdled along ... Curbed's first post on it went up on July 18 2007.

And it wasn't always a Hyatt property. Early on hotel developer Sam "McSam" Chang's group was heading up the construction. It became Hyatt's problem property in November 2010.

Andrew found this shot of 132 Fourth Ave. (on the right) from 1924 via the NYC Municipal Archives...

He has more details about the hotel (like room rates) here. You can also find more details at the hotel's website, which is now live... You don't have to look, though — we'll have about 20 more posts on it before Nov. 15.

h/t Curbed

2 small shops out on East 14th Street, though 1 is moving into the Copper Building

EVG reader John passes along information about the friendly fellow named Ba, a Senegal native, who has a sliver of a shop next to East Side 99¢ on East 14th Street near Avenue B.

"He works very long hours selling socks, gloves, phone chargers, etc. — all kinds of stuff," John wrote. Unfortunately, the landlord is looking for a big rent hike, and both shops will be out.

John said that Ba is looking for a new space in the neighborhood, or perhaps elsewhere. "If anyone hears of anything, it would be nice to let him know."

As for the East Side 99¢ shop, it's our understanding that they are moving into the retail space in the Copper Building around the corner on Avenue B at East 13th Street. (Several readers noted this after our post on it here.)

The stock is piling up at the store (unless a Copper Building resident is hoarding personal toaster ovens and blenders) ...

We like this addition to this corner...

[October 2010]

Here is your Nevada Smiths signage

Yesterday afternoon, workers put up the Nevada Smiths sign at their new home at 100 Third Ave., as this photo by EVG reader Clive shows.

And here's a photo from this morning. You can't really tell how the sign glows from this shot.

According to a Sept. 5 post on the Nevada Smiths Facebook page: "The new location should be ready by October. Closer to the actual date we will blast it on our Facebook and website."

Back in July, Paddy McCarthy gave DNAinfo's Serena Solomon a guided tour of the new space between 12th Street and 13th Street. (You can read that here.)

A few highlights of the $3 million establishment:

The bar will broadcast soccer matches and other sporting events from around the world on 20 plasma televisions scattered throughout the space, as well as a pair of massive projection screens that measure 18 feet by 10 feet.

"It will be the only [television screen] you can see life-sized people on," said McCarthy, boasting that the projection screens are the biggest of any bar in New York City. The screens are so large, in fact, that a crane had to hoist them into the building through a window, with the job requiring an eight-man team.

Despite some concern from neighbors about possible quality-of-life issues (noise, public drunkenness, etc.) the CB3/SLA gang gave the green light for a license here on Sept. 10.

According to Grub Street, there were several stipulations with the passage, such as a 2 a.m. closing time on weeknights and 3 a.m. on Fridays and Saturdays. There's also reportedly a requirement that McCarthy must meet with residents monthly to address potential complaints.

Previously on EV Grieve:
Those persistent rumors about 74-76 Third Avenue and the future of Nevada Smiths

The East Village will lose a parking lot and gain an apartment building

A hands-on event tonight at ABC No Rio

ABC No Rio celebrates the installation of a new mural by Brian George on the building's facade tonight ... Per the ABC No Rio website, the event starts at 7 over at 156 Rivington.

Meanwhile, in case you were wondering about the status of ABC's new HQ, Scoopy had an update on it at The Villager on Sept. 13. Scoopy talked to ABC No Rio director Steve Englander.

Basically, he said, instead of doing it in phases, as originally planned, they tried to bid out the project as one job. But all the bids came back too expensive — about 30 percent too high. So now it looks like they’ll be segmenting the project again and rebidding the work, hopefully soon.

ABC No Rio first unveiled the plans for the new building back in March 2008.

For further reading on EVG:
Looking at "ABC No Rio Dinero: The Story of a Lower East Side Art Gallery"

The EVG Files

Spotted on First Avenue near East 13th Street...

Any connection? From Sept. 18.

This is what a tow tow truck on East Houston looked like on Sept. 23, 2012

This year, we'll post photos like this of various buildings, streetscenes, etc., to capture them as they looked at this time and place... The photos may not be the most telling now, but they likely will be one day...

Previously on EV Grieve:
The East Village will soon be down to 1 gas station

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Wall work under way at 420 E. 12th St.

Workers arrived at the Mary Help of Christians playground early this morning to start work on the damaged wall of the school at 420 E. 12th St.

Here are photos from this afternoon via Bobby Williams on Avenue A and East 11th Street... You can see the workers on the school's roof ...

According to a notice from the Department of Education posted outside the school, the structural defect "will require the immediate demolition and subsequent rebuilding of that wall." They expect the demolition work to take "several weeks," and there will likely be evening hours as well.

Last evening, a worker said that they wouldn't really know the extent of the damage until they "get up in there."

Students from East Side Community School and the Girls Prep Lower East Side Middle School, who share the space at 420 E. 12th St., have been temporarily relocated to other schools.

Lawsuits abound over NYU 2031

In case you missed this news elsewhere... a quick recap via Gothamist:

A big supergroup of groups and individuals — NYU Faculty Against the Sexton Plan, Greenwich Village Society for Historic Preservation, Historic Districts Council, Washington Square Village Tenants’ Association, East Village Community Coalition, Friends of Petrosino Square, LaGuardia Corner Gardens, Inc., Lower Manhattan Neighbors Organization, SoHo Alliance, Bowery Alliance of Neighbors, NoHo Neighborhood Association, and 11 individuals — have filed an Article 78 lawsuit against several City and State officers and agencies ... claiming that the approval of the NYU 2031 plan was unlawful.

As Curbed put it, "It remains to be seen whether or not the lawsuit will be able to halt or delay construction, which is slated to begin in 2014."

You can read more about the lawsuit at Crain's ... as well as the Greenwich Village Society for Historic Preservation.

[Image via GVSHP]