Friday, May 29, 2015

Manhattanhenge requests the pleasure of your company this weekend

[Photo from Union Square last July by James and Karla Murray]

Manhattanhenge — "when the setting sun aligns precisely with the Manhattan street grid and you line up to Instagram the shit out of it" — returns this weekend.

Here are the particulars via Gothamist:

Half Sun on the Grid
Friday, May 29 8:12 P.M. EDT
Monday, July 13 8:21 P.M. EDT

Full Sun on the Grid
Saturday, May 30 8:12 P.M. EDT
Sunday, July 12 8:20 P.M. EDT

The weather promises to be quite lovely this evening, so the Manhattanhenging should go well. Had a good practice run last evening... via ‏@WonderlandNYC...

More about the new Café Pick Me Up-Gnocco combo on East 10th Street

As we previously noted, Café Pick Me Up on Avenue A at East Ninth Street will close for good after service on Sunday.

The owners also operate Gnocco, and plan to move the cafe to that restaurant at 337 E. 10th St. just west of Avenue B next week.

DNAinfo's Lisha Arino has a few more details on how all this will work.

Gnocco has only been open for dinner, but beginning June 3, it will expand its hours and will start serving most of Café Pick Me Up’s coffee and food offerings, including pastries, sandwiches and omelets, said Gian Luca Giovanetti, who co-owns both locations with Pierluigi Palazzo and Clemente Valguarnera.

Daytime customers will also be able to order pizza at lunchtime, Giovenetti added. Gnocco will be open for breakfast, lunch and delivery every day starting at 10 a.m., he said.

Gnocco seats 74 people, he said, and includes a backyard outfitted with a few power outlets.

The Café Pick Me Up-Gnocco mashup is expected to open Wednesday, where you can get a free coffee starting at 10 a.m.

Café Pick Me Up's owners have said that a rent hike at 145 Avenue A courtesy of Icon Realty as well as higher property taxes led to the decision to close the 20-year-old space.

Icon is currently listing the storefront… asking $15,000 a month for the space, which includes 600 square feet on the ground floor and 724 square feet in the basement.

Previously on EV Grieve:
Rent hike forcing Cafe Pick Me Up into its smaller space next door on Avenue A (59 comments)

[Updated] Cafe Pick Me Up expected to close for good after May 31

Café Pick Me Up closes Sunday night ahead of a move to share the Gnocco space on East 10th Street

Reader report: Con Ed enjoys digging up East 6th Street

From the EVG inbox this past weekend...

So, this is at least the fourth time since January that Con Ed has torn up East Sixth Street between Avenue A and B in front of our building. Jackhammers, heavy machinery, later tar and mechanical stompers. CRAZY NOISE! They obviously can’t find the problem.

My issue is they invariably show up at 6 p.m. on Friday to start the work. Start jackhammering about my son’s bedtime at 8. Now it’s a holiday weekend so its probably triple time. I think its a kind of boondoggle. There is no reason that this work always starts at 6 on Friday.

It makes the apartment uninhabitable. Of course, if there is a leak then they are simply incompetent. They were here two weeks ago and ripped the sidewalk in front of our building. I don’t know what’s worse, the noise or the fear they are incompetent.

Is there anything to do about it?

Going mobile on 2nd Avenue

Slum Goddess spotted this double-wide headed down Second Avenue at East Fifth Street last night…

Any ideas of where it's going?

Reminders: The Follow Me Friday Small Business Crawl on 2nd Avenue is tonight

Reposting from last week ... Via the EVG inbox...

Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito and Council Member Rosie Mendez today announced the Council will host a “Follow Me Friday” tour of the East Village with local business owners, community members and elected officials on Friday, May 29.

