Wednesday, February 25, 2015

NYPD searching for knife-wielding suspect wanted for 6 store robberies, including on East 7th Street

Police officials have released the above sketch of a suspect wanted in connection with six downtown shop robberies in recent weeks.

The first robbery occurred on Jan. 21 at AuH2O Thriftique, 84 E. Seventh St. between First Avenue and Second Avenue. According to published reports, the suspect entered the shop around 5:30 p.m., and demanded the money. He fled with $240. An accomplice was standing watch outside.

The suspect, working alone, then allegedly robbed five more businesses, including on Bond Street, Elizabeth Street and Mott Street. Gothamist has a rundown of all six robberies here. According to Gothamist, police described the suspect in the sketch as being 5-8 to 6-0 tall and in his 30s. No other information about the suspect was immediately available.

Anyone with information that could help in the investigation is asked to call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-577-TIPS (8477). You may also submit tips online.

[Updated] More about Sugar, the missing pit bull mix with a $5k reward

You may have seen flyers up around the neighborhood for Sugar, the 6-year-old Amstaff/pit bull mix that went missing some time on Monday.

The Post has an article today on the situation ... interviewing Sugar's owner, East Village resident Morgan Bogle.

Bogle was in London on business, leaving Sugar in the care of her dog walker of three years. Then something apparently went really wrong.

Per the article:

But the man flipped out while she was away, kicking the front door of her apartment Monday while shouting and swearing, witnesses said.

“He was screaming, ‘F–k you! Let me in the f–king house now!’ ” a witness said, adding that Sugar was nowhere in sight.

“He seemed manic . . . I told him, ‘You’re acting like a lunatic.’ He was muttering stuff, but it wasn’t coherent at all,” the witness said.

A neighbor texted Bogle, and she sent a friend to the dog walker’s apartment. The pal spotted the man hiding behind a trash can outside and “acting strange,” Bogle said.

Sugar's collar and sweater were inside Bogle's apartment... but no sign of the dog. The dog walker reportedly "had no explanation" for Sugar's whereabouts.

Bogle is offering a $5,000 reward for Sugar's return. A reader who sent us the above flyer said that Sugar is spayed and microchipped. We've heard various versions of when Sugar was last seen — either Sunday or Monday ... with one reader saying that Sugar was spotted on East 26th Street between Second Avenue and Third Avenue.

Updated 6:28 p.m.

Sugar now has Twitter and Facebook pages.

And WABC has a report here.

Updated 2-28

The reward is now $10,000. Find more details here.

Out and About in the East Village, Part 2

In this weekly feature, East Village-based photographer James Maher provides us with a quick snapshot of someone who lives and/or works in the East Village.

By James Maher
Name: Sheila Rothenberg
Occupation: Production Manager at Works in Progress NYC
Location: St. Mark's Place between 1st and 2nd (the photo for Part 2 is at the Tile Bar on 1st Avenue and East 7th Street)
Time: 6:30 pm on Thursday, Feb 5

Picking up with the end of Part 1

I opened my own restaurant on 2nd Avenue, between 1st and 2nd. It was called Dine East. We bought it from Sam of Sam’s Luncheonette. We didn’t know at time, but the reason he made money was because he had poker games in the back. I bought all the equipment from some cokeheads who had a restaurant in Chinatown. I was there from ’83 to ’86 and that’s where I met my husband — he was teaching at La Salle across the street.

It was so much fun and so much hard work. It was like a greasy spoon. My dad was working as my dishwasher. I’m still friends with everyone who worked with us. I really had my regulars. But in ’85, ’86 the crack stuff started happening. The heroin wasn’t so bad because they would not bother you so much. They'd ask, ‘Do you sell bottled soda? Do you have a bathroom?’ They wanted the bottle cap. I’d say, ‘No, because you want to shoot up in the bathroom.’ But crackheads were crazy, so it got a little sketchy. I didn’t know what was going to happen. I had five years left on the lease when I left. It was 28 seats. I made $100, $200 a week. I didn’t know about business so well and I gave a lot of stuff away, but it was really fun. I just realized that I couldn’t really go on with the life we were planning.

After that, I went to cook at Florent on Gansevoort Street in the Meatpacking District. It was a hot place. I made salads for Madonna. But there I really learned how to cook. I learned French cooking and how to make sauces.

Then I got pregnant and left. My next job was at the Telephone Bar as a cook for three years. That was great. Barbara Sibley was the general manager and Abe from the 2nd Avenue Deli was the owner and I loved him. Barbara has a lot of integrity and working for them was… like I got paid vacation. What you got at that restaurant was unheard of. She got group insurance for people. She was so flexible with time off. Working there was wonderful.

