Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Mysterious wooden structure appears on Nassau Street

Near Fulton in the Financial District.

Things that EV Grieve lets bother him

Been plenty of discussion already about Bowery St and the Cemusa shelters. But would it have killed Cemusa to add the "th" after the street name or an "rd"? You know, 11th Street, 14th Street, 3rd Avenue.

Easiest movie poster in the world to deface is defaced

C'mon, someone can do better than this. On Third Avenue near 12th Street.

Monday, October 13, 2008

On this date in 1982...

The Clash opened for the Who at Shea Stadium. (The "Should I Stay Or Should I Go?" video, of course, has footage from that show and shots of NYC...)

Anyway, here's the first part of a Who documentary that chronicles the Shea show...

For the bird


From Page Six Magazine this week:

Courtney Love is searching for an East Village walk-up so she can live like writer Edith Wharton. The only problem? Friends like Gwyneth Paltrow and Scarlett Johansson have tried to talk the messy rock icon out of moving anywhere without a doorman — but Courtney isn't taking them seriously, telling friends, "They're just being goddesses, and I'm a normal woman."

(Also, in the same column...read about BFFs Sarah Palin and Ivana Trump. At your own peril.)

At Mary Help of Christians yesterday morning

Two things.

1) I thought that the Mary Help of Christians Church on East 12th Street closed in May 2007. As the photo below shows, it's very much open. Pay a visit while you can.

2) I expected to find a few more people in the church. You know, given these difficult economic times, people looking for comfort in their faith, etc. ... Anyway, this was the scene yesterday morning for the English-language mass at 10. Not a problem finding a seat.

East Village playground in contract for $10M (The Real Deal)

For rent and coming soon on Third Avenue

Now that's a new "store for rent" sign up at the former Grace & Hope Mission at 114-116 Third Ave. So does this mean the Mitchell Banchik (Jake's Dilemma, Down The Hatch, etc.) frat bar is off for this space?

Meanwhile, the old Tina Chinese restaurant next door gets a new sign...(And the Robin Raj corner is still on the block.)

And across the street between 13th and 12th...What was this place before? Some Japanese hipster boutique? I can't really remember. Anyway, it's now going to be a Japanese anitiques store.

Dumpster of the day (or night)

East Fifth Street near Avenue B.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

El Muchacho in Tompkins Square Park

I love the dragstrip boogie of El Muchacho, one of the many great bands who played today during the Tompkins Square Harvest Rebellion today. (Sorry that I didn't get shots of some of the other bands...However, Rhea Ball has 65 excellent shots from the afternoon on her Flickr page.)

Anyway, thanks to the Shadow for the good times. Check out their site for more upcoming events.

And here's 35 seconds of El Muchacho:

[Photos by Mrs. Grieve]

Reminder: The Harvest Rebellion today

From The Shadow:


Join us for free shows in New York City's Tompkins Square Park, featuring great music, political speakers, information and lots of surprises!!

These shows celebrate the vitality of the counter cultural scene that has survived on the Lower East Side, despite the rampant gentrification, soaring rents and lost venues that have contributed to the cultural genocide sweeping New York City.

> October 12: THE SHADOW Presents: David Peel, Rubber Room Rats, The Pigs, El Muchacho, Endangered Feces, Fisherman Vibraphonic Orchestra, Iconicide

Come aboard, we're expecting you (well, not really...)

Andy Warhol appeared on the 200th episode of The Love Boat, which aired Oct. 12, 1985.