The Follow Me Friday Small Business Crawl will help highlight and promote East Village businesses recovering from the aftermath of the March 26 building explosion ... and will begin with a moment of silence at the site of the explosion on 2nd Avenue and 7th Street. The small business tour will begin at 5:30 PM and will include the following stops:

• Moment of silence for victims of recent explosion (Northwest Corner of 2nd Avenue and East 7th Street)
• Tour of Moishe’s Bake Shop (115 2nd Avenue)
• Tour of New Yorker Market (107-113 2nd Avenue)
• Tour of Café Mocha (116 2nd Avenue)
• Tour of Bar Virage (118 2nd Avenue)
• Tour of Himalayan Vision (127 2nd Avenue)
• Tour of Enz’s (125 2nd Avenue)
• Tour of Jimmy’s No. 43 (23 East 7th Street)

Those wishing to join the event should RSVP by sending an e-mail here

Thursday, May 28, 2015

This evening in photo opps on St. Mark's Place

Probably NSFW

A reader sent us some photos from 20 St. Mark's Place this evening around 6-ish … where some kind of photo shoot was taking place on the steps in front of Sounds…

Later, EVG reader Sammy provided some narrative here between Second Avenue and Third Avenue:

I think it must be a photo shoot but the only ones taking pics are the bystanders. Soon she is completely topless and posing. After a few minutes she comes down to street level and shoots the shit with some people who had been watching. Takes some pics with people. Then a dude with a wheeled duffel bag says, "OK we gotta go," and without really covering up, she leaves with this guy. I have no idea what the hell was going on.

Thursday night twilight

Photo of Second Avenue and East Fourth Street tonight by EVG reader Lilly Artymshyn

Claim: Landlord of 444 E. 13th St. threatened 'to drop dynamite on the building'

As we reported earlier today, residents who live at 444 E. 13th St. plan to sue their landlord for "deplorable conditions" as well as for ongoing threats and harassment.

The rent-regulated tenants, along with their legal counsel and City Councilmember Rosie Mendez, held a press conference outside the building between Avenue A and First Avenue this morning at 10 to speak out against landlord Goldmark Property Management and their associates.

EVG contributor Stacie Joy shared these photos from the press conference.

The residents said that they have haven't had gas for cooking or hot water since April 17 in the building that houses several children under the age of 7.

[Resident Patricia Ramirez]

Here's more from the Daily News:

They claim they've … endured racist taunts and threats to call immigration from the landlord's aggressive agents.

"They don't know the reality," said tenant Angel Salazar, 39. "Most of us are legal. That's why we are not afraid."

Tenants' lawyer Stephanie Rudolph said "this threat of retaliation and racial discrimination is egregious." She said only nine of the 18 units remain occupied — everybody else has been forced out.

[Stephanie Rudolph]

"There are tape recorded conversations where the landlord is threatening to drop dynamite on the building and then let everyone 'figure it out themselves,'" said Rudolph, a staff attorney at the Urban Justice Center.

There was no immediate response from Goldmark, whose agents include former NYPD Sgt. Miguel Cueto. The cop cost the city $2 million after he and his partner ran over and killed a Brooklyn man in their squad car three years ago.

[Rosie Mendez]

[Resident Cesar Bello with son, Ivan]

[Residents Lidia Puentes and Emma Gomez]

Said one longtime resident: "They are killing us. They don't have any feelings and they think everything's about money."

DNAinfo has more on the story here.

Part of the Tompkins Square Lawn got seeded today

Not quite sure what it was seeded with at the moment...

Now we'll go to the Park for a live report…

Photos by Bobby Williams

Special delivery

At St. Stanislaus on East Seventh Street... via Derek Berg

Reader report: Rent hike KOs Delicacity (RIP Robin Raj) on 3rd Avenue

A reader let us know that Delicacity (aka Robin Raj!) is closing for good very soon at 114 Third Ave. near East 14th Street. The reader, a regular here, reports that the landlord passed along a hefty rent hike.

In the meantime, you can enjoy 50 percent off most everything in the store...

Robin Raj and their cartoon food illustrations moved here from the corner in January 2009. Robin Raj turned into Delicacity in February 2012.

The address was formerly the Grace and Hope Mission.

Previously on EV Grieve:
More Robin Raj intel (and what about those cartoon hams?)

Oh no! Robin Raj is no longer Robin Raj!