Today I am a production manager at Works in Progress NYC, a not-for-profit silk-screening company in the East Village. We provide internships for approximately 15 students annually from a growing list of New York City high schools and work readiness programs.

We are often able to provide paid summer jobs for high school students who have interned at WIP and several former interns are currently full-time staff. I like working with teenagers the best. It's fun being with kids and making shirts for people in the neighborhood and meeting great people.

Even though the neighborhood is changing, I still feel like it’s my community and I still have a lot of friends. We got very involved in the schools down here when we had children. We were founding parents of The Neighborhood School on 3rd Street. My husband was the first PTA president and I was the second. We got much more active politically because of the schools and trying to make better schools for kids.

My husband was teaching conflict resolution and I got very interested in the concept, so I did a training and learned to be a facilitator in conflict resolution. It was called Peace in the Family, which is sort of a misnomer. It was about just working with parents about active listening and good communication with your kids and bringing parents in to talk to teachers and to not be scared or intimidated. Then I went back to college since I had never finished college. I worked for Educators for Social Responsibility and then on 12th Street was an organization called the Girls’ Project and I was program manager there.

This block [St. Mark's Place between First Avenue and Second Avenue] was always pretty nice. I’m also a landlord. In 1993 we bought this building. I saw a for sale sign during the savings and loan scandal, so you couldn’t get a commercial loan and this was a commercial building. However, we got a great deal. I think the building dates back to 1840s [and belonged to] Peter Stuyvesant’s son. This was all Stuyvesant’s land.

It amazes me what these tenements are renting for. You know the Groucho Marx thing, ‘I don't care to belong to any club that will have me as a member’? I don’t want to rent to anyone who can afford to live here. We did, and the first rental we had here were these trust-fund kids and they called me to change a light bulb, and they were paying below market. I’m like, ‘That’s not the way it works. You gotta change your own light bulbs.’

I’m one of those people who came here and made good. There’s kind of this balance that people miss in terms of the gentrification. There was a time on 1st Street between 1st and 2nd where you could not walk on that block. I had a friend who lived there, a waitress at the Kiev and they said, ‘No you can’t come in.’ Shooting galleries were a real thing. They had bodyguards and they wouldn’t let you up the steps. I was like, ‘Fuck you, my friend lives up there, I’m going.’ That was the kind of person I was. It was not good for kids; it was not good for anybody.

As I heard de Blasio say on the radio [the other day], ‘When things are done without a plan, it gets screwed up.’ You’ve got to develop and you’ve got to change, but you have to have a plan. It’s greed on the part of people who own stuff but it’s also that there isn't any regulation. Everyone talks about mom and pop and small business and it is so difficult. I could never open a restaurant now.

Read Part 1 here

James Maher is a fine art and studio photographer based in the East Village. Find his website here.

[Updated] Confirmed: East Village Cheese will be moving to Avenue A later this year

We got word last month that the Duane Reade on Third Avenue at East 10th Street was going to expand into adjacent storefronts on that block, forcing out several businesses, including neighborhood favorite East Village Cheese, in the process.

We were told shortly after that the owners had secured a new storefront on Avenue A and East 13th Street — the former Kim's Laundromat & Cleaners on the southeast corner…

[Photo from Jan. 17]

In a feature at Off the Grid yesterday, East Village Cheese co-owner Lobsang Tsultrim confirmed the upcoming closure and move. Tsultrim said that his lease lasts until July 31, with a move coming after that.

Per Off the Grid:

“Rent is going up, cheese is going up,” Tsultrim said. “If I have to move, I have to spend money. I don’t know if it’s going to work.” They have to move the equipment and fixtures, he said, and the new space is smaller. The store’s practice is to buy cheese for, say, $2 per pound, then sell it for $4 per pound where other stores will mark the same product $10.

“They’ve got the money and they’re trying to take over. We’re trying to help the East Village. It’s all about the money, you know,” he said. “We’re trying to help the Village – that’s why we’re having a problem.”

Updated 2:21 p.m.

Ugh. Off the Grid spoke again today with Tsultrim, and they've amended their blog post to the following:

On Feb. 25 Tsultrim clarified that, while he had been considering taking over the former Kim’s Laundromat at 208 Avenue A at 13th Street, that space no longer seems viable and his search for an East Village location is ongoing.

Previously on EV Grieve:
Rumors: Duane Reade expansion will take over adjacent storefronts, including East Village Cheese (74 comments)

Changes afoot at North River

North River at 166 First Ave. just north of East 10th Street has been closed in recent evenings.

There isn't any mention of a closure on the restaurant's website or various social media properties.

Meanwhile, someone has removed the North River sign and menu … and painted over the gate.

