Sunday, August 12, 2012

IL bagatto closed after tonight for summer break

In case you're an IL bagatto fan over on East Second Street near Avenue B... closing for their usual summer break after tonight...

Saturday, August 11, 2012

The story behind the arrest of the purple-gloved burglar of East 11th Street

The other day, we posted the video the NYPD circulated showing a purple-gloved man breaking into an apartment at 516. E. 11th St. ... Anyway, a piece in The New York Times today has the whole story... A quickie recap. A new tenant moved into this apartment in April. The superintendent had put in a new lock. Two months later, someone entered the apartment — no forced entry — and took some electronics. The tenant, "a college professor of technology," set up the surveillance camera.

Police have now charged a 24-year-old man who lives in Greenpoint with the burglaries. (The man has spent time in prison for home-invasion burglaries upstate.) It was not clear why the man had a key to the 11th Street apartment. He had never lived there, as far as anyone knew.

Anyway, interesting story. Right the whole thing here.

There's no place like home

Spotted on First Avenue...

Happening now: people running and biking in the streets; the DOT taking your photo

Just a reminder that Summer Streets are happening today... on Fourth Avenue/Lafayette... and more around the City ...

... and depending on where you are, you may even have your photo taken by a DOT rep hovering over the street... like here on Fourth Avenue and East Ninth Street...

Perhaps for promo purposes. Or to hand out tickets later for people who didn't stop at the light...

Friday, August 10, 2012

Reader report: South Brooklyn Pizza dining room now open

After reading that South Brooklyn Pizza filed for bankruptcy protection (first reported by Crain's today) ... several readers noted that the First Avenue location's dining room expansion was now open...

Read more about all this at Vanishing New York.

Westway to the world


Photo by Bobby Williams.


Big Black at CBGB circa 1986 with "Kerosene" ... and without a drum machine...

Report: South Brooklyn Pizza files for bankruptcy protection

[Image via I Dream of Pizza]

Crain's reported this afternoon that the company behind South Brooklyn Pizza has filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection. The pizzeria has three locations, one in Carroll Gardens and two in Manhattan, including one at 122 First Ave. between Seventh St. and St. Mark's Place.

Per Crain's:

According to an affidavit accompanying the most recent petition, the bankruptcy "was precipitated by landlord-tenant issues with the landlord, over-landlord and fee owner of 122 First Avenue." In 2009, [owner James] McGown signed a sublease for the First Avenue property, and invested $400,000 in the store's renovation, but the property has changed hands several times since. Mr. McGown now "has no idea who to pay money to" for the deal, the affidavit says.

Earlier this year, South Brooklyn Pizza started renovating the space next door for a new dining room.

On March 28, Jeremiah Moss reported at Vanishing New York that former East Villager Kati Duncan, who has a 25-year-lease on the storefronts at 122 First Ave., is in a "legal brawl" with South Brooklyn Pizza, who is subletting the space. In 2010, South Brooklyn took over the space next door as well... the former Ruben's Empanadas. Duncan said that this was done without her knowledge.

Per the post:

Duncan's lawyer says that South Brooklyn Pizza is "encouraging the Overlandlord to bring an eviction proceeding" against her, so they can take over the lease.

Read the whole post at JVNY.

Clearing up?

Just now, via Bobby Williams... the showers are ending here. Meanwhile, tonight, there's a 95 percent chance of woo.

Hate Crime

This assault occurred Monday night on St. Mark's Place... According to the statement, the man in the sketch got out of a luxury sedan with tinted windows, "calls victim 'a faggot' and hits him om the side of his face."

Call the Hate Crimes Task Force if you have more information... (646) 610-5267.

East Village gallows

At 21 E. First St. at Second Avenue. Photo and headline by EVG regular jdx.

East Ninth Street parking lot will yield to 6-floor residential building

Following our post on Wednesday about the current construction projects in the neighborhood... a tipster told us about a development that we were unaware of — 327 E. Ninth St., currently a parking lot between First Avenue and Second Avenue...