Robin Raj finally makes the move, though there's no sign of the cartoon ham

Live above Robin Raj

E. 13th St. tenants filing lawsuit against landlord for alleged harassment, poor living conditions

[444 E. 13th St. photo from March via EVG reader Gamelan]

Several families who live at 444 E. 13th St. are filing a lawsuit against their landlord for "deplorable conditions" as well as for ongoing threats and harassment, according to a media advisory about the tenants' situation.

The residents and their legal and housing reps will hold a press conference this morning at 10 outside 444 E. 13th St. between Avenue A and First Avenue to discuss the lawsuit.

Here's background via the EVG inbox:

The Community Development Project (CDP) of the Urban Justice Center, in collaboration with Good Old Lower East Side (GOLES), is representing nine rent-regulated Mexican immigrant tenants of 444 E. 13th St. who are suing their landlord, Raphael Toledano, and his agents in Manhattan Housing Court. They are asking the court for an injunction against illegal harassment, the restoration of basic services, and repairs to individual apartments and common areas.

In addition to the wide range of alleged illegal harassment and discrimination practices from agents hired by the owners, tenants have gone without heat, hot water, and gas since mid-April.

Other alleged bad practices by the landlord include:
· Threats of demolishing the building;
· Threatening Mexican tenants who the owner alleges are undocumented; racist and discriminatory remarks about Latino tenants;
· Relocation pressure by agents;
· Health and safety hazards due to illegal construction and unsafe work on the gas lines.

There are currently several Stop Work Orders on the building, including for illegal renovations and unauthorized work on the gas lines, according to DOB records.

Meanwhile at 444, workers have carved out a new storefront on the ground-floor in the building. According to the listing (no longer online), the "Landlord will present as a restaurant ready space." The asking rent is $10,000 a month.

Previously on EV Grieve:
A storefront arrives on East 13th Street

Reader report: Mono + Mono hoping for a mid-summer return

Last that we heard, the owners of Mono + Mono were hoping to be serving their Korean fried chicken (and playing some of their classic jazz albums) on East Fourth Street again by last fall.

However, the place has yet to reopen since the fire here at 116 E. Fourth St. between First Avenue and Second Avenue back on April 21, 2013.

Now, an EVG reader heard from workers at the space that they are planning to reopen mid-summer. (The reader also noted that a pile of vinyl records that survived the fire were sitting on the bar.)

There is an approved permit on file with the city for a "roof replacement and removal of existing fire damaged mechanical equipment." March 23 was the proposed job start.

There's nothing about a reopening date on Mono + Mono's website or social media properties. A full vacate for the address is still in effect, per the DOB.

Previously on EV Grieve:
[Updated] Early-morning fire at 116 E. Fourth St., home of Mono + Mono

(Kind of) An update on Mono + Mono

What is happening with the Mono + Mono space?

Report: Mono + Mono plans fall reopening

Learn about the East River Resiliency Project tonight

[Photo of 8th and C during Sandy by Robert Walker]

Via the EVG inbox…

Join us to discuss the future of the East River Waterfront!

LOCATION: Church of St. Brigid, 119 Avenue B (enter on E. 8th Street)

DATE: Thursday, May 28, 6:30-8:30 P.M.

Community Design Workshop for Flood Protection on the East River

Join the Lower East Side/East Village community to discuss plans for the East Side Coastal Resiliency (ESCR) Project, intended to reduce risks from extreme weather and climate change and improve quality of life. We will discuss the potential for flood and storm protections to be built into community and park space along the East River.

What do you want flood protection on the East River waterfront to look like? Come and let your voice be heard!

Find a PDF of the presentation here.

As the sushi rolls on 1st Avenue

Sometime in the past week or so, Milosun Sushi closed at 141 First Ave. … quickly giving way to an all-you-can-sushi place called Kikoo, per EVG reader Charlie Chen.

The new restaurant between St. Mark's Place and East Ninth Street hasn't opened yet, though they do have a website:

Our restaurant offers a wide array of fine Japanese fusion cuisine, ranging from traditional Sashimi Lunch, California Roll to new style entrees such as Tempura Udon, Color Dragon and Butterfly Roll.

Previously the place was Ippin, a sushi and noodle bar that lasted about six months here in 2013.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

A sunset strip

After the rain... an East Village sunset view courtesy of ‏@EOSredux2 ... click on the image for a better view...

