Sunday, April 22, 2018

Sunday's parting shot

The LUNGS parade in Tompkins Square Park today ... photo by Steven...

Week in Grieview

[Photo on 2nd Avenue by Derek Berg]

Stories posted on EVG this past week included...

Fire at 218 E. Ninth St. (Saturday)

East Village super charged in heroin overdose of tenant (Thursday)

The past and future of the Merchant's House Museum (Monday)

Props for the Skateboard Gardener of 7th Street (Wednesday)

The latest I Am a Rent-Stabilized Tenant (Friday)

1 month to the Dance Parade and DanceFest (Thursday)

The Donut Pub opening an outpost on Astor Place (Friday)

Charlie Parker Jazz Festival set for Tompkins Square Park on Aug. 26 (Thursday)

LPC chair to step down (Friday)

New restaurant plans for 304 E. 6th St. and 117 Avenue A (Monday)

Construction watch: 3 E. 3rd St. (Tuesday)

Zen Yai Pho Shop now open on 6th Street (Wednesday)

Chickpea has closed on 14th Street (Friday)

Report: Original Fuku is closing on 1st Avenue (Thursday)

Kita the Wonder Dog of East 10th Street is waiting for spring (Thursday)

Bakeri closing at the end of the month on 6th Street (Monday)

Champion Coffee opens on 14th Street (Monday)

[Photo Friday by Pinch]

There's now a public squash court on the Lower East Side (Wednesday)

A look at "Boom For Real," Basquiat's life pre-fame (Wednesday)

Corner watch: 32 Avenue C (Wednesday)

Suffolk Arms now closed for renovations and "mechanical upgrades" (Monday)

A townhouse in a penthouse on 9th Street (Tuesday)

New building permits filed for former St. Denis Hotel property (Tuesday)

What it costs to rent the former Subway (sandwich shop) on 1st Avenue (Friday)

Former El Maguey y La Tuna space for rent on East Houston (Tuesday)

.... and the secret ingredient to the sawdust on the floor at McSorley's?


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[Updated] Police searching for MAGA-hat-wearing suspect involved in Union Square assault

The NYPD is looking for a suspect (in the video above wearing a "Make America Great Again" hat) who reportedly shoved a man onto the 4 train tracks at Union Square Friday evening around 8.

According to The Daily Mail, the suspect, a black male, got into a verbal altercation on a 4 train with the victim, who is Hispanic. "Police say the black male made several remarks disparaging the Hispanic man's ethnicity, and the altercation spilled out onto the platform at Union Square." Police say the suspect punched the victim several times before pushing him to the tracks.

Several people waiting on the platform helped the man get off the tracks. The victim was treated for cuts to his head.

The suspect reportedly fled on an L train.

Anyone with information that could help in the investigation is asked to call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-577-TIPS (8477). You may also submit tips online.

Updated 4/26
The Post reports that the suspect was arrested on Staten Island.

April 22

On the occasion of this Earth Day, someone apparently decided it was time to toss the holiday/Christmas tree ... as spotted by EVG regular Pinch this morning on First Avenue between Seventh Street and St. Mark's Place.

Happy Earth Day!

Today in posts about cake smells at bus stops

To promote the new season of "Chef’s Table: Pastry," Netflix created a Smell-O-Vision ad of sorts at two NYC bus stops, including 14th Street near Second Avenue.

I read about it on Eater back on Monday, but only just remembered to look at (and smell) the bus stop.

Every five minutes, the ads release a sweet smell, per Eater. There is definitely an odor — not unpleasant ... reminiscent of, say, super sugary breakfast cereal.

Milk Bar founder Christina Tosi is featured in the series... so you can apparently go to Milk Bar around the corner on 13th Street for your fix.

The ad — and sugary scent — will continue here through May 6.


Spotted in Tompkins Square Park.

Perhaps we'll see one of these soon...

Saturday, April 21, 2018

[Updated] Report of a fire on 9th Street

The FDNY is on the scene at 218 E. Ninth St. between Second Avenue and Third Avenue... it's the building directly to the west of the parking garage.

Witnesses at the scene report hearing an explosion...

Will update when more details are available...