The city has already OK'd plans for a six-floor residential building in the space...

Per the DOB, the 7,200-square-foot building will contain two residences ... with a garage and an elevator. Per the application, our old friend Ramy Issac is the architect ... and the owner is listed as Terrence Lowenberg of Icon Realty, who has been busy with turning 147 First Ave. into a hotel ... as well as developing 326-328 E. Fourth St. ... and other properties.

Meanwhile, the tipster also points us to the adjacent buildings here along East Ninth Street...

There are additional floors in the works for 329 E. Ninth St. ... No. 331 ... No. 333 ... No. 335 ... However, so far, the DOB hasn't approved any of the additional floors for these addresses dating back to early last year...

Today's quiz: How tall will the weeds in the East Houston median grow by the end of summer?

A reader asked this question after taking a cab ride across Houston to the FDR the other day... the reader asked, "Is this what the city means by green streets?" The reader also thinks the weeds will be taller that the Hamilton Fish Park Library across the way.

Hmm... here's looking west from Avenue D toward the construction zone...

The $60 million Houston Street Corridor Reconstruction is expected to end in the summer of 2014. The plan calls for the widening of sidewalks, enlarging of medians, installating new pavement markings and bicycle lanes from Second Avenue to FDR Drive and creating two new plaza areas.

Anyway, we kind of like weeds.

How to host a more inviting Open House

Tip No. 16: Do not place the Open House sign next to an overflowing trash can.

One evening here at 13th Street and First Avenue.

Actually, it's not even inviting when the can is empty...

[EVG reader Steven]

Summer Fridays rehash: The Second Avenue bike lanes — What do we think so far?

Hey, we're digging into the EVG archives for these next few summer Fridays... We first posted this one on July 1, 2010...


Well, the bike lanes have been up now for long enough on Second Avenue, complete with a line of parking that's meant to add protection to the cyclists ... for me to hear some grumbling... Not really any kind of cyclist vs. pedestrian thing... but more of a safety issue. Trucks and cabs abruptly pulling over into the bike lane... pedestrians standing or walking into the bike lane... oh surely there are other offenses... soon enough, the First Avenue lanes will be a go (not to mention the dedicated bus lanes for the M15 on First Avenue and Second Avenue)...

So what do you think so far?

The makeover includes a line of parking that's meant to add protection to the cyclists...

Previously on EV Grieve:
Green day: Second Avenue getting its bike lanes

Summer Fridays rehash: About Angelina Jolie's 'semi-crusty phase' in Tompkins Square Park

Hey, we're STILL digging into the EVG archives for these next few summer Fridays... We first posted this one on Oct. 9, 2009...


As Scoopy writes in this week's issue of The Villager:

We were surprised to learn, recently, ... that none other than Angelina Jolie also went through her own semi-crusty phase, hanging out in the park and smoking pot ... During the L.E.S. Slacktivists/veterans' "adoptathon" outside Christodora House last month, Lara Mascara ... told us how she used to run with the young Jolie. "We were friends of the band Sick of It All," she said. "We called ourselves the Alleyway Crew." The members each had a Sick of It All dragon tattoo. "Angelina Jolie was skinny, no figure — just straight, she had no boobs — hair in her eyes," but did sport her trademark big lips even back then, Mascara recalled. "Her dad didn't pay child support. ... She was just not going to high school, like all of us. She was known as Angie."

[Top photo via; Bottom photo via]

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Breaking: Blackbird's opening postponed

[Photo from Tuesday by Bobby Williams]

Earlier, we mentioned that Blackbird would be opening tonight in the former Lakeside Lounge space on Avenue B ... From the EV Grieve inbox...


Editor's note: And Mona's ... and Vazac's ... and B-Side ... and Blarney Cove... and Otto's ...

Garage door at Downtown Auto now part of ad campaign for fashion label

Over at the former Downtown Auto Space on the Bowery and Great Jones... we always liked this mural ...