Actors come out of their shells on East 7th Street

Crews seem to be everywhere today filming "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Half Shell" (aka "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II" or "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: Half Shell.")

EVG contributor Derek Berg spotted this scene outside Vazac's/Horseshoe Bar/7B on East Seventh Street and Avenue B. (The bar will be closed today and tomorrow for filming.)

TMNT2, arguably the most prestigious production to film here since "The Smurfs Movie," stars Megan Fox, Will Arnett, William Fichtner, Tyler Perry and Laura Linney.

Bonus flashback to May 2010

In case you wanted to buy bitcoins from a temporary ATM on East 6th Street

You're in luck! EVG regular Jose Garcia spotted this operation on East Sixth Street between Avenue B and Avenue C... the sign explains how it works...

[Updated] Reader report: The city dumps Manny the Peddler's wares on Avenue A

A City sanitation crew stopped by Avenue A between East Second Street and East Third Street around noon today and dumped all of the items Manny the Peddler has been selling along here.

Said one witness:

It appears the manager of the New York Sports Club called the city rather than ask Manny to move his things to another spot along the block, which most other business owners on this block do. Manny is happy to oblige.

Considering the eyesore and highly illegal-looking construction that's been taking up the sidewalk for MONTHS now outside the sports club, it seems like a real douchey move.

Manny is a sweetheart and favorite of many locals in the neighborhood.

This isn't the first time that the city tossed Manny's sale items.

Manny, aka Emmanuel Howard, has been selling second-hand items on Avenue A and East Second Street for more than 35 years.

Updated 5/27

NYSC General Manager Anthony Testai responded with this comment:

I just wanted to say — as the General Manager of the NYSC on Ave A that I am shocked to see how badly my company is getting dragged thru the mud with this. Manny and I have personally chatted multiple times and I was disappointed to see the city throw away his things again.

Just so most of you are aware this is the third time that I know of that this has happened and as all of you know..(weve only been here for 3 months). I can assure you that NYSC myself and my staff included had NOTHING to do with the fact that he had his things thrown away. The first time this happened before we were even open I immediately ran down to Manny and apologized for his belongings being thrown away.

Manny sells his things in front of the methadone clinic and he's not near our storefront, which is why we have no problem with him doing his business, he knows that because we have spoken and I say hello to him almost everyday.

On behalf of NYSC I apologize for this happening but it did not come from us, I even spoke to the construction team and they had nothing to do with it.

Now for the real issue the SIDEWALK! This is killing everyone's business and is a huge problem with the community and me. Just so everyone is aware the sidewalk has been the city not giving us to remove an oil tank that was abandoned beneath the old sidewalk. And so everyone is updated it will be completed by the end of this month if not sooner.

If anyone has any questions please feel free to stop by, tour the gym and see that we are not some "big business" or call me...

Café Pick Me Up closes Sunday night ahead of a move to share the Gnocco space on East 10th Street

[EVG file photo]

As previously reported, the 20-year-old Café Pick Me Up on Avenue A at East Ninth Street will close for good after service on Sunday.

However, they won't be going too far. Café Pick Me's Facebook page has more details on the move to East 10th Street between Avenue A and Avenue B:

It is with great regret and sadness that we have to close this location of Café Pick Me Up due to a forced closure. It has been such a beautiful experience and pleasure to serve this neighborhood and our friends for so many years.

Luckily, we are able to move our operation to GNOCCO at 337 East 10th Street. We know this won’t be able to replace the memories and location of the original Café Pick Me Up, but we think this will at least partially fill the vacuum of a chapter that lasted so many years.


The first Monday in June will begin the week-long auction of the historical content in the café (including sale of all objects, furniture, and tables).

You are all invited to the opening at GNOCCO on June 3rd with free coffee for all starting at 10AM and served till 4pm.

Thank you all for your business over the years and see you soon at GNOCCO!

PS: Stay tuned for the next venture at 147 Avenue A.

¬-The Café Pick Me Up Team

Café Pick Me Up is currently housed at 145 and 147 Avenue A, and they have two different landlords.