NOTORIOUS shared this a little before 4 p.m.:

Around 3:30 pm there was a loud explosion outside that sounded like a violent car crash. The FDNY arrived almost instantly and shut down the street. The fire appears to be in 218 East 9th, the building with Yakiniku West. It's been 25 minutes since the fire started and it's still going strong. More FDNY are pulling up now.

Steven took these photos of the FDNY's response...

EVG reader jba shared these photos showing some of the damage to No. 218...

... and another view via Aaron Wilson...

CBS 2's Reena Roy has a report...

Yakiniku West restaurant on the first floor and three apartments above were damaged, officials said. Five adults and one child were displaced.

“They were confronted with a heavy smoke condition upon arrival on the first floor,” one fire official told CBS2’s Reena Roy. “We had 25 units operating here with 106 firefighters. There was a lot of overhauling, a lot of walls and ceilings were taken down, too. There’s a lot of damage right now.”

The fire reportedly started behind a refrigerator on the second floor and quickly spread. There weren't any reports of injuries.

An Earth Day Spring Awakening to celebrate the neighborhood's community gardens

In honor of Earth Day tomorrow, Loisaida United Neighborhood Gardens (LUNGS) is once again hosting a Spring Awakening in celebration of the neighborhood's many community gardens.

Here are details via the LUNGS website:

Please join us on EARTH DAY, Sunday, April 22 as we parade and party to welcome the Spring and celebrate the opening of our community gardens!

Spring Awakening is a touch of Mardi Gras, a taste of charivari, we will be making music, making soap, making mudballs, swapping seeds and dancing around the Maypole. A joyous Let’s celebrate the season and honoring Mother Earth.

Beginning at 11:30 am we will parade from garden to garden around the neighborhood, visiting 27 gardens.

We will arrive at El Jardin del Paraiso, on E.4th St at Sunday, April 22 at 2 pm. There we will have music, dance refreshments, games, workshops and fun.

an.mé launches visiting artist series tomorrow with Leah Tinari

Tomorrow (Sunday!) from noon to 5 p.m., East Village-based artist Leah Tinari (from Avenue Sea Creatures) will be at an.mé — the boutique for kids and families — at 328 E. Ninth St between First Avenue and Second Avenue.

Co-owner Melissa Scott shared this info: "Leah will be in store hand painting, free of charge, items that our customers have purchased from us that day."

You can check out Leah's work here.

Find more info here.

This marks the first event of the store's visiting artist series.

Friday, April 20, 2018

Record Store Day 2018

Tomorrow (Saturday!) is Record Store Day 2018 ... here's a look at what some local shops will have happening...

Good Records
218 E. Fifth St. between Second Avenue and Cooper Square

An assortment of used LPs for post-4/20 day as well.

A post shared by Good Records NYC (@goodrecordsnyc) on

Limited to One
221 E. 10th St. between First Avenue and Second Avenue

And there will be some in-store performances...

Noon — Second Letter (members of Farside, Burning Airlines)
1 p.m. — Graduation Speech (Kevin Day of Aspiga)
2 p.m. — Jared Hart (Scandals & Mercy Union)
3 p.m. — Popeye V (Farside)

Academy Records
415 E. 12th St. between Avenue A and First Avenue

Turntable Lab
84 E. 10th St. between Third Avenue and Fourth Avenue

A-1 Record Shop
439 E. Sixth St. between Avenue A and First Avenue

A lot of 'Promise'

Happy Birthday (April 17) to Peter Campbell McNeish, aka Pete Shelley, the leader of the Buzzcocks. The video is for "Promises" from 1978.

I Am a Rent-Stabilized Tenant

East Village resident Susan Schiffman documents the apartments of rent-stabilized tenants living in the East Village for her Instagram account, I Am a Rent Stabilized Tenant. She will share some of the photos here for this ongoing EVG feature.

Photos and text by Susan Schiffman

Tenant: Andru, since 1980

Why did you move to the East Village?

I moved to the East Village because I lived here once before and it was so convenient to get to where I wanted to go. I came to live in New York after having had five cars that all collapsed. I wanted to live in a place where I didn’t have to have a car and this was the place to be.

So now I can walk everywhere. I lived in Williamsburg for a year before moving into this apartment. Just to get the J train across the Williamsburg Bridge was a pain in the ass. At night time I would have to wait a very long time. That is when it was too dangerous to walk over the Williamsburg Bridge.

