Monday, December 24, 2012

New signage for Zum Schneider, Kingston Hall

Just noting some new signage from last week... Zum Schneider has new letters on East Seventh Street and Avenue C...

[Dave on 7th]

... and Kingston Hall has a new awning/canopy on Second Avenue... at the former Holy Basil ...

Anyone been to Kingston Hall? Don't hear too much about it... kind of hard to spot before up above the 13th Step ... the Holy Basil awning was up until very recently too ...

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Candles for Joe Strummer

Candles remain at the Joe Strummer mural on East Seventh Street at Avenue A... yesterday marked the 10-year anniversary of the Clash co-founder's death... and I'm happy that people take the time to leave the tributes...

Avenue A, 9:52 p.m., Dec. 23

Looking north at East Ninth Street...

Week in Grieview

[East First Street]

The latest on Whole Earth Bakery and Kitchen's closing (Friday)

8-pacel lot of East 14th Street primed for new development (Tuesday)

The piano tuner who started wearing shoes at age 35 (Wednesday)

84 Third Ave. will be taller (Friday)

Rev. Jen's Anti-Slam returns (Thursday)

What John Legend got for his home off the Bowery (Wednesday)

What's replacing Rockit Scientist Records on St. Mark's (Wednesday)

Unveiling Dave Schwimmer's new home (Monday)

Here's Boulton & Watt at the former Nice Guy Eddie's (Tuesday)

More bike corrals for East Village businesses (Thursday)

More chain stores (Monday)

New York Healthy Choice opens on Avenue C (Thursday)

Retail spaces available for former Cabrini Center (Wednesday)

Santa visits the Mystery Lot (Thursday)

And thank you for all the kind words on the EVG 5-year anniversary (Friday, 61 comments)


This past week, we reported that Bargain Express will be closing on East 14th Street after the holidays... victims of a land grab that will see new development along this stretch of the street between Avenue A and Avenue B...

Meanwhile, EVG regular William Klayer notes that the sales are getting serious... or else someone has a sense of humor here...

'Tis the season for discarding Christmas trees before Christmas

We spotted the first Discarded Before Christmas Christmas Tree on Friday... And this morning on St. Mark's near Second Avenue...

...and to shut up please the authentication crowd... a copy of today's Post... with its pages magically turning for the photo op...

Does this count... here on East 13th Street and Second Avenue...?

In case you're missing Sonni's Boom Box

On Monday, workers hauled away Sonni's Boom Box and the other the construction crates from East Fourth Street and the Bowery commissioned through FABnyc's ArtUp program ... We knew that the painted crates would be used at another construction site... just didn't realize that it would be so close... they're now on East Second Street and East Houston ... at the scene of the Houston Street Corridor Reconstruction ...

Previously on EV Grieve:
Sonni's Boom Box leaves East Fourth Street

Second Avenue, 9:17 a.m., Dec. 23

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Beware of Pandacon!

Been meaning to get a photo of the panda who has been hanging out on St. Mark's Place and Third Avenue (pop-up shop alert) in recent weeks ... By Bobby Williams...

Updated: I changed the headline to reflect Gojira's comment...

[Updated] Trailer Park Santa — deflated! (he's back!)

Oh no! Don't let the children see this over on First Avenue and East 14th Street...

...apparently the high winds caused the tree sellers to deflate the Santa... (and there are a lot of trees left for sale...)

Flashback to sort of better days:

Updated! Tonight! Via THE NOTORIOUS L.I.B.E.R.A.T.I.O.N.

This morning

Joe Strummer died 10 years ago today

[Bobby Williams]

And cutting and pasting essentially Tony Parsons' entire column from the UK Mirror today:

Joe was not the most famous rock star – but he was the best.

If you came of age in the Seventies, his death meant as much as losing John Lennon – an unbearable loss, leaving a gap that would never be filled.

Because Joe was unique.

Punk’s great humanitarian, he never stopped believing that the music had the power to change individual lives, and that those lives had the power to change the world.

As he got older, his idealism only increased, and his fire burned still brighter.