[Image via Facebook]

Café manager Rossella Palazzo told DNAinfo in March that a rent hike from No. 145 landlord Icon Realty is the reason for the closure. (Icon is currently listing the storefront… asking $15,000 a month for the space, which includes 600 square feet on the ground floor and 724 square feet in the basement.)

The Cafe rents the smaller storefront next door at 147 Avenue A for use as a dining room from landlord Steve Croman of 9300 Realty. From the sound of the Facebook message, Café Pick Me Up has plans for the 147 space.

Previously on EV Grieve:
Rent hike forcing Cafe Pick Me Up into its smaller space next door on Avenue A (59 comments)

[Updated] Cafe Pick Me Up expected to close for good after May 31

Out and About in the East Village

In this weekly feature, East Village-based photographer James Maher provides us with a quick snapshot of someone who lives and/or works in the East Village.

By James Maher
Name: Alicia Mercado
Occupation: Medicaid Employee
Location: 5th Street and Avenue C
Time: Loisaida Festival, 5:45 p.m. Sunday, May 24

I’ve been a Lower East Sider all my life. I’ve been on 5th and C for the last 25. From what my dad tells me, because I was relatively young when he came to the neighborhood, this was a rehab. It was barren land. There were a lot of burned-down buildings. It was drug infested and there were a lot of crack houses.

My dad pretty much came in with a bunch of his friends, purchased the building at auction, and started a homestead. We had eight members and we had a lot of volunteers. We had a lot of volunteers throughout the years. It was great, it was fun. It was a lot of cold winters with no windows, walking on beams, but it was worth it.

We lucked out with getting a perfectly intact shell, but if you stood in the basement and looked up you could see the sky. The building was inundated with crack vials and syringes, so we had to be very careful when we were excavating. It was bad. It was infested with asbestos so we had to get special cleaning for that. That held us back another four years. It took about 15 years [total]. We did the sweat equity ourselves. That saved us a whole lot of money and then we hired general contractors to get the plumbing and the electricity done.

The Loisaida Festival definitely gets smaller and smaller every year. It used to span all the way from Houston Street to 14th and every year they seem to take away a block. It’s dwindling and it seems to be more commercial than [it used to be]. Before they used to have a lot of giveaways, a lot of face painting that didn’t cost the neighborhood anything, but now it’s changed.

The crime is here. We have a lot of drugs on our block. It’s heavy. We have a lot of dope. It’s coming back with a vengeance. You see like, they’re mummies. It gets worse every summer. The last four summers have been so bad. We just had a shooting. It was alarming. My son was playing his guitar and I was like, ‘duck!’ It was very loud. It was about 10 p.m. and then all of a sudden the cop cars were on top of the sidewalks. A guy got shot.

But the schools are a lot better. Ever since they broke them down into several in one building. It used to be one principal for one great big school. Now they’ve split them down to four different schools with four different principals in the same building. It makes it easier to manage. The one here has three schools in it and it runs well. My son goes to East Side. He’s got a middle school and high school on one side and a girl’s prep on the other side. It runs beautifully – winning schools. They’re going off to college now, whereas 20 years ago kids weren’t even graduating.

James Maher is a fine art and studio photographer based in the East Village. Find his website here.

East 14th Street building returns to the market for a few million dollars more

[Image via Streeteasy]

Back in April 2013, 534 E. 14th St. hit the market for $7.1 million. The 5-story walk-up between Avenue A and Avenue B is adjacent to Extell's incoming retail-residential complex.

At the time, not much was known about the size and scope of the development. Today, though, everyone has a good of what's to come. The two buildings at No. 532 and No. 500 will include 150 residential units and nearly 57,000 square feet for retail.

So a listing for 534 E. 14th St. returned yesterday with a new broker (Marcus & Millichap) and a new price tag — $8.995 million.

Here's the listing via Streeteasy, which doesn't sound too promising for current lease holders…:

The subject property is a 5-story, mixed-use, walk-up building containing 15 residential units, 2 ground floor retail units and a cell tower. Of the 15 apartments, there are 14 studios and one 1-bedroom. All of the apartments are rent stabilized and contain an average legal rent of approximately $2,400. With an actual average rent of approximately $1,769 per month, this provides an investor significant immediate rental upside.

