Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Updating: Report of a fire at 60 E. 9th St.

[Photo by Vinny & O]

There's a report of a fire at 60 E. Ninth St., a six-floor building called The Hamilton at Broadway (the 200-plus-unit co-op sits between Ninth Street and Eighth Street)...

A look via ABC 7... (H/T Doug)

Updated 6:27

Via Grant Shaffer...

... and the view from Astor Place via an EVG reader...

Patch reports that 200 firefighters are on the scene.

... a view north from Astor Place on Broadway via EVG reader 8E...

... a view from Fourth Avenue and 10th Street via EVG reader Charlie Chen...

Updated 7:50 p.m.

Astor Place looking west by Grant Shaffer

The view west on Ninth Street from Tompkins Square Park... smoke visible in the distance... photo via Steven...

The FDNY reports that one firefighter has been injured ... still no word on cause or other injuries...

Updated 9 p.m.

Several witnesses said that the fire appeared to intensify as time went on... the FDNY elevated the status from two to five alarms during the early evening.

The Post reports that the building's residents "were forced to gathered outside the building and watch in horror as the fire intensified Wednesday evening."

“I work on Bleecker and by the time I got to Great Jones I looked up and saw it was my building that the smoke was coming [from], the first thing I thought about was my dogs were trapped in the building,” said James Abraham, owner of the nearby Bleecker Street Bar.

“As I was tying to cross 8th street, I was stopped by someone, and they said, ‘No one is getting in the building, if you try to get in I’ll have you arrested.’ So I walked around to 9th street and went in to get my dogs.”

Fearing for the pups’ lives, Abraham navigated his way through the thick black smoke and up to his sixth floor apartment — where he found his four-legged best friends frantically waiting.

“I was very concerned and very focused,” he said. “They were a little distressed. All the noise, smoke and commotion definitely agitated them.”

Updated 9:30 p.m.

The FDNY has issued an under control...

...and some play by play on how the FDNY brought it under control...

Updated 9:45 p.m.

Updated 6/29 7:30 a.m.
No one in the building was hurt, but 16 firefighters suffered minor injuries, according it NBC 4.

As for the residents:

The Red Cross responded to the scene and said more than 200 households were forced from their home. Only about half of them were allowed back inside, the other half of the building remains evacuated.

Investigators reportedly believe the fire started in the kitchen cooking area of a ground-floor deli on Eighth Street and then traveled undetected up a shaft to the roof.

Meanwhile, southbound N and R trains won't be stopping at Broadway/Eighth...

Updated 9:30 a.m.

Here's a look this morning... the damaged appears to be contained to the Eighth Street side... there's still a heavy FDNY presence on the scene... along with the Red Cross...

Report: Rent Guidelines Board approve increases between 1.25 and 2 percent

The Rent Guidelines Board approved rent increases last night for residents living in the city’s 1 million rent-stabilized apartments.

The approved increases are 1.25 percent on 1-year leases and 2 percent on two-year agreements ... this after ratifying rent freezes the previous two years.

Back in April, the RGB voted to recommend a 1 to 3 percent increase on 1-year leases, and a 2 to 4 percent increase on 2-year leases.

Per Curbed today:

The final vote erred on the more conservative side of those recommendations, but for both sides — tenants and landlords/owners — that may still be unsatisfactory. Tenants’ rights groups, who showed up to the meeting in droves, wanted a third consecutive freeze; landlords, meanwhile, wanted bigger hikes to offset the costs allegedly incurred as a result of the last two years of freezes.

According to the Post:

Tenants who packed a Baruch College auditorium for the board hearing Tuesday night delayed its 7 p.m. start for more than an hour, chanting “How low can you go?” and dancing the limbo in front of the stage.

Out and About in the East Village

In this ongoing feature, East Village-based photographer James Maher provides us with a quick snapshot of someone who lives and/or works in the East Village or Lower East Side.

By James Maher
Name: Sierra Gilboe Zamarripa (and Cecilia)
Occupation: Owner, Lovewild Design
Location: La Plaza Cultural, 9th Street and Avenue C
Time: Tuesday, June 13 at 4 p.m.

I’m from 10th and A. In high school my dad bought a house in the South Bronx, and we ended up leaving because when I was a baby we were stuck in a drive-by. So we moved to the East Village to be safe, and it was still scary then, but it was better than the South Bronx.

My parents had a store on 10th Street between 1st Avenue and Avenue A called Wandering Dragon — it was an antiques and oddities store. There was lots of taxidermy, two-headed calves, weird medical instruments, general antiques, wax heads — just every weird thing. The store was a constant array of characters wandering in and out, street people, artists, writers, occasional celebrities and celebrities to be. A lot of weirdos! Although rarely open, it was never dull. There was also a Times article that profiles our house and all the crazy taxidermy and stuff in it. The kids on the block called it the voodoo house and it wouldn’t get robbed because they were so scared of it — it looked insane.

After my father passed away last year, our friend David Wolen articulated our lives at the shop better than I ever could:

"The Wandering Dragon Trading Company was an amazingly strange and impossibly tiny store in the East Village. It was NEVER open but we would walk by all the time and stare in the windows at the weird antiques, taxidermy, wax mannequin heads, glass eyeballs, and skulls. One night we were coming home from a bar at 3 o’clock in the morning and the door was open and 1920s jazz was playing inside. We went in and entered the magical world of Adrian Gilboe."

This was when the neighborhood was a lot more colorful. As a kid, I would play junkie and try to gnaw off the neighbors’ kids ears. Now I look back and I’m like, ‘Oh my god.’ I had a lot of unconventional babysitters as a kid on the block. Jay Yuenger and the other guys of White Zombie were some. There were always amazing people around us — my baby photos were taken by Spencer Tunick.

