Friday, September 4, 2020

Friday's parting shot

Couch getaway on 2nd Avenue today via Derek Berg...

The fall

Let's jump into fall with "Halloween" by Siouxsie & the Banshees ... circa 1981.

[Updated] The Keith Haring sculpture is currently MIA outside 51 Astor Place

The Keith Haring sculpture — "Self Portrait" from 1989 — is no longer on its perch outside the DeathStar, aka 51 Astor Place. It has been MIA all week. No word on whether this is a temporary or permanent departure.

We reached out to the Keith Haring Foundation (see below)... and we'll see if anyone at No. 51 has an answer.

The sculpture arrived in December 2014...

Updated 2 p.m.

Word is the sculpture is being repaired and will return this fall.

Updated 9 p.m.

"The sculpture has been removed for minor conservation work, and will be reinstalled after this work is complete," Annelise Ream, director of collections at the Keith Haring Foundation, told me in an email. "We do not yet have a confirmed date for the return of the sculpture, as there may be some delays in light of the ongoing pandemic."

An end-of-summer appreciation: Pinc Louds

Text and photos by Stacie Joy

You may have seen and heard hard-to-characterize self-described imaginary rock band Pinc Louds performing and busking in Tompkins Square Park this summer, steadily drawing enthusiasts as their fan base grows.

A recent Saturday afternoon show I attended featured a hopscotch contest, joyful abandon crowd dancing, a movement meditation trash outing by Dance to the People, and the current somewhat psychedelic-sounding band lineup of guitarist/singer Claudi, Marc Mosteirin on bass, Raimundo Atal on the drums, and Marlon Cherry handling percussion.

It’s an enthusiastic, albeit socially distanced audience that has shown up to enjoy the performance and I got a chance to chat with Claudi afterward to ask about the origins of the band, what draws them to the East Village, how dance and movement became part of their shows, and about why live music events are so vital.

How did Pinc Louds come to be?

In 2015, I was going through a painful break up at the same time as I was doing some musical explorations with a friend who was visiting from Puerto Rico. People ask me about the voice I use. That voice came out of those months, bouncing around in my apartment while trying to create something new and beautiful that would help me get over the end of a long relationship.

In starting a new project, I found a freer, wilder side of myself. And this creature, who had been dormant inside me, started to write all these songs.

One day in September, when around four of these songs were finished, Joff Wilson invited me to play at the 6 & B Garden. I went there with a long lab coat and no pants — the closest thing to a dress that I had — and the stepdaughter of a friend insisted on putting makeup on my face. I went on stage looking like a deranged pharmacist, jumped up and down, wailed my songs and have never looked back.

I had so much fun playing that night that while waiting for the train at the Delancey Street subway station, I took out my guitar and played some more.

The response was good enough that I kept on doing this for the next few weeks and started getting invited to parties. At one of those parties I met Ofer Bear and Raimundo Atal, the original bass player and drummer of the band. I also got a wonderful flowered dress that I still use in a lot of our shows. The dress was pink and loud and so were we. And that is how Pinc Louds came to be.

What is your connection to the East Village? What made you choose Tompkins Square Park to busk?

Apart from that first show at the 6 & B Garden and others we did later at places like Otto’s Shrunken Head and Sidewalk Cafe, my main connection to the East Village is through the Delancey Street station. That’s where I did most of my busking throughout the first three years of the band.

The people I met there, the part-time residents, the vendors, cops, MTA workers, the rats and roaches and fish mosaics have been an infinite source of joy and inspiration for me.

I’ve always felt that the subconscious of the city lies in its subway tunnels. That is where it dreams. Subway stations are a magical place where these dreams escape the city’s dark subconscious and make it into our world. I keep a lookout for these fugitive dreams and try to turn them into songs.

But playing in the subway for too long can have adverse effects on the brain, especially in the summer. So the last two summers I’ve been going around the city looking for places where I can busk and not get kicked out by the cops. I played in the West Village a lot. There’s a wonderful little triangle right outside the Christopher Street station, in front of the Stonewall monument, but the cops kicked me out of there too many times so I had to keep looking.

After not busking in the street for months during the pandemic this year, I finally decided to go out and find a spot on June 20. I had never played in Tompkins because my experience with parks has always been that if you have an amplifier, the park cops will kick you out as soon as you say “mic check.”

But ... I decided to try it out that day. I played for about six hours and had the time of my life! I immediately knew that this was the ideal spot. I played next to two cop cars and they didn’t say anything. The park regulars cheered and offered me beer. It definitely felt, and feels, like I found a new home.