As this photo that Goggla sent us shows... it's now one of the many rolldown gates around the neighborhood featuring the latest ad campaign (it's about bringing back the nightlife to the city) from Cole Haan...

Somehow, East Village nightlife primed to become more fucking ridiculous

And at the Daily News today, there's a chirpy report that East Houston ... "the boozy border separating the East Village from the lower East Side is about to get a whole lot more chic."

Let's go right to the article!:

In recent weeks, major nightclub operators associated with the Meatpacking District, SoHo and West Chelsea have been sniffing around the E. Houston corridor from the Bowery to Avenue A, where the weathered and fully licensed lower First Ave. properties Sutra Lounge and Lucky Cheng’s are prized commodities.

According to our sources, those interested in either these spaces (or a handful of unlisted ones in the area) include operators from Pink Elephant, Greenhouse, Hudson Terrace, Acme, 1Oak and Electric Room.

And here's a quote from a member of the Community Board 3's State Liquor Authority & Department of Consumer Affairs Licensing committee:

“The East Village is ripe for the picking right now,” says Ariel Palitz, who’s closing Sutra Lounge after nine years. “There’s an opportunity to change the culture and the makeup of the neighborhood from the underground nightlife experience to a high-end clientele.”

Yes! Especially if you're trying to sell a lounge space near East Houston!

And from Alex Picken, described as a "nightlife real estate specialist" ...

“It’s a good location for nightlife, because the residents for the most part are a younger age group,” he says. Picken also notes that a neighborhood used to loud bars won’t be impacted by a switch to lounges and clubs.

Yes, because a switch to lounges and clubs will have zero fucking impact on the neighborhood! And we're all 22! And want clubs and lounges everywhere! WOO!

The piece also mentions the coming changes to the former Nice Guy Eddie's space and Club Element on East Houston...

Good thing the MTA put in those bus bulbs to handle the overflow of limos and stretch Hummers on First Avenue...

Rogue bike discarders threaten sanctity of the East Fifth St. Tree Committee

On Monday, we noted that the East Fifth St. Tree Committee had returned with a vengeance, removing bikes from a tree guard between First Avenue and Second Avenue ...

Now, EVG reader Podunk notes more threats of discarding bikes parked on the sidewalk along East Fifth Street (between Second Avenue and Cooper Square), though it appears to be the work of another individual ... or, perhaps, a splinter group... Regardless, like the East Fifth St. Tree Committee, these people mean business...

Tokyo Rebel is leaving Avenue B

... for parts unknown just yet, as the sign shows...

And why? Per the Tokyo website:

Simple — our lease is up, and that's given us an opportunity to look for a better location. We signed a 3 year lease in 2009 knowing that by this time, we'd have a good idea whether or not we wanted to keep on keeping on, and whether we liked our current location or wanted to find a new one.

The good news is we definitely want to stay open. But we think we can do better than our current spot. We'd like a place that's easier to get to for more of our customers, for one thing. New York can have some challenging weather, so being nearer more transportation options is important for us and our customers.

We're also looking for a space that's better for events - ideally one we can host events in itself! But if not, then at least closer to appropriate venues. Hopefully we can run more events once we reopen.

After Aug. 25, you can still find their rock-punk-gothic goods at their website.

Still, another loss for Avenue B.

[Updated] Blackbird opens tonight at former Lakeside Lounge; 'for people who don’t want to be part of the woo-woo scene'

[Photo from Tuesday by Bobby Williams]

We've been curious about what would be taking over the Lakeside Lounge space on Avenue B... BoweryBoogie got the scoop late last week — the place will be called Blackbird, "owned and operated by Lakeside principal Laura McCarthy and a current 'bartender from Niagara.'"

Per BB's tipster:

Definitely NOT a whiskey bar. And not a dive. Just a bar for people who don’t want to be part of the woo-woo scene and who are too smart to wait in line for an $22 cocktail. [It's] intended to be a beautiful but comfortable bar with a rock & roll vibe.

