Thanks to reader
Mick for
passing along this link to 12oz. Prophet that features shots from photographer Paul Binzen's book "Tenth Street." The book, published in 1968, documents life on the street from the east side to the west side.

At Avenue B.

At Avenue D.

At Avenue A.
i love that book. if you ever want to check it out, the jefferson market library has a rare copy on their reference shelves.
I thought the Jefferson Market Library was now a Gristedes?
Sorry, bad joke.
Thanks for the tip... I definitely want to see the rest of the book... I've seen many of the images here and there, but not all together....
Cool. Thanks for the tip JVNY, need to see that book.
Too bad you guys weren't around in the 60s, the book was everywhere, any apartment you went into...there it was! For a while it became like a fixture in peoples places. I lost my copy years ago and I'm sure many lost or threw theirs away too...Oh well, that's life in the Big Apple, New York New York ;)))
Thanks for the pix and link! Great stuff.
I swear that's Motorcycle Richie who ran the Digger's Free Store on 10th Street... I knew him briefly and this pic stopped me short... I'm pretty sure this is the guy I knew...
I posted a photo of the Digger Free Store on East 10th Street at Manhattan before 1990 earlier, compliments of
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