How do East Village audiences compare to those elsewhere?

At least on the street, East Village audiences are more alive and more human than any other audience I know, except for maybe Puerto Rico, and of course there’s a lot of Puerto Ricans in the East Village.

And by alive and human I mean they are not afraid to dance, they are not afraid to yell out whatever they’re feeling, they are not afraid to love and they are not afraid to fight. They are here in the moment and they are here to have a good time.

In just a month and a half of playing at Tompkins, I’ve made friends, I’ve made enemies, I’ve had people defend me from a guy with a bat who wanted to take my tip bucket, I’ve had a guy teach me how to fight, I learned how to read tarot cards, I’ve been given flowers and silverware and mysterious phone numbers and dirty notes and Argentinian empanadas ... it’s been absolutely wonderful.

Do you compose all your songs or do you also do covers?

Most of what we play is original songs and improvisations. I like the challenge of getting people to listen and stay for the whole show without having to reel them in with songs they already know. But if there’s a song that is very special to me, like “Si Nos Dejan” by José Alfredo Jimenez or “John I’m Only Dancing” by David Bowie, we’ll learn it and try to give it a Pinc Louds touch.

On social media, you often encourage your fans to come out and dance and at this concert, you had Dance to the People to perform a “movement meditation.” Why is dance a key component to your art?

As someone who’s done mostly rock- or pop-oriented music throughout my life, I never saw dancing as an integral part of the live concert experience. Of course it used to be one of the main motivations back in the origins of rock & roll, but growing up in the 1990s it just wasn’t something that was expected in a show, apart from maybe the occasional mosh pit.

Also coming from Puerto Rico, I would associate dancing with salsa or merengue music, and I was always put off by the rules one was supposed to follow in order to dance these genres.

Fast forward to 2016. I brought the Pinc Louds project to Puerto Rico where I was invited to play at a bakery/diy music venue. I played the same songs I had been playing in NYC, but for some reason people were dancing. And it was so much fun! It’s so amazing to feel how the music you make can affect the movement in a room; the stops and starts and flows in people’s bodies, what it makes them do with their hands and feet and eyes...and not only that but to know that nothing is set in stone. That you can change the speed, the groove, the intensity and the dancers will too. It is a real conversation. The most primordial conversation.

I love groove-based music that can make you dance, but I also love rock songs with a structure and a story and catchy melodies. So to be able to combine both those things is, to me, as good as it gets. I don't feel we’ve achieved our full danceability potential, but we’re definitely working on it.

I spied a plethora of instruments at your concerts including what is either a set of mbiras or kalimbas, the guiro, lots of percussive drums, in addition to guitar and bass. How do all the parts contribute to the unique Pinc Louds sound?

I don’t know what I’m doing. I don’t really know music theory and half the time I don’t even know what chords I’m playing. I just go for what sounds good. So, many times I’ll write a song based on where the instrument I’m playing takes me. I’ll play around with a kalimba until I find a pattern I like and then I'll add a melody and so on.

And whatever that pattern and that melody are, I know it is due to the sound of that kalimba and how it made me feel and where it took my brain in that particular moment. If I had done the same thing on the guitar it would have been a different song.

The different sound textures also give the songs different personalities. So I like that if you go to a Pinc Louds concert you won’t be listening to guitar-bass-drum songs the whole time. I get bored easily with music, so I feel that bringing in different sounds will help keep the attention of anyone in the audience whose mind might be drifting off. Gotta keep people on their toes!

What’s next for the band, and how can people keep up with you?

I don’t think anyone knows what’s next for anyone at this point, with all that’s happening in the world. But for now, we’re definitely going to keep busking at Tompkins Square Park at least twice a week (usually Wednesdays and Saturdays). I’m trying to bring other bands to play too. We’re lending our battery-powered amps, mic stands, etc. to performers that want to join us, especially engaging artists who are honest and passionate and really want to connect with the audience and be a part of this community.

Apart from the park, we’ll play anywhere we’re invited. We’re trying to get as much playing in before winter returns, especially since we don’t know if music venues will reopen soon.

If venues don’t open, we’ll have to go back playing at home, doing Instagram and zoom shows, which is not my favorite thing to do since I can’t see if I’m making anybody dance or even smile...

You can keep up with the band on Instagram here and Facebook here. Contact them directly via email: Look for the band in Tompkins Square Park tomorrow (Sept. 5) afternoon.

