So, yesterday, in the aftermath of the blizzard of the century, the reader finally caught the pigeon feeder in the act. She empties out huge bags of (what look like) bread crumbs, multiple times every day. Who is she? And why does she revel in unleashing the pigeon apocalypse?
The harbinger in action...

Observing her evil handiwork before departing (from behind the light pole)...

...the aftermath....

More than the pigeons, dozens of rats live in a hole directly next to where she tosses this kibble.
Also: I see a lot of rice and beans.
This person is a menace.
Why can't you be a good crazy lady and just keep cats. People feeding pigeons makes me furious. Why not put food out for rats while we're at? At least rats are fellow mammals.
This is why I ONLY feed sparrows, chickadees, and mourning doves on my windowsill. If a pigeon stops by, I immediately shoo it or spray it with a water bottle. Begone, heathens!
I've seen the rats there too, scurrying out when the pigeons are gone.
I saw a park worker today trying to lay down salt on the sidewalk today. Poor guy -- every time he scooped out salt onto the sidewalk, the pigeons all thought it was food, and would swoop in around him. Once they figured out it wasn't, they'd just sit there surrounding him and blocking the path until he shooed them away. Next scoop of salt, same thing.
The park worker seemed to quickly lose his patience and things very soon escalated from waving his arms to hurling chunks of snow at the amassed pigeons.
Good on that park worker. Pigeons get way too comfortable around people and end up totally getting in the way. I secretly want to kick one that crosses my path on the sidewalk and gets a little too close for comfort but I always chicken out.
Someone get this pigeon spy a telefoto lens, I can't see anything in these photos.
I saw one of the crusty squirrels thump one of those rats last summer. Just about ran him over. It's true, though, there's a serious rat problem in that corner of the park, and I'd really just as soon the playground my kid plays in wasn't overrun with rodents. Please stop this crummy evildoer
Boo hiss boo! Rarr rarr rarr! Burn her!
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