There is some kind of community feeling here, even though ... it is very busy. There is still a feeling as though you are in a neighborhood and there is a feeling of a village. And you can go from village to village.

I’ve lived in this apartment 38 years. I was very fortunate to get this apartment. I had gone back to England thinking that I wouldn’t be able to survive here and I came back to give it another try.

In the meantime the rents had all doubled. I thought there is no way I am ever going to get an apartment in the East Village. Luckily, two old hippie landlords decided to let this apartment out at the original price, which was half the price. I could just afford that. I got in here.

For the first 20 years that I was here most of my money went to paying the rent, like a lot of people. Thank goodness we have rent stabilization. If I lost the apartment it would be so long Joe. I don’t know what I would do. The best I could do to stay in this area — nowhere in the East Village — is to move out to somewhere like Bushwick and live in a little room and share a house with four or five other people.

This is my castle and I fight for it and make sure I keep it. People do grow old and die here in this building. There have been two old guys who have lived here most of their lives. The way they die is they walk up the stairs and then eventually they can’t walk up the stairs. And then they end up on the stairs, both of them. Someone comes along and they bring the emergency people and they get taken to the hospital and then they are gone. That might be me. And I wouldn’t be unhappy. If I die before my time spread my ashes on the Lower East Side.

How did you find your apartment?

Like all good things that you find you have to know somebody. I was playing in a band with a drummer who knew somebody who lived in this building and he told him that there was an apartment available.

We both came down here together. He’s actually in town right now. He wished that he had moved here. He’s a New Yorker who can’t afford to live in New York. He has moved to Tokyo to live with his wife. He lived in Florida for two years.

I came down and I hung outside the landlord’s offices waiting. I was determined to get this apartment. I could tell they didn’t want to have me there. Eventually after awhile they said OK, we’ll take you down there. They brought me down here, I looked at the apartment and I thought wow, this is big for New York. When they told me the price, it was like heaven and g-d were smiling down at me. The landlord said “welcome to g-d’s little acre.”

There’s only one other rent-stabilized tenant in the building now. She has a court order to move out. She has not been living there. She has been paying the rent but obviously not all the time. There’s a court order in her door right now. She lived below my new neighbor here, the noisy neighbor. I’ve had no backup because she has not been there living below him. I’ve had no support. If someone is living there I’ll have some support.

I hate to see her go but she is living somewhere else with her boyfriend. I am the last one who is rent-stabilized. There are 18 apartments in the building. Every day, every night I am still very grateful after 38 years for this apartment. It has been very good for me. I’m a creative artist. I have developed my talents to the full potential what else can anybody ask for? I’ve found g-d for my own understanding. I have happy, loving people around me. This has been a great life. I’m happy to have moved here.

What do you love about your apartment?

I had a beautiful neighbor for nearly 30 years. She was from Yugoslavia. She got laid off from her job and most of her Yugoslavian friends have moved to other places. It became a cold place for her. She moved back to Yugoslavia. I was really lost for the first few days after she had moved. It was like when my mother passed away. All of a sudden you realize that she was the best mother in the world and you didn’t realize how much you loved her at that moment in time.

Joni Mitchell sang, "Don't it always seem to go. That you don't know what you've got. Till it's gone. They paved paradise. And put up a parking lot." We used to go out to concerts together. Me being a musician, I used to hang out with the Allman Brothers, backstage and all of the other people who hung out with them, like Derek Trucks and Johnny Winter.

I had a good neighbor for nearly 30 years. I am very grateful. I guess I have to go through some dirt now and eventually [the noisy neighbor] will move out.

I like the fact that I’m on the top floor so I don’t have anybody above me. I can see the sunrise from the east pass over and go to the west. I used to be able to look out of that window and see the skyline but now there’s a building there. I get sunshine coming in. I can also see the moon. I used to be able to see the World Trade Center. I went on the roof and I saw it fall down. That was very sad. Now I can see the Freedom Tower. When you go on the roof you can also see the Empire State Building. That is all very nice.

If you're interested in inviting Susan in to photograph your apartment for an upcoming post, then you may contact her via this email.