Friday, May 21, 2010

"Sex and the City 2" ads make empty building look better empty

At 42nd Street and Sixth Avenue a few months ago... when the dread first began (again)...

Now at the same spot ... much better...


Somewhere on St. Mark's Place... I think... I get mixed up with the 4,987 SATCII ads around...


An EV Grieve reader shared this with me the other day... it's a writeup on Avenue A's newest full liquor license...:

Take a date for upscale Mexican at Avenue A's dark and sultry Diablo Royale Este.

You'll feel like you've entered a Robert Rodriguez flick stocked with skinny girls in skinnier heels instead of vampires.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Blue vs. White on Avenue A

EV Grieve reader Shawn Chittle passed along this link earlier today... he has a good vantage point to see the dueling productions of "The Smurfs Movie" and "White Collar" ....

Smurfs, White Collar filming on Avenue A Alphabet City Lower East Side Manhattan from Shawn Chittle on Vimeo.

Avenue A by the numbers

While walking north on Avenue A starting at Houston, I counted the number of storefronts. I decided to break the storefronts down into five categories:

1) Restaurants/pizza places/coffee shops (including places that serve alcohol, but where food is usually thought of first)

2) Bars

3) Mom-and-pop shops (questionable usage of that term, for sure, but I'm couting these as dry cleaners, bodegas, liquor stores, tattoo shops, laundromats, psychic readers, etc.)

4) Empty storefronts

5) Regular old businesses (Key Food, Citibank, the more higher-end speciality shops)

And here's what I counted (numbers could be off by one or two...I got distracted a few times...but they're pretty accurate):

Mom-and-pop shops: 39
Bars: 31
Restaurants/pizza shops/coffee shops: 28
Empty storefronts: 18
Businesses: 16

Now, you can quibble with these categories and numbers. For instance, would you consider Sidewalk a bar or restaurant? Or both? I put it in the restaurant category. Ditto for Yerba Buena on Seventh and A. And many of the restaurants also serve at least beer or wine. I'm not sure about a few places, like Ost Cafe on 12th and A.

So, there are plenty of places to get a drink on Avenue A... and there would have at least been one more addition if El Camion had been approved Monday at the CB3/LA meeting.

And for some reason I took photos of 16 places that serve beer or wine above 10th Street on Avenue A ... several of which I like. (I wanted to be clear that this wasn't some sort of condemnation of bars.)

I included the empty space that El Camion wanted at 12th and A... plus the fish market/restaurant that will be opening some time next to Hi-Fi.

Anyway, if my shoddy math skills are working... Of the 132 storefronts on Avenue A:

30% are mom-and-pop shops
23% are bars
21% are restaurants/cafes/pizza shops
14% are empty
12% are businesses

Previously on EV Grieve:
There are 21 empty storefronts along Avenue A

Food OK now at the former Amato Opera

Not much has happened of late at the former Amato Opera, the historic opera house that closed last May after a 61-year run. As Curbed noted, the building sold for $3.7 million.

I had hope for this space after The Real Deal reported in January 2009 that the building's new owner wants another theater to occupy the ground floor.

Perhaps the building's owner changed his mind. Big "store for rent" signs are now up...

... and, as you can see, food is also OK here now ...


In more disturbing news, someone removed the commemorative plaque that was placed above the doorway last June.

This isn't a good sign.

As for rent, the address hasn't been listed yet at 9300 Realty.

For further reading:
Amato Opera (Jeremiah's Vanishing NY)

Quick withdraw: HSBC name-change shocker!

As I exclusively reported with an exclusive back on April 27, the new HSBC branch at Second Avenue and Ninth Street showed off its new name... (and helpful warning that guns aren't allowed inside!)

The Stuyvesant Branch.

But now! The branch has changed its name!

Does this mean that the Stuyvesant HSBC branch on First Avenue just past 14th Street has been saved? Or did someone simply make a mistake? Or did millions in focus groups and rebranding just get tossed?

Maybe I should ask Mr. H.

Previously on EV Grieve:
Stuy Town neighbors rallying to save a bank branch

Former Cookout Grill turning Japanese

Over on First Avenue and 13th Street, there's work galore being done at the former Cookout Grill, home of the worst restaurant mascot in restaurant mascot history...

Let us pause...

To the news! A worker says a Japanese restaurant is opening here...

Previously on EV Grieve:
Action at the former Cookout Gill, where vandals beheaded their mascot

After less than six months, Matsukado shutters

Speaking of Japanese, as I noted back in December, Matsukado took over the old Baluchi's space on Second Avenue between Sixth Street and Seventh Street...

Last evening, EV Grieve reader Peter passed along these photos with the news that Matsukado has closed...

The monthly rent is, according to the sign posted on the door, $12,500 a month. And and they owe more than $30,000.

As Fork in the Road noted, Matsukado is family-owned with two other branches in Japan.

What's doing at the Economakis dream mansion on East Third Street?

Scoopy has an update this week in The Villager.

Take it away Scoopy....:

Lower East Side activist Susan Howard told us that a friend of hers who lives near 47 E. Third St. — the East Village "mass eviction" building — hasn't seen evidence of any work going on there for a while and thinks construction has ground to a halt.