The property contains two retail tenants: ABC East 14 Cleaners, which occupies 800 square feet with a month-to-month lease and New Tasty King, which occupies 800 square feet and is also on a month-to-month lease. The two tenants are paying an approximate average of $109 per square foot.

The property is located adjacent to Extell’s new development which will have over 30,000 square feet of retail asking $250 per square foot. Further retail upside can be recognized by building out the retail space using the property’s additional air rights. The property also features a cell tower on the roof, which pays $750 per month and has a lease expiring on June 30, 2019.

According to Streeteasy, the property has 3,078 square feet of unused air rights.

Rumor: East Village Cheese Shop relocating to East 7th Street

[Photo via]

As previously reported, East Village Cheese Shop has until July 31 on its current lease at 40 Third Ave. between East Ninth Street and East 10th Street.

According to Off the Grid, the owners had considered a move to Avenue A and East 13th Street. However, that plan never materialized.

Now comes word that the shop, which has been at its current location for nearly 20 years (after starting on East Ninth Street), will move to East Seventh Street.

An EVG reader left this comment the other day on our previous East Village Cheese post: "They told me they are moving to 7th St betw 1st and 2nd."

And yesterday a reliable source told East Village Eats specifically that the shop will relocate to 76 E. Seventh St., former home of Warwick and Framus Custom Shop, which closed at the beginning of the year.

In January, we heard that the Duane Reade on Third Avenue at East 10th Street was going to expand into adjacent storefronts on that block, forcing out several businesses, including East Village Cheese Shop and Excel Custom Framing. There aren't any permits on file yet with the city to indicate any expansion/renovations here.

Previously on EV Grieve:
Rumors: Duane Reade expansion will take over adjacent storefronts, including East Village Cheese (74 comments)

[Updated] Confirmed: East Village Cheese will be moving to Avenue A later this year

Warning flyers posted about renting from Steve Croman's 9300 Realty

An EVG reader noted a lone flyer warning potential residents of living in a property owned by Steve Croman, aka 9300 Realty, named one of the top-10 worst landlords in NYC last year by The Village Voice.

The reader spotted this on East 11th Street near Avenue B…

The reader noted another flyer posted nearby. (Anyone spot any other Croman flyers around?)

We're not sure who's responsible for the warning… there is the Croman Tenants' Alliance … as well as the Stop Croman Coalition Blog that serve as resources for Croman-related activities.

Previously on EV Grieve:
East Village represented on this list of the city's worst landlords

Report: Steve Croman facing another lawsuit from East 8th Street residents

Report: East 8th Street residents sue landlord Steve Croman, allege intimidation, harassment

Watch a lot of people speak out against Steve Croman and 9300 Realty

Report: State Attorney General launches Steve Croman investigation

Reader report: Someone dumped motor oil in 2 Steve Croman-owned buildings

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Elusive night heron becoming less elusive

We've heard about several recent sightings of the (formerly elusive) night heron in Tompkins Square Park of late… EVG regular Grant Shaffer took this photo last night, adding "it gobbled down a rat right in front of us — amazing!"

Or perhaps there is more than one night heron in the Park???

Anyway, the consensus among non-bird experts is that this is a yellow-crowned night heron … or a black-crowned night heron.

Whatever… it's crowned … it's a heron … and it has been eating rats in Tompkins Square Park.

Previously on EV Grieve:
The night heron apparently comes out at night in Tompkins Square Park

Squirrels continue to evolve in Tompkins Square Park

Photo late this afternoon via EVG reader Steven.

(And no — that's not an acai bowl.)

Reminders: CB3 fundraiser for 2nd Avenue is tomorrow night

Community Board 3 is presenting "Orchard Street Loves 2nd Avenue" tomorrow night from 7-10 at Lucky Jack's, 129 Orchard St. (between Rivington and Delancey).

It's $20 to get in, and all the proceeds go to Second Avenue businesses affected by the deadly gas explosion on March 26.