Monday, August 8, 2011

Checking in on the TSP Ratstravaganza

Been a few weeks since that rat-fueled media frenzy in Tompkins Square Park ... As we've noted, the Park is well-managed by some devoted workers.

Among other things, workers installed lids on the trash cans to prevent the rats (and other various critters) to get inside... A good idea in theory... However, people don't seem to have the grasp of the concept, as these photos from Saturday morning show...

Several of the trash cans were actually empty. Just people couldn't be bothered to push the trash through the lids.

Also, people (or at least The Pigeon Lady) continue to dump like 50 pounds of stale bread exactly in the location where the rats have been seen swarming near the playground off Avenue off Ninth Street... Saturday morning...

...and Saturday night, this photo by Sean Kennedy shows 18 rats on the prowl... (rats are highlighted for your viewing ease)


Meanwhile, we have a much bigger problem in another East Village Community Garden


In Gilbert's Garden on East Eighth Street between Avenue C and Avenue D. Whatever you do — don't talk to it! That squeaky voice!

City discovers bicycle graveyard on East First Street

Several readers have pointed out the pile of dead bikes on East First Street, along the construction-choked corridor between Avenue A and First Avenue ...

Now the city has posted these rather unintentionally funny signs on the bikes.

Wonder how city workers deduced that these are, in fact, abandoned? Anyway, if one of these bikes belongs to you... the city will remove it after today.

Also, does anyone know how all these bikes got here?

A bad sign at Billy's Antiques?

Billy Leroy passes along word that a gust of wind during the weekend took down the skull above his sign on East Houston...

The ghosts from the Bowery? Or the beginning of the end here?

Photos by Tim Dark.

Revisiting the BMW Guggenheim VIP opening-night party

Last Wednesday morning, I posted a photo that Bob Arihood took outside the VIP opening-night party at the BMW Guggenheim Lab. The photo showed a drunken man slumped on the sidewalk.

There are some stories making the rounds now telling how partygoers were concerned, and eventually helped get the man medical attention. The story made it into a blog post by Linda Tischler at Fast Company. Here's a passage:

But for the fact that the poor guy barely seemed to be breathing, it might have been a clever bit of street theater to illustrate the Lab’s provocative theme: comfort — and discomfort — in the city. There was the line, with party-goers queuing up to get green wristbands qualifying them to choose between the Soave and bubbly rose, while next to them, a local resident lay sprawled on the pavement.

The tableau could also have been a question in the project’s signature game, Urbanology, which asks players to confront uncomfortable questions. In this case, “Should you leave a party, where you’re talking to somebody who could be important to your career, to help an inebriated man collapsed in the street?

To their credit, a number of attendees were clearly agitated by the scene, passing bottled water through the fence, and frantically dialing 911 until FDNY’s rescue team finally showed up...

I asked Bob about it. He saw things a little differently. Bob figures the guy was on the ground an hour before anyone from the party tried to do anything to help. (For his part, Bob tried to speak with the fellow, and help get him off the sidewalk — with little success.)

Bob shared photos from the night that he didn't use to help illustrate what happened...

Eventually, two women from the party tried to give the man water.

Just before 8 p.m., a Guggenheim representative, who saw Bob taking photos, came outside to speak with the man. The rep called 911.

At 8:05, the FDNY responded to the scene, and they took the man away...

Back to Fast Company, where Tischler describes the FDNY's arrival.

"Those guys were clearly perplexed, not by the man on the ground, but why a bunch of up-towners were partying on a site that until last month was nothing but rats and rubble. As a final act, the FDNY righted the man, and he staggered off to an ambulance. Party on, dudes!"

So, what have we proved here? Nothing, really. Just felt the need to address the growing urban legend at the Urban Think Tank.

110 Third Ave. is missing its 3

Dunno exactly when this happened. Was the 3 broken? Stolen? Has anyone checked the 3 at 123 Third Ave.?

DOH temporarily closes Mamani Pizza on Avenue A

The 99-cent pizza specialists on Avenue A near 10th Street remained closed during the weekend after a DOH visit last Wednesday. In total, there were 64 violation points... the usual — evidence of various things... Plus — "Food Protection Certificate not held by supervisor of food operations."

Your chance to land your rooftop or backyard on The Food Network

You see these flyers yesterday? I spotted them on Avenue A and Avenue B...

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Today in Tompkins Square Park: Bambi Killers, balloons

Haven't had a chance to go through all the photos from today's concert in Tompkins Square Park... here are a few to start. Bambi Killers ...

...and balloons...

Photos by Bobby Williams.

Houses of the Holy

From this morning... tourists appreciating 96-98 St. Mark's Place ... home to the "Physical Graffiti" cover, as you know...

Photo by Shawn Chittle.

Week in Grieview: Saying so long to 'Walk Man,' looking at John Legend's apartment

[Photo by blue glass]

Waiting for TenEleven's new liquor license (Wednesday)

Extending Banjo Jim's life (Friday)

Learning about Legacy Russell's Open Ceremony project (Thursday)

Saying goodbye to "Walk Man" (Tuesday)

Looking at John Legend's girlfriend, apartment (Wednesday)

Stealing Westville East's bench (Monday)

Splitting up the former Graceland space (Friday)

Examining the next CB3/SLA docket (Monday)

Remembering No Se No (Wednesday)

The albums that people discard these days

[Sixth Street near First Avenue]

[Second Street near First Avenue]

First Street Garden closed until Tuesday

This sight gave us a start...

But. As the sign explains... it's just temporary. Anyone know exactly what the construction is about? (Ah — new fence. See the comments.)

Saturday, August 6, 2011

At the 'Let Them Eat Cake/Eat the Rich/ No Comfort Zone street party'

First stop tonight for John Penley and company — the Economakis Dream Mansion on East Third Street...

...then it was on to the BMW Guggenheim Lab ... where the group busted inside as the gates were closing... and LES Jewels read a poem...


The Mars Bar...

We'll have more tomorrow... all photos by Bobby Williams.


Today in Tompkins Square Park

At the Riot Reunion shows...

[Aaron Kay the "Pieman"]

All photos by Shawn Chittle.

Today's sign of the apocalypse

From an alarmed reader ... spotted on East 10th Street near Second Avenue earlier today ... per the reader: "I can’t even begin to guess why they were dressed like this. Honestly, they all look like they went to boarding school in Connecticut. Why are these people even drawn to the East Village?"

2nd Annual Kiehl’s LifeRide for amfAR

Third Avenue and 13th Street.

All photos by blue glass. Previously.

Because you always take pictures of cranes

At the Con Ed HQ earlier today... 15th Street and Third Avenue. By Bobby Williams.