[UPDATED] MoRUS returns with its community garden film festival starting on Sept. 10

Updated 9/9: The NYC Parks GreenThumb, the entity overseeing the community gardens, has nixed the screenings Friday through Sunday at the Peachtree Community Garden over concerns about COVID-19.

The Museum of Reclaimed Urban Space (MoRUS) on Avenue C is hosting an end-of-summer tradition — its 8th annual film fest, a four-evening event titled "Reel Ecologies: Films for a Sustainable City" that starts on Sept. 10 at Le Petit Versailles.

Here's the festival schedule with details via the EVG inbox:

• Thursday, Sept. 10: "InSects & FlowerSex (The Birds & The Bees)"
Le Petit Versailles, 247 E. 2nd Street, 8 p.m.

A lively, living mixed-media series of shorts featuring films from 1930s to 1970s. In keeping with Le Petit Versailles'legacy of creative disruption, the evening will include avant garde movies such as "Killers of the Insect World" and "Woody Woodpecker & The Termites from Mars" with live sound by LeLe Dai aka Lullady, a radio collage soundtrack by Jeanne Liotta and live soundtrack performances by Pinc Louds and by Richard Sylvarnes.

• Friday, Sept. 11: “The End of the World As We Know It”
Peachtree Community Garden, 236 E. 2nd St., 8 p.m.

Two short documentaries about sustainable farming in NYC — "Guerrilla Gardeners in Queens" and "Feeding the Future, New York City’s Experiment in Urban Agriculture Part 1: Grow" that show that urban agriculture is sustainable and doable — will serve as the introduction to the classic, dystopian food thriller, "Soylent Green" in an effort to provoke conversations around the long-term effects of big agriculture.

• Saturday, Sept. 12: "Food Justice in a Pandemic Society"
Peachtree Community Garden, 236 E. 2nd St., 8 p.m.

The documentary "Soul Fire Farm" examines the eponymous BIPOC-centered community farm in Upstate New York, which was created to end food apartheid. Marisa DeDominicis, who began her urban gardening exploits in the vacant lots next to the 13th Street squats, will introduce the film. Saturday's feature film is "A Place at the Table," a documentary nominated for Grand Jury Prize at the 2012 Sundance Film Festival that explores the economic, social and cultural damage caused by hunger in America.

• Sunday, Sept. 13: "Bee the Change"

Peachtree Community Garden, 236 E. 2nd St., 8 p.m.

The noble honeybee gets its own night with the screening of a film from educational leader "Bullfrog Films: Honeybees" is a short exploring the role of honeybees in a common garden. It will be introduced by a neighborhood beekeeper ... followed by "Dirt," a 52-minute documentary that chronicles the history of East Village community gardens.

You can find ticket info here. Pre-registration is required, and there is very limited seating for the Film Fest.

Thursday, September 3, 2020

Grant Shaffer's NY See

Here's the latest NY See panel, East Village-based illustrator Grant Shaffer's observational sketch diary of things that he sees and hears around the neighborhood... as well as observations on current events...

At the Renegade Mermaid Parade

This past Sunday afternoon, aficionados of the canceled-this-year Mermaid Parade came together as socially distant as possible along Avenue B to pay homage to the annual Coney Island event as well as to support local businesses.

Organizers dubbed this Renegade Mermaid Parade as a cross between the Mermaid Parade and the Easter Parade complete with a fashion show/costume contest.

EVG contributor Stacie Joy was on Seventh Street and Avenue B for part of the festivities...

Ravagh Persian Grill closes 1st Avenue location

After spending part of the summer with outdoor dining, Ravagh Persian Grill has permanently closed on First Avenue between Seventh Street and St. Mark's Place.

Management confirmed the closure via an Instagram message. Their locations in Midtown and on the Upper East Side remain open.

Parmys morphed into Ravagh here back in late 2014.

Report: Parent company of New York Sports Clubs fit for Chapter 11 filing

NYC gyms were permitted to reopen yesterday with reduced capacity and COVID-19 restrictions in place.

There were lines reported at some gyms, such as at the Blink on Avenue A.

One notable exception to the reopenings: New York Sports Clubs. On Tuesday, the owner of the chain said it may need to file for bankruptcy "in the near future."

Per Bloomberg:

Town Sports International is in talks with its lenders to refinance a loan coming due this fall as its cash flow and liquidity continue to tighten, the company said in a regulatory filing Tuesday. The gym owner and operator said it doesn’t have enough cash on hand to repay the debt when it comes due in November.

The company missed a payment on its revolver last month, violating terms of the debt. Lenders could send the company a notice of default and demand immediate repayment of all obligations, but none has done so yet, Town Sports said in the filing.