And they're opening tonight, per a BoweryBoogie follow-up post. BB received an invite, which reads in part:

Please join us for riveting deejays, nightly open bar from 9-10 p.m, and simply the most charming people you will ever see in one room together ever again.

Late yesterday afternoon, we saw workers racing to get the place together...


The opening has been postponed... no opening date just yet...

Rumors: Former Life Cafe has a suitor

[Bobby Williams]

We also received a rather cryptic tip that someone is taking over the former Life Cafe space on the corner... (9th Street Espresso is expanding into half of the storefront, as The Villager first reported.)

The for lease signs have been removed... and the space is no longer on the NYREX site for available retail ...

We spotted workers inside the former Life, but they appeared to be using the space as an annex for the renovations next door at Blackbird...

Know anything about the situation here? Please send them our way via the EV Grieve email

The Dude abides tonight in Tompkins Square Park; plus, 'The Big Lebowksi,' pizza

The Films in Tompkins series continues tonight with "The Big Lebowski," plus pre-movie music by Main Squeeze Orchestra. And! A Two Boots 25th Anniversary Event. Which means free pizza.

And the movie's plot, in case that you've never seen it... via Wikipedia:

The Big Lebowski is a 1998 comedy film written and directed by Joel and Ethan Coen. Jeff Bridges stars as Jeff Lebowski, an unemployed Los Angeles slacker and avid bowler, who is referred to (and also refers to himself) as "The Dude". After a case of mistaken identity, The Dude is introduced to a millionaire also named Jeffrey Lebowski. When the millionaire Lebowski's trophy wife is later kidnapped, he commissions The Dude to deliver the ransom to secure her release. The plan goes awry when The Dude's friend Walter Sobchak (John Goodman) schemes to keep the full ransom.

Steve Buscemi, Philip Seymour Hoffman, David Huddleston, Julianne Moore, Tara Reid, and John Turturro star in the film, which is narrated by a cowboy known only as "The Stranger," played by Sam Elliott.

Anyway, whatever you do, don't go over the line tonight...

And, as always:
Free. Gates Open at 6 p.m. Music Starts ½ Hour before the Start of the Film (sundown)

Aug. 16 — Poltergeist, Music by Timbila

Aug. 23 — (rescheduled from July 26) Goldfinger, Music by The Luddites

Dates subject to Rain Delays.

Films In Tompkins is sponsored by Ella, The Blind Barber, Two Boots, Grolsch, GalleryBar, Tower Brokerage and NYC& Company.

East Village IHOP warns about advertises for new location

Up on the front door here along IHOP Way (aka East 14th Street)... Perhaps this is for the IHOP rumored to be opening in Tribeca ... The Tribeca Citizen is keeping tabs on the rumors of an IHOP on the corner of Church and Franklin.

H/T Eater.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Surveillance camera captures purple-gloved bandit burglarizing an East 11th Street apartment

So the NYPD is looking for the man in the above video who was nabbed on a surveillance camera breaking into an apartment at 516. E. 11th St. Monday afternoon, according to WNBC. (516 is between Avenue A and Avenue B.)

The Post noted that the man in a purple T-shirt and matching gloves made off with an iPad, watch and wallet.

If you recognize him through that clever disguise, then you may call 800-577-TIPS.

Sorry that your have to watch a fucking commercial before viewing the tape. Thanks WNBC and New York Post!

Reader report: Smell of smoke, and, maybe, a missing snake on East Fifth Street

A reader sent along these photos these evening... noting that the FDNY responded to a call at 225 E. Fifth St. ...

... a firefighter said that a resident had smelled smoke...

... meanwhile, during all this, the man outside was yelling, looking for his snake. was ultimately a false alarm... the only damage were the two broken front doors at No. 225 ... Don't know about the snake.

Red-tailed hawk returns to Tompkins Square Park, poses

No word yet on dinner plans.

Photos by Bobby Williams.