Then! Neighborhoodr links to Barney-Mugging, where Ruthy notes:
Someone told me today that there is a STARBUCKS rumored to be opening on Avenue A sometime in the near future. Personally, I don’t care for burnt coffee or impersonal service, but I still fear it’s going to give all of my beloved cafes in the area a run for their money…
Well, there's certainly enough empty storefronts to choose from... and they could afford the rent... And this isn't the first rumor of another chain on Avenue A.
I still think the Landlord is a shit for kicking out the health food store that was there for years, Prana I think? the owner is probably taking a writeoff for the empty space he engineered; in otherwords, a tax break that we all get to subsidize.
I hope this is a false rumor. We don't need another Starbucks in the neighborhood.
They better not fuck with Bagel Zone.
While I don't mind starbucks occasionally it does bother me that this will further hurt the local business. although the starbucks on 2nd ave and 9th st is there and Mud seems to still be doing ok (I hope!)
So, in the same vein, Monk thrift store on C is slated for ouster to make room for.dundundun..a CHASE BANK. Now whatever will we spend all the cash from those ATM withdrawls on?? Bad news for fashion. Great news for coke dealers.
I really really hope the Bean is not effected, that place is the definiton of a neighborhood gathering place..where you meet and see your neighbors, four legged too, everyday. I also Love the Bagel zone...great people there too.
I hope this doesnt happen
I CAN'T WAIT! 2nd ave is too damn far.
my exact reaction to this: "GASP. NO. OH. MY. GOD...."
i will seriously protest this. where the F is john penley when you need him. come back john! SOS!
STARBUCKS come to E 7th street so that I don't have to go all the way to 2nd Ave! There are native EV residents who love u!!!!!!
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