I knew him before he had a record deal and I saw him just before he died.

And in my entire life I never met anyone with a bigger heart than Joe Strummer.

“Without people, you’re nothing,” he once said.

May bloggers (or whatever they will be called) write about this mural on Seventh Street and Avenue A years and years from now... Meanwhile, Alex has this to say today about Joe at Flaming Pablum.

Also, East Village Radio has a great archived two-hour program on the co-founder of The Clash. Find East Village Radio here.

And a favorite, circa 1982...

Free slice for kids 10 and under for a time today at Lebrini's Pizzeria

Bobby Lebrini, proprietor of Lebrini's Pizzeria on Avenue C and East Third Street, passed along word of this deal:

Kids 10 and under get a free slice of .99-cent pizza (limit 2 per kid) today from 11 am to 2 pm.

Last Saturday for d.b.a.'s annual holiday fair

The annual holiday fair at d.b.a. on First Avenue wraps up today ...

Friday, December 21, 2012

Frame of mind

Here's Fucked Up with a new video, "Inside a Frame." And Fucked Up is playing at the Warsaw out on Driggs tonight...

Gruppo signage arrives at new Avenue B digs

As you may know, Gruppo is relocating to a new home down Avenue B... to 98 Avenue B between East Seventh Street and East Sixth Street (at the former Layaly space) ... Dave on 7th notes the letters are up ...

No definite timeline for an opening date... you can see there's a little work left to do on the inside...

The latest on Whole Earth Bakery and Kitchen's closure

On Tuesday, we brought the sad news that Whole Earth Bakery and Kitchen at 130 St. Mark's Place was closing this month after nearly 34 years in business...

Donna, a friend of owner Peter Silvestri, just updated the Bakery's Facebook page:

Yesterday the Auctioneer changed the date to Sunday the 30th from the 27th so we have a few more days in the store. Keep the prayers coming and maybe the landlord will have a change of heart. : ). Several people are making good suggestions let’s see what happens.

Saturday the 29th will be the last day Whole Earth Bakery & Kitchen will be open for business. We will close around 6pm Saturday and that will be a good time for a party…come on by! Peter would love to see all his friends and fans any day up to closing really! Sunday the Auctioneer professionals come in to set up and the Auction is at 2pm that afternoon

Volunteers will be very much needed Weds, Thurs and Fri afternoons from 11am to whenever we get it done, hopefully early. Please consider coming by to help Peter get ready for the auction. We need to organize the store and the basement. That would be wonderful and so appreciated!

'For rent' signs arrive at Araman on Avenue B

As noted last month, Amaran is closing on Avenue B at East Seventh Street at the end of the holidays... And today, Dave on 7th noted that a "for rent" sign went up at the store that specializes in imported home goods ...

First discarded Christmas tree of the season

Well! Two weeks before Christmas and ... Wait. What? Shit. Four days before Christmas and we already have a tree that someone has dragged (presumably) to the corner... in this case, First Avenue at East 12th Street...

Perhaps someone decided that they no longer liked the tree... or, more likely, someone will be away during the holidays and didn't want to return to a deader tree in a few weeks. Or there's another logical explanation...

Today, we're 5; TV Grieve exposed

Today marks the five-year anniversary of EV Grieve. 

A couple of you may recall the humble beginnings here, when I was known as TV Grieve — a blog about television. And Tara Reid. Here's an early post...

But it was a crowded marketplace, so I rebranded and...

OK, I made that up.

Anyway, thank you for your support, comments, gripes, tips, photos, Lady Gaga jokes, camaraderie, passion — everything. Thank you.

Doing this every day, seven days a week, often swings from being completely exhilarating to utterly depressing. (And back!) I've thought about slowing down... gently bringing the site all to an end.

Funny, though. Maybe some time passes. And I'm in another part of NYC or out of town ... and I find myself taking pictures of plywood around storefronts and for lease signs on restaurants for absolutely no reason ... I can't really stop. And I really do love living here.

So ... we might be stuck with each other for awhile.

I hope so. I'm not going anywhere. I hope that you're not either.