The Bowery Ballroom was one of the more than 1,000 music venues across the country to bathe their facilities in red light last night to encourage Congress to pass the Restart Act.
Per Billboard:
Spearheaded by the #WeMakeEvents coalition, the #RedAlertRESTART campaign seeks to bring awareness to the dire situation live music faces if Capitol Hill does not supply support for venues that have been shuttered since mid-March in order to slow the spread of COVID-19.
EVG contributor Stacie Joy was at the Bowery Ballroom on Delancey ... and shared this video clip...
Find more info at the National Independent Venue Association here.
I have seen many good bands play at the Bowery Ballroom and the Mercury lounge and I hope for those days again. I would hope that sufficient safeguards will be put in place to protect concert goers and performers so once again we can see live music.
As one of the most avid showgoer in town, let me tell you that myself and friends are not going to attend shows with any "safeguards". No partial capacity, no masks, no distanced pods. That's not how you experience live music. We've waited 6 months by niw, we'll wait another 6 months, if needed, for regular shows life to be resumed.
Very hard to support the Bowery Presents group. You would think they were millionaires multiple times over charging us "Fans" $12 drinks and $10 beers and $8 bottle water. If and when these clubs will reopen, you can expect limited crowds, higher ticket prices, higher prices for alcohol etc.
Just FYI, Anonymous, the Mercury Lounge and Bowery Ballroom haven't been part of the Bowery Presents group for quite awhile now. They're part of Mercury East Presents, who also book Warsaw, Irving Plaza, and the Gramercy Theater. They are not part of the huge AEG / Bowery Presents conglomerate. But you won't have the choice to skip socially distant live music anyway, because most of these smaller venues probably won't be able to hang on for another six months. Sigh...
@11:02am: Who said you had to be part of "Bowery Presents" in order to overcharge for every kind of drink?
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