
As Scoopy writes in this week's issue of The Villager:
We were surprised to learn, recently, ... that none other than Angelina Jolie also went through her own semi-crusty phase, hanging out in the park and smoking pot ... During the L.E.S. Slacktivists/veterans' "adoptathon" outside Christodora House last month, Lara Mascara ... told us how she used to run with the young Jolie. "We were friends of the band Sick of It All," she said. "We called ourselves the Alleyway Crew." The members each had a Sick of It All dragon tattoo. "Angelina Jolie was skinny, no figure — just straight, she had no boobs — hair in her eyes," but did sport her trademark big lips even back then, Mascara recalled. "Her dad didn't pay child support. ... She was just not going to high school, like all of us. She was known as Angie."

[Top photo via; Bottom photo via]
Geeeez, must be a SLOWWWWWW commenting day.....where is everybody......C'MON, it's ANGELINA freakin' JOLIE as a CRUSTY!
If THIS post doesn't bring out the CRUSTY-haters, even in a post-post-post-modern ironic TORRENT of comments, I'd just consider shuttin' the blog down EVG.....it's OVER! :+)
Yep, time to shut down the site. It was fun while it lasted. Sort of ...
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