Saturday, December 11, 2010

Held hostage by Santa

Earlier by SantaCon correspondent Blue Glass...

Virage reopens

Virage on Second Avenue at Seventh Street closed this week for renovations... and, per their sign, they were expected to reopen last night... and they were open...

When children talk for a long time on payphones

Second Street at Avenue A.

Santacon taking over Starbucks, Second Avenue

Via @prismpop

Via @katemax

Via @experiri

Meanwhile, on First Avenue

Via @pegchandler

Reporting for duty

11th Street and Second Avenue this morning. Santacon is on. Do with this information what you want. They're a) fun-loving thrillseekers enjoying some holiday camaraderie b) obnoxious twats.

Tompkins Square Park, 9:19 a.m., Dec. 11

14 shopping days left until there are no more shopping days left

Today and next Saturday at dba.... via Patell and Waterman’s History of New York.

Grieve: Crap, is is time for xmas already?

Bryan on December 10, 2010 at 7:26 pm
“Crap, is is time for xmas already?”

Hence holiday fair IN A BAR.


Also this weekend

Friday, December 10, 2010

Duran Duran still draws a crowd

Duran Duran's Simon Le Bon and Nick Rhodes stopped by Mark Ronson’s Authentic Sh*t on East Village Radio tonight... and... Wooooo!

Read more about it here.

Stepping away for a few minutes — keep an eye on things

Sunshine on a gloomy day

Great shot from inside the Sunshine Theater on Houston via JDX.

So... how's the M15 Select Bus service faring?

A few days ago EV Grieve reader Mike checked in with a report on the M15 Select Bus... been awhile since we heard anything about it...

So while waiting to buy ride and get receipt, I chatted with both the woman in front and back of me. Both of them loved the Select Bus! The biggest negative continues to be the lines that form for the machines to get tickets during rush hour. And that lady this morning who apparently decided that she didn't need to wait in line like everyone else, even when she cut right in front of me and I explained that the queue of people wasn't just folks fond of loitering — she acted dumbfounded and was not responsive, but hopefully that was from shame more than from being an asshole, which is how it seemed.

Rest in Peace M15 Limted Bus, Long Live M15 Select Bus!

And this morning, Mike noticed that the MTA looks to be installing MORE machines at 14th Street and First Avenue... which could help alleviate those rush-hour ticket lines...

Shit Week continues: Majestic willow tree butchered on Eighth Street

An EV Grieve reader out walking his dog this morning was shocked to find that the majestic willow on Eighth Street near Avenue C....

... had been hacked down... seemingly overnight...

Per the reader: "maybe it was diseased, but it looked perfectly healthy to me."

Melanie just posted a photo of this willow at East Village Corner. In the comments I said that I loved this tree.

A reader sends along another photo, noting that "it looks worse in the daylight."


Previously on EV Grieve:
The willow trees of Loisaida

11th Street condo owners want to chop down this willow tree