Saturday, March 3, 2012


Avenue A at 10th Street ... a fairly recent addition...

Saturday morning trends: Brown furry things stuck in trees

Last Saturday ...

Today on 13th Street near First Avenue...

What brown furry thing will we find stuck — or placed! — in a tree next Saturday morning?

Friday, March 2, 2012

My life as a dog

Earlier in Tompkins Square Park ... photo by Bobby Williams...

Life Cafe cut in half

A tipster told us yesterday that workers would be cutting the former Life Cafe space in half here on 10th Street and Avenue B. The workers accomplished this today...


One track mind

Railroad Jerk with "Rollerkoaster" circa 1995.

At the Grand Opening of the Bowery 7-Eleven (PRIZE WHEEL!)

EV Grieve reader Lulu sends along this photo from the apocalypse party with prizes Grand Opening of the 7-Eleven on the Bowery... PRIZE WHEEL!


[Updated] Report: Worker falls through subway grate in front of IHOP

[DNA/Tuan Nguyen]

We're receiving reader reports that someone fell through a subway grate on East 14th Street between Second Avenue and Third Avenue. As Fox first reported:

A worker fell through a subway grate on E. 14th Street in Manhattan Friday morning, said FDNY officials.

It is not clear why the grate, which serves as a ventilation shaft for the subway tunnel below the sidewalk, gave way.

The worker who is in his 60s was rushed to Bellevue Hospital with neck injuries, added EMS officials.

One reader said that it occurred in front of IHOP ... which the report (and photo) by DNAinfo confirms ...

The Times noted that the man was not seriously injured.


The worker DID NOT fall through the grate. He was standing on a ladder beneath the grate and fell.

When you screw around with a motorcycle in front of the Big Gay Ice Cream Shop

From the Big Gay Ice Cream Shop Facebook page ... on an incident that happened last evening at the shop on Seventh Street:

A very strange kid came into the shop. Eventually he bought a cone, then he asked "who's motorcycle is parked in front of your shop?" We told him it belongs to a guy upstairs, and he said "yeah, I need to work on that bike, so just ignore me."

The dude who owns the bike is obsessive — shines it, polishes it, and no one ever touches it. The kid uncovered the bike and started to screw with it, so we called 911. He took off, but the cops showed up and our staffer Kayla went off in their car to look for the dude. She got him!

Breaking: Engine fire on Delancey

On Delancey at Suffolk... thanks to ‏@davidshankbone

Joe Strummer mural vandalized

Not sure when this happened here on Seventh Street at Avenue A ...


Don't fuck with Joe.

First sign of Schwimmer Manor

Workers at 331 E. Sixth St., site of David Schwimmer's future six-story home, are making noticeable progress now... Yesterday, the house made its first appearance above the plywood...

And more bricks were arriving this morning...

Anyway, moving forward, we should probably come up with a name for the house... a way to refer to it in future posts. Going with Schwimmer Manor at the moment. But that's a little meh. Anyone?

Going in deep at 51 Astor Place; plus, survey results!

Just checking in on the progress over at 51 Astor Place... Bobby Williams took this shot yesterday...

Meanwhile. Good lord! We forgot about our exclusive poll from a few weeks ago ... in which we asked what you would rather see at 51 Astor Place — green space/empty or the Death Star.

Here's how you voted America. (And parts of Canada) ...

Hmm, only 218 votes ... (and thank you for checking in Texas, Florida and Nebraska...)

Note: There is a margin of error of +/- 3.1 percentage points. Or not.