And over at Open Table, the first reservations are available starting on April 16.

But apparently the place is just closed for renovations … according to the sign now on the front door…

In case you were wondering, Dead Drop is the name of the sorta hidden speakeasy in the basement.

North River's American-style comfort food, from chef Adam Starowicz, who worked at Momofuku Ko and Hearth, seemed to get positive notices (here and here, as an example), though some readers thought the prices were too steep.

Anyway, so no word yet on what these changes might be at North River, which opened on Dec. 19, 2013.

The Met Foods space is now for rent on 3rd Avenue

Earlier this month, we reported that the Met Foods on Third Avenue between East 16th Street and East 17th Street will be closing at a date to-be-determined this spring.

The for rent sign is now up at the space. We didn't spot a listing for it online just yet.

Meanwhile, the mood inside isn't so good. Said EVG reader Harry Weiner, who shared the above photo: "There is a subdued atmosphere of gloom in the store…"

Previously on EV Grieve:
The Met Foods on 3rd Avenue in Gramercy Park is closing (19 comments)

After 2 months, Matty's is closed for now on Avenue B

[Photo from last month]

Matty's took over the Idle Hands space at 25 Avenue B… opening here between East Second Street and East Third Street on Dec. 12.

Now, for the time being, the bar is closed.

There's a rent due notice now on the gate for the sum of $38,326.77 … "for rent from from January 2015 to February 2015."

[Photo via @Salim]

Matty's NYC is the sister bar to the Matty's on the Drive, a now-closed gay bar in Wilton Manors, Fla.

The Matty's NYC website is now out of commission as well. There isn't any mention of a closure on the Matty's Facebook page.

Previously on EV Grieve:
A bar called Matty's in the works for Idle Hands on Avenue B

Matty's makes it official on Avenue B

Bowery Coffee space for lease; plus The Mobile Spa for East Houston?

Bowery Coffee at 87 E. Houston just west of the Bowery closed for good after the business day back on Jan. 14. Word was that the landlord apparently refused to renew the shop's lease, per BoweryBoogie.

Anyway, a for rent sign is now up on the space. The listing via KVNY doesn't appear to be online just yet.

Meanwhile, next door to the east …

…there's a coming soon sign for The Mobile Spa, which, according to the store's website, is a "unique boutique for mobile phones, gadgets and accessories."

They currently have locations on Bleecker Street and in Nassau County.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

SUVs now catching on fire outside the Con Ed plant

A scene on East 14th Street at Avenue C around 4 p.m. … outside the Con Ed plant, which likely had nothing to do with this SUV fire.

Thanks to @soaperynyc for the photo!

NYU expansion opponents will get another day in court

"Opponents of New York University's massive expansion in Greenwich Village will get a final chance to try to block the school's plan, after the state's highest court agreed on Tuesday to hear their case." (Read the story at DNAinfo here)

Updated 3:03 p.m.

The Greenwich Village Society for Historical Preservation has more about today's news here.

Report: Why the subway is late and crowded a lot

An EVG reader passed along this photo from Union Square last evening showing more Hellish than usual lines for the L. (Gothamist has more on what happened here — rail conditions! signal problems! status quo!)

Meanwhile, the Post today examines new MTA stats and finds!

Subway riders are being squashed together on increasingly crowded trains, new data revealed Monday — and lack of basic manners getting in and out of cars is contributing to a spike in delays.

Weekdays trains experienced overcrowding delays a staggering 14,843 times in December — the most recent month where data was available.

That is a 113 percent increase from a year earlier.

One more stat from the article: "6 million people crammed into subway cars on 29 different days in 2014 — the most since the MTA started tracking ridership."

The breaker pop heard 'round the neighborhood

[Photo from Feb. 16]

We talked with several people about the noise/bang/pop/explosion at the Con Ed power plant and subsequent flicker in the power on Saturday night... it didn't go unnoticed (as is usually the case) ...

The Villager talked with Con Ed spokesperson Sidney Alvarez to see what happened at the plant on East 14th Street and Avenue C.

“Basically, in a nutshell, we had some equipment malfunction within our facility. In a nutshell, a breaker popped — and the cause was freezing rain.”

The Fire Department responded but there was no fire, and there were no injuries, Alvarez reported.

The spokesperson didn’t disagree that East Villagers had likely heard a thunderous bang.

“I’m sure they would have heard something,” he said.

As for a white flash in the sky, he said, there was no information regarding that in an internal report he was reading from, but he didn’t deny that it could have happened.

“But there was no fire, no spark,” he noted.

Previously on EV Grieve:
East Village residents ask: WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT NOISE LAST NIGHT?

Con Ed making strides so that the East 13th Street substation doesn't explode again