Tuesday, March 29, 2011

A quick look back at a Mars Bar moment

We noted on Sunday that there's a new mural up outside Mars Bar.

And now a quick look at the previous mural... one of our all-time favorites... the "Mars Bar Moment" by Jane Knox that she started on Feb. 18.

Vandals struck a few weeks later...

...then someone cleaned it up, kind of...

To many more Mars Bar moments.

What celebrity will be having a 'Close Call' in the East Village?

EV Grieve reader Creature sends along this photo from Avenue A and Sixth Street... A film shoot today for "Celebrity Close Call"??

Not familiar with that one... According to Bio.com:

For many celebrities life can be a dream — critical acclaim, a world of adoring fans, and unimaginable wealth. But in a split second everything can disappear. In this riveting one-hour special we'll talk with stars Jane Seymour, Erik Estrada, Leif Garret and Coolio, each forced to face their own mortality in shocking, unexpected twists of fate. These celebrities' true stories should be obituaries, tragic endings to phenomenal lives. Except for one thing: every single one of them lived to tell the tale.

Any thoughts on what celebrity will be using the East Village as a backdrop to his or her near-death experience?

The High Line gets the 'National Geographic' treatment

The April National Geographic is on newsstands today, and the issue includes a feature on the High Line (not to mention snow frogs!)...

Anyway, here's a link to the feature ... where you can find a few more photos like these...

And here are a few passages from the accompanying essay by Paul Goldberger...

Almost a decade after the Giuliani administration tried to tear the High Line down, it has been turned into one of the most innovative and inviting public spaces in New York City and perhaps the entire country.


New York is a city in which good things rarely happen easily and where good designs are often compromised, if they are built at all.

For another take on the new High Line, read Jeremiah Moss's essay at Vanishing New York.

[All photos by Diane Cook and Len Jenshel/National Geographic. Cover credit: National Geographic]

Speaking of wildlife...

EV Grieve Wildlife Correspondent Bobby Williams and others were on the scene yesterday afternoon in Tompkins Square Park...

...as our red-tailed hawk dined on a rat.

Monday, March 28, 2011

FDNY battles apartment blaze at 309 E. Ninth St.

The FDNY was on the scene tonight at 309 E. Ninth St. just east of Second Avenue ... where firefighters quickly extinguished a blaze that started in a fourth-floor apartment...

No word yet on injuries or the extent of the damage. Firefighters had tossed several charred pillows out on the sidewalk.

Here's a photo a little earlier via @Bincerli

Avenue B, 5:57 p.m., March 28

East 10th Street, 8:39 a.m., March 28

Photo by Steven Hirsch [Posted with permission]

EV Grieve Etc: Mourning Edition

More thoughts on rent deregulation (Save the Lower East Side!)

How to deal with your man in Tompkins Square Park (Nadie Se Conoce)

Beware the fake real estate agent (Runnin' Scared)

About urban graffiti knitters (Fast Company)

About penis graffiti (The Grumbler)

DOH shutters original Ray's (Eater)

A look at the Single Fare 2 show (Jeremiah's Vanishing New York)

A recap of the Little Italy Unity Rally (BoweryBoogie)

Is your super the next reality TV star? (The Lo-Down)

At the CD release party for Eden and John's East River String Band (Slum Goddess)

A burger at Whitmans on East Ninth Street (Marty After Dark)

Person from Browns Mills, N.J. upset by new CK ad on Lafayette and Houston (CBS)

Buy a nice corner of the Bowery

Here's you chance to become a Bowery real-estate baron and reap the gold! Per the RKF website, you can invest in the space at the Bowery and Bleecker...

Per the listing (PDF):

The market has experienced a revitalization in recent years and presents a vibrant mix of new residential, retail, hotel, cultural, dining and nightlife offerings.
The property features:

• 6,600 sf on two levels: 3,400 sf on the Ground Floor and 3,200 sf in the Lower Level
• 129 feet of wraparound frontage
• Two existing liquor licenses in place
• Fully built kitchen

This is a rare opportunity to purchase an income-producing retail condominium on the Bowery with an existing liquor license in-place.

No word if the "Star Wars" pinball machine is included.

Last day for Houston Deli & Grocery

As I first reported last month, Brooklyn's Union Market will open a fancy new shop on Avenue A and Houston that will include a beef-aging facility and personal shopping services...

Meanwhile, the current tenant at 240 E. Houston St., Houston Deli & Grocery, closes today...

I stopped by during the weekend. I asked about the closing date. The owner, shaking his head and fighting back tears, said several times, "They wouldn't offer us a lease..."

Not much left...

New hope for 35 Cooper Square

During the weekend, workers arrived at 35 Cooper Square to begin removing the sewer and water from the property...

[Photos by Bobby Williams]

...the next steps in the demolition of the historic building... However, there is some positive news about the home via David Mulkins, chair of the Bowery Alliance of Neighbors (BAN). City Council member Rosie Mendez's office has brokered a meeting between developer Arun Bhatia and BAN members to discuss possibly sparing the building.

Meanwhile, as we pointed out five weeks ago, workers have left the roof exposed to the elements. You may write to the developer's rep, Jane Crotty (Jane@gacnyc.com), and ask them to put the protective covering back on the rooftop.

Updated: DNAinfo reports the meeting is set for April 12.

Nevada Smith's turning red

Here on Third Avenue between 11th Street and 12th Street.




Perhaps the new exterior will put to rest the years-old rumors that they're moving to a bigger space?