Shop for Christmas and Valentine's Day decorations at the 99-cent store on First Avenue near Fifth Street...
Buy a few beers to go from the Houston Village Farm on First Avenue at Fourth Street...
Window shop at Brickman and Son's on First Avenue...
Take your dry cleaning to the Hollywood-sounding Exquisite Cleaners on First Avenue at Third Street...
See if "Salt" will be a box-office hit at the modest-sounding Gifted Psychic on Third Street...
Sell your Academy Award here... (or at least get your bangs trimmed)
Try a massage at the Waterfront Spa on Second Street...
Do a few loads of laundry at First Avenue at Second Street...
Watch the NYC theatrical debut of "Ice People" at the Anthology Film Archives at Second Avenue and Second Street...
Drink at the Mars Bar...
Previously on EV Grieve:
Why the paparazzi will be in the East Village tomorrow (OMG! Angelina!)