Sunday, January 9, 2011

My annual excuse for posting photos of people in their underwear

Today was the annual No Pants Subway Ride... which is why so many people asked me why folks were walking around the East Village tonight in parkas, hats, scarves and... underwear... here are some scenes from today at Union Square taken by Constantino Diaz-Duran, who gave me the OK to post these... You may find more photos via his Twitter account here.

Fire, fire... pants on fire?

After today's No Pants Subway Ride, we saw plenty of underwear-clad revelers in the neighborhood... EV Grieve reader Steve snapped a quick shot of this group on East Fourth Street near Avenue B stopping traffic....

Yesterday afternoon in Tompkins Square Park

Yesterday afternoon, an EMS crew was dispatched to Tompkins Square Park ...

...a man, believed to be inebriated, had passed out ... Bobby Williams was on the scene... the responders picked up the man and took him away....

First blow of 2011: Faux Penistrator(s) on the loose

Despite the Great Snowstorm of Dec.26-27 2010, we never spotted the handiwork of the renowned Penistrator. However, after the light snowfall the last two days... well, see for yourself on this hood on Seventh Street between First Avenue and Avenue A...

Meanwhile, a reader sent along this shot from inside a StuyTown elevator.

Might this all be a warmup for the incoming snow expected on Wednesday?

Hot dogs in cold weather

Thanks to BaHa for sending along some shots from the snow-covered Tompkins Square Park Dog Run... where the dogs were having a blast, she notes...

Things that we find frozen in the street

Seventh Street and Avenue B.

No confirmation (yet) that these belong to Erik Estrada.

Your chance to heckle Tom Selleck this week — not once but twice

"Blue Bloods," the oddly named NYC cop drama starring our beloved Magnum P.I. and the guy from New Kids on the Block who's become a pretty good actor, is filming in the neighborhood this week... around Avenue A and St. Mark's Place tomorrow... and near the Bowery on Tuesday...

Mini Christmas tree fire on Fourth Avenue

Walking along Fourth Avenue near 11th Street this morning... a fire truck and police car were just pulling away... seems as if this small tree on the sidewalk caught fire...

Primary colors

Just noting the newish street art here on Second Avenue a few doors down from Mars Bar...

Balloons and squirrels

Two scenes from in and around Tompkins Square Park courtesy of Bobby Williams...

I used to think squirrels were cute — until one attacked me. Of course, I was eating acorn squash soup at the time.... [Booing and hissing]

Saturday, January 8, 2011

...or not

EV Grieve correspondent Shawn Chittle notes the Mary Help of Christians Flea Market on Avenue A and 11th Street didn't return today as the sign notes...of course, there's still snow cover on the lot...

Billy's Antiques not getting its confiscated subway signs back

Catching up on some news from yesterday afternoon.... Last March, police arrested Billy Leroy and charged him with a felony of possession of stolen property in connection with subway signs that were seized from Billy's Antiques on East Houston.

Yesterday, the Times reported:

A Manhattan judge this week ruled against an antiques dealer attempting to get back subway signs that the police seized from him last year in a criminal case that was eventually dismissed.

But the judge, Rita Mella of Criminal Court, did empathize with the dealer, William LeRoy, and urged the State Legislature to change the laws governing cases like Mr. LeRoy’s.

Because state law does not give criminal courts the right to return to defendants belongings seized from them under a search warrant, Mr. LeRoy may be forced to file a lawsuit to get them back, “a measure that places a substantial financial burden on that individual, and contravenes the due process rights the courts and Legislature have sought to protect,” Judge Mella wrote in a 15-page decision.

Ronald L. Kuby, one of Mr. LeRoy’s lawyers, said his client was still considering his next step. The cost of continuing the litigation would be greater than the value of the signs... Mr. Kuby said.

As Billy said in an e-mail to me, "Well, looks like I'm fucked."

A contender for a Write-a-Caption contest

Today in photos of birds

Live blogging the 2011 MulchFest!

We'll be coming to you LIVE! all weekend from the MulchFest at Tompkins Square Park...

We're here with 101.9, the official radio sponsor of MulchFest 2011...

There is also a tent featuring Cabot cheese ... and two people in Dunkin Donut tracksuits... (really)


11:15: Someone turns on the music ... (live feed from 101.9?) ... the song marks the official start of the Mulching! And the song?

"Laid" by James. (really)

11:16: Some local officials and other assorted people (mostly all in ear plugs) stand for a photo opp ...

11:16.31: The mulching begins!