On 10th between 1st and A was Chester — he had a string of storefronts, and he had like a smoothie bar but really he just sold pot, and I was probably the only kid that went in and ordered smoothies. It just seemed normal.

I met my husband Mike in the Tompkins dog run after each of us had just adopted dogs. My dog Lucy was adopted from the short-lived rescue on 10th Street, which coincidentally was one of the storefronts I grew up in. Our story makes for a good East Village meet-cute. He was a squatter and he’s also in a New York punk band from high school called Thusla Doom. He got the apartment because the city sold it to the people who were squatting in there for like $250 as long as we did all the work ourselves. There is some taxidermy in our apartment – there is a two-headed calf and then some birds, which were all inherited.

I opened a business on June 24 called Lovewild Design in South Williamsburg [at 348 S. 4th St.]. I started doing custom invitations and letterheads in May of 2014 and I made a little line of products for markets for Hester Street Fair and people actually liked the products that I made, so it just sort of snowballed. And now my mom works for me full time and Cecilia works with me all the time, which is really nice, sometimes. Cecilia will grow up in the shop like I did, but it won’t be at all the same.

We do custom graphic design, but we also have a line of stationery that is plantable, so it’ll grow flowers. We have a line of teas, various home goods, screen printed totes and towels, and then recently we came up with a line of active gifts, where a percentage goes to Planned Parenthood or the ACLU.

The store is in South Williamsburg, which is a lot like Avenue C and Avenue D like 5 to 10 years ago, with the Hispanics mixing with younger white kids. My dream would have definitely been to open my shop up over here but that wasn’t possible due to the rents. It just seemed like an inevitable path. I grew up as an entrepreneur, and my parents and my grandmother were entrepreneurs. I used to take things, just find random things outside or in the shop, and I would fix them up and sell them right outside the shop, and then I had a shoeshine business, and then I sold milkshakes, and this was all before the age of 6.

James Maher is a fine art and studio photographer based in the East Village. Find his website here.

A new lease for Three of Cups

Three of Cups has been on the northwest corner of Fifth Street and First Avenue since 1992... and it appears they will be around for longer now. The owners of the Italian restaurant took to social media this past weekend to announce that they had secured a new lease...

Fledgling No. 1

Here's a quick update via Goggla on Christo and Dora's lone offspring (the couple's 10th overall) this year in Tompkins Square Park. (Hawk watchers apparently have multiple nicknames for the juvenile hawk, including Fledgling #1, Ten, Manhattan, BioTen.)

For starters, you can see how large she has gotten in just the past two weeks since fledging.

In the top photo from this past weekend, a blue jay is dive bombing No. 1. Per Goggla: "Although she hasn't done anything to deserve their bullying yet, they have been giving her a hard time."

And in this photo, she is eating on a fence in the Park. "This was a monumental moment as it was the first time she retrieved dropped food from the ground rather than begging Christo to go get it for her," Goggla said...

Find more red-tailed hawk updates from Goggla here.

Meanwhile, Bobby Williams took these photos of Fledgling No. 1 in the Park yesterday...

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

This week at the Village East Cinema

Two special screenings to note this week at the Village East Cinema on Second Avenue at 12th Street...

Wednesday, June 28, 7 p.m. — "Bad Lieutenant"

Twenty-fifth anniversary screening of Abel Ferrara's corrupt cop drama with Harvey Keitel as The Lieutenant with a drug and gambling addiction, among other addictions. Plus, he's a Met's fan.

Fun for the whole family!

Thursday, June 29, 7:30 p.m. — Hedda Lettuce presents "Serial Mom"

The comedy by John Waters from 1994 gets the Hedda Lettuce interactive treatment.

Find ticket info for both movies here.

Updated: Did you lose your dog?

Updated 6/28

I do not have all the details. However, I'm told that the dog and owner have been reunited...


This mattress and frame are on Ninth Street near Avenue A... someone wrote "all things free & clean" ... and then "once owned by Basquiat" ...

Thanks to Steven for the photos

1st look at the Other Music documentary

The first trailer for the Other Music documentary premiered this morning... the film aspires to chronicle the 20-year history and legacy of Other Music, its influence on music in New York City and its closure last June.

The clip features a variety of musicians (Stephin Merritt of the Magnetic Fields and Daniel Kessler of Interpol, among others) and a few actors (Jason Schwartzman and ... Benicio Del Toro?!) talking about what the place meant to them as well as an array of footage from the many in-store performances through the years.

The production is still in the Kickstarter phase, with a way to go before reaching the $70,000 production goal.

The store on Fourth Street between Lafayette and Broadway closed last June 25 after 20-plus years in business. Other Music's owners cited rising rents and the changing face of the music industry as reasons behind the closure. According to The New York Times, the rent more than doubled from the $6,000 a month the store paid in 1995 while its annual share of the building’s property tax bill has also increased.

Meanwhile, someone has removed the for rent signs at the former storefront. There isn't any sign of a new tenant yet — just the brown paper on the windows...

[Photo from Sunday]

The retail listing for the space includes a bland rendering of the storefront's potential...

Your ideas wanted on improving McKinley Playground

[4th Street entrance]

Reps for the Parks Department will be collecting input this Thursday evening on improving the McKinley Playground on Fourth Street between Avenue A and First Avenue...

[3rd Street entrance]

Here's a flyer about the meeting, which is Thursday night from 6:30-8 at P.S. 63-The Neighborhood School, 121 E. Third St. between Avenue A and First Avenue...

Per the flyer:

"NYC Parks is starting the design process for this project by holding a scope meeting, in which local residents and stakeholders discuss how they would like to see the playground improved. With this input, we will develop a schematic design, which will be presented to Community Board 3 for public review."

I can't make the meeting, so please put me down for a bandshell for live, late-night concerts.