So the NYSC outposts in the area, such as the one at 28-30 Avenue A between Second Street and Third Street that looks like a bad prototype for an Iron Man helmet, will remain shuttered for the foreseeable future.

Updated 9:30 a.m.

HOLD ON. EVG reader MP reports that the Astor Place location — "Elite by NYSC" — is open...

Printed Matter's lobby shop is open again on St. Mark's Place and 2nd Avenue

Printed Matter recently reopened in the lobby space at the Swiss Institute on Second Avenue at St. Mark's Place.

For now, three customers are allowed at a time inside the shop specializing in art books, zines, prints and posters.

The hours are currently 2-8 p.m. Wednesday and Thursday, noon-8 p.m. Friday and Saturday and noon-6 p.m. on Sunday...

Printer Matter, founded in 1976, opened the EV outpost in June 2018. The Swiss Institute will reopen to the public with a new exhibit on Sept. 9.

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Census working overtime

All photos by Stacie Joy

Local elected officials gathered today on Seventh Street and Avenue B at the start of a march to help bring awareness to the importance of filling out the 2020 Census.

GOLES - Good Old Lower East Side hosted the event that included Congresswoman Carolyn B. Maloney, Manhattan Borough President Gale Brewer, State Sen. Brian Kavanagh, Assemblywoman Deborah J. Glick, City Councilwoman Carlina Rivera and District leader John Blasco ...

Per the press materials:

New York City is facing record low Census response rates, especially in low-income areas and communities of color. For every 1 percent of the population missed in the 2020 Census, New York City could lose nearly $7.3 million in federal funding for public education.

With the next Census 10 years away, that means more than $70 million dollars that our city’s public schools could be deprived of over the next decade, with more than $4 million dollars lost to NY-12 alone. A 1 percent undercount also means NYC could lose $3.7 million per year for critical jobs programs. That’s nearly $40 million lost over the next decade for services like career counseling, mentoring, and apprenticeship.

The march, which included a drum line, ended in Astor Place.

Officials urged residents to fill out the Census forms online.

'Red Alert' at the Bowery Ballroom

The Bowery Ballroom was one of the more than 1,000 music venues across the country to bathe their facilities in red light last night to encourage Congress to pass the Restart Act.

Per Billboard:

Spearheaded by the #WeMakeEvents coalition, the #RedAlertRESTART campaign seeks to bring awareness to the dire situation live music faces if Capitol Hill does not supply support for venues that have been shuttered since mid-March in order to slow the spread of COVID-19.

EVG contributor Stacie Joy was at the Bowery Ballroom on Delancey ... and shared this video clip...

Find more info at the National Independent Venue Association here.

Ki Smith Gallery coming to the Gusto House on 4th Street

When we lasted checked in at the Gusto House at 197 E. Fourth St., Colin Huggins and Shaina Martinez were live streaming operas from here between Avenue A and Avenue B.

The space was then available again... and the other night, EVG contributor Stacie Joy stopped by to see East Village resident Ki Smith working inside... prepping the interior to be the new home of Ki Smith Gallery, which most recently showcased emerging artists from West 125th Street...

Smith has worked for 10 years as an independent curator. His résumé includes launching the Bushwick-based gallery and performance space Apostrophe in 2012.

We'll have more on the new location of the gallery in an upcoming post...

Previously on EV Grieve:
Making beautiful music: The pandemic-era arias coming from 4th Street

Wild Son-Good Night Sonny team bringing plant-based burgers to St. Mark's with Pop's Eat-Rite

Signage is up now at 123 St. Mark's Place between Avenue A and First Avenue for Pop's Eat-Rite, a plant-based burger joint...

Here's more about the operation via the team behind Good Night Sonny, the Wild Son and the Wayland:

Pop’s Eat-Rite is a plant-based fast service burger joint, opening on St. Mark's Place in September 2020. We will serve a classic smashburger, made using Impossible Meat. Our meatless menu is our updated take on a classic burger stand, with fries, veggie sides, vegan donuts, soft-serve, smoothies and frozen lemonade and will be entirely free of animal products.

Pop’s was born from the idea that the landscape of the restaurant industry has changed suddenly and like never before. In these times we want to offer our neighborhood a convenient, responsible product at a fair price...

Earlier in 2019, the team — Robert Ceraso and Jason Mendenhall — had plans for a steakhouse at No. 123 (most recently Mr. White). However, CB3's SLA committee nixed a full-liquor request for that spot in March 2019.