14th Street, 10:11 a.m., Jan. 8

I've used up all my mulch puns

Anyway, the MulchFest is this weekend in Tompkins Square Park ... I'll be there with a sound meter... if the mulcher gets too loud and starts disturbing nearby residents, then I will file formal complaints ... and ask that the number of MulchFests be reduced in the future....

But seriously, the pile of waiting-to-be-mulched trees has made for a fine playground for some kids...

Thanks to Bobby Williams for all three of these photos....

Friday, January 7, 2011

What in the world?

Oh! It's The Dukes of Stratosphear .... from 1985.

Is the end near for brainless cupcake iconography?

A reader passes along this photo and a note ...

"New ad at Union Square. I'm no locavore, but I'm pretty sure that cupcake wasn't harvested from a farm within 100 miles. Maybe this means the end is near for brainless cupcake iconography.

Possible delay in emergency response this afternoon and tomorrow from Engine 28 and Ladder 11

We'll periodically have information on local fire company activities, including when they are closed for periods of time... particularly the FDNY’s Engine 28 and Ladder 11 — the two fire companies quartered at 222 E. Second St.

Engine 28 will be conducting Building Inspection this afternoon from 1-4 ... as well as every Friday afternoon. Building Inspection may cause delays in response because parts of their Buidling Inspection District are not in their 1st, 2nd or 3rd due emergency response area.

And tomorrow:

Engine 28 and Ladder 11 will be conducting Multi-Unit Drill (aka. MUD), beginning at 11 a.m. (as well as every Saturday morning). During this time, both units may be delayed to emergency responses. The reason being that during Multi-Unit Drill, a Ladder Company (aka. Truck), runs and tests all of the SCOTT Air Masks, the many meters and tools, and extends all portable ladders as well as the aerial ladder (the large ladder on top of the truck). The Engine also runs and tests all SCOTT Air Masks, meters and tools, as well as connecting to a fire hydrant and running the Engine's pumps to make sure they work properly, thereby checking water pressure. Hoses and hose fittings are also tested.

Delays are caused when an alarm is received at the time these various tools, ladders, pumps, fittings are being tested. Since either company may not respond without their full complement of equipment (they would be ineffective without them), they must be put back on the rig. All efforts are made to test one piece of equipment at a time and place it back on the rig to lessen the degree of delayed response.

And who should you call about fire-related complaints? The number for Complaints at FDNY's 9 Metrotech Center in Brooklyn is 718-999-1012. They are usually only open during business hours. If they are closed and it is something they feel warrants immediate attention, then call 911.

Meanwhile, BoweryBoogie brings word of a fatal fire on Ludlow Street.

EV Grieve Etc: Mourning Edition

The plans to redo Astor Place and Cooper Square (BoweryBoogie)

Ray's now sells fried dough! (Nadie Se Conoce)

Cabo Rojo shutters in Chelsea (Jeremiah's Vanishing NY)

More on the roast beef coming to the Bowery Poetry Club (Grub Street)

Abel Ferrara in person at Anthology Film Archives tonight (AFA)

Making Sense of the Lower East Side Art Boom (The Lo-Down)

BaHa's cheesy New Year (With Leftovers)

Check out Karate Boogaloo's new look (Stupefaction)

From Patricia Bellucci...

–noun, plural
1. a stupid act, notion, speech, etc.
2. dragging double-stroller down the subway stairs, esp. during rush hour
1535–45; < L stupiditās, equiv. to stupid ( us ) stupid + -itās -ity

My M15 was ready for action today!

And anyone for some snowtunes? [Booing]


Meanwhile, behind the Cooper Square Hotel

Yeah, I don't know what it is either.

And a good morning to you!

A resident who lives near Avenue C and Ninth Street sent along this note about a discovery the other morning...

"... I pulled back my curtains and was startled by artwork left on my windowsill. From what it looked like to me, it was a sundial with about 30 or so thermometers glued to a bright yellow center. Upon further inspection from my landlord, it was about 30 or so bloody syringes glued to a center of razor blades! He had to call hazmat to have it removed ... [I'm] sure it was just a one-time psycho ordeal but enough to scare me. Wish I would have taken a photo."

Me too! And be careful out there...

How do you find an apartment in the East Village these days?

A reader and East Village resident is looking for another apartment in the neighborhood... and she's tired of Craigslist and its scams ... So how do you find an apartment here these days?

The last time I looked for an apartment, I walked over to the Voice offices on a Tuesday night to get an early copy of that week's paper... so, uh, I'm a little out of it... Anyone have any legit suggestions? (I also mentioned StreetEasy...)