Howard urged us to call Alistair and find out what’s up. "Work is progressing..." He said he doesn’t have a specific completion date for when the building will be ready for them to live in as their luxurious, single-family mansion. He said he and his family recently moved out of the place, and are temporarily living in Brooklyn until the job is done. "It came time we had to move out of there," he said of 47 E. Third St. "Our bedroom's gone — it was relocated to a different spot. The steps are being relocated. It was much simpler to just open everything up and build everything at once." Economakis said all the building’s windows are boarded up on the inside, not because no work is going on, but to protect the windows while work is going on.

[EV Grieve file photo]

Previously on EV Grieve:
And Economakis gets the whole building for his dream mansion

The 47 E. 3rd St. protest in video

At the 47 E. 3rd St. protest

Conspiracies: Where are all the fliers?

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Mr. Brainwash gives Shepard Fairey some love

But first... As I pointed out on Saturday, Shepard Fairey's Bowery-Houston mural got hit pretty hard ...

Now, it looks as if someone is making some progress cleaning off the mural...

...while Banksy Mr. Brainwash checks in next door....

Previously on EV Grieve:
Historic bombing on the Shepard Fairey mural

So far so good at The Penny Farthing, but how about the possible not-actually-secret secret downstairs lounge?

EV Grieve reader Margaret decided to stop by The Penny Farthing last evening ... it's new place on the southeast corner of 13th Street and Third was the former Cafe DeVille, who never returned from vacation last summer.

Here's what she had to say:

"[T]hey've definitely reimagined the space. In the old cafe, the bar seemed pretty secondary, but it seems pretty front and center now.

Right in the middle is a large table, and it looks like they've partitioned off some tables for diners over on the left. The old
bicycle wheels are definitely up, as is a decent draft/bottled beer list.

The hostess said the downstairs area is not open yet, as it's more for the Thursday through Saturday night crowd. My fingers are crossed that a "Thursday night crowd" does not mean frat-tactic. The people there tonight definitely seemed a little more mature, so maybe there is hope! And there are 4ish large TVs up in the space. Interesting mix of bar and restaurant, that's for sure.

And the menu....

And what about that "downstairs area?"

"There's now a sign on the door to it on 13th that says 'PF 13,' which makes me think it's going to try to be the new not-actually-secret secret place.'"

A happy ending next door to Cabin Down Below

Back on March 25, I did a story on the family who lives next door to the newish entrance to Cabin Down on Seventh Street at Avenue A. The residents were often kept up for hours at night by the clack-clack-clack-clang-clang-clang of footsteps on the steel stairs bargoers use to enter and leave the bar...

As I left off, the resident had heard back from one of the owners, who expressed concern over the situation...

Anyway, good news to report... the resident reports that the problems has been resolved. In recent weeks, a worker has tinkered with the steel stairs. Among other things, the stairs now have rubber treads ... as well as a padded mat at the landing... He said that this has resolved the problem to the point that it no longer disturbs the resident and his family. (Aside from the fix, he said a small part of it had to do with simply getting used to the noise.)

While it did take a few phone calls... a few weeks of waiting, he said that he was happy to report that a resident can still resolve a problem without getting attorneys involved or tossing water balloons at the offending parties.

Perhaps there's hope left for the rest of the neighborhood...?

Previously on EV Grieve:
Life above Cabin Down Below

Hi neighbor: Is this a new era for bar-resident relations in the East Village?

What happened with the Cabin Down Below management and the family next door is the latest example of East Village bar owners trying to be better neighbors...

1) David Schwartz, one of Lit's co-owners, recently outlined the steps his bar is taking to appease their unhappy neighbors. (Read that story here.)

2) The manager of the Elephant on First Street recently told me what she had done to help change perceptions neighbors may have of the Thai eatery. (Read that post here.)

3) In response to an exchange with EV Grieve readers, the GM of Aces & Eights made good on trying to dispel the bar’s Upper-East-Side, preppy reputation by hosting an art show by Curt Hoppe. (You can read that story here.)

4) Last summer, Destination's Mason Reese was the only owner who attended a meeting of residents on 12th and 13th Streets to address issues people were having with the proliferation of new bars on Avenue A. He agreed to close the bar's front windows by 10 p.m. during the week and 11 p.m. on the weekends. (And Reese recently chimed in on a comment thread to remind folks that he has kept his word.)

Maybe this is all for a good reason. Monday night's CB3/SLA meeting showed what can happen when neighbors get organized and work together... As Jill reported:

Tonight's Community Board 3 SLA Committee meeting was possibly historic. The Upper Avenue A residents had such a strong turnout ... The end result, which is often a testament to stamina more than brains, was that nobody got their license approvals tonight, and one of the three bars withdrew their application in the face of so much opposition.

I'm sure there are other bar owners who continue to be good neighbors... (and others who are anything but!) Still! Is this a New Era for Neighborly Love? Do bar owners realize that it might be a good idea to actually cater to people who walk a block or so to the establishment and not travel here on, say, the LIRR? I think back to those ugly, drag-out fights involving the people vs. Le Souk, Death & Company, among others.

As the Cabin Down Below neighbor said, it took a few phone calls, a little waiting... and one evening a bar owner is in the apartment to hear for herself what the noise is like while a contractor was outside on the stairs.

I just don't know if bar owners (and prospective bar owners) are just being smart... or they're scared.