Monday, December 19, 2011

On Avenue A, lining up to see (OMG!) Austin Mahone

For unknown reasons, Austin Mahone, the 15-year-old Justin Bieber-inspired YouTube sensation, performed earlier this evening at Drom on Avenue A... and there was a line for the performance/meet-and-greet that stretched around East Sixth Street ...

It's OK if you want to press play. You are mildly curious.

Photos by Bobby Williams.

Rentals likely at Houston and Suffok

[EVG file photo]

Two weeks ago, BoweryBoogie brought the news that the owner of parcels of land on East Houston — specifically the now-vacant 255 (above) — and Suffolk Street are seeking a rezoning here.

This afternoon, Crain's is reporting that bids are due tomorrow for the L-shaped space, where a building of up to 70,000-square-feet could be constructed. Those involved with the sale believe the new owner will go for apartments here. Per Crain's: "'The site is a great footprint in a next great neighborhood,' said Nat Rockett, executive vice president at Cushman & Wakefield Inc., which is marketing the site.

Here is 255 E. Houston, which will be demolished in the process, from a few years ago...

EV Grieve Etc.: Mourning edition

Kudos for Tompkins Square Bagels (East Village Corner)

Cops nab an LES purse snatcher (The Post)

Another one gone along old Gasoline Alley (Jeremiah's Vanishing NY)

The nightlife future of 199 Bowery (BoweryBoogie)

Trying out The Toucan and the Lion on East Sixth Street (East Village Eats)

NYC isn't looking at a white Christmas Dec. 25 (Runnin' Scared)

The rats are out front of the Hotel Chelsea (Living with Legends)

[Matt LES_Miserable]

Video of 'CHARAS Comes Home For The Holidays' yesterday, with footage of the arrests

Here's more on yesterday's CHARAS holiday party and community potluck that ended with several arrests. Per the description from YouTube:

A community get together at CHARAS/El Bohio marking the 10th anniversary of the eviction from the building at 605 E. 9th St in the East Village/Lower East Side, New York City.

The party, led by the Hungry March Band, marched over from Tompkins Square Park to the boarded up building. Performers roped off an impromptu stage and began entertaining the crowd. Perfomers included Reverend Billy and the Church of Stop Shopping "Earthalujah" choir; Great Small Works performing "the true story of charas"; and several speakers including carlos chino garcia. The occupy wall street statue of liberty puppet also made an appearance.

At the end the crowd was asked to join in on a protest action involving banging on the blue construction fence with wooden sticks. As they did so, the police began mobilizing and several arrests were made. Gregg Singer the developer was also seen walking past the building.

The arrests start at the 21-minute mark. The Observer reported that the NYPD arrested three people.

Previously on EV Grieve:
'CHARAS Comes Home For The Holidays' ends with arrests

Will old PS 64 get a theater for nonprofit groups?

Rebranded P.S. 64 up for grabs: Please welcome University House at Tompkins Square Park to the neighborhood

'Public Assembly' for the former P.S. 64 on Friday

Coming to the former Tonda space: Piccola Positano

The new sign is up at the former Tonda/E.U. space on East Fourth Street near Avenue B...

They already have a profile on Open Table. Luigi Celentano is listed as the executive chef...

Celentano is the executive chef at Gigino Trattoria, which opened in Tribeca in 1994. Bob Giraldi and Phil Suarez own Gigino Trattoria.

Giraldi was also behind Tonda and, before that here, E.U., the first "gastropub" in the East Village. And that was drama city. E.U. battled the SLA for 18 months before finally getting approved for a beer and wine license. (Read more E.U. drama here at Eater.)

Anyway, this is all much different than what reps taking over the space pitched to the CB3/SLA back in April. (Read more on this here.)

Here are the minutes from that meeting, with the information about what was coming in here:

• 4AB LLC, 235 E 4th St (trans/op) (Tonda) VOTE: Understanding that 4AB LLC, with the proposed business name of Fleurie, has entered into a memorandum of understanding with the East 4th Street Avenues A to B Block Association, regarding its use of 235 East 4th Street, to deny the transfer of a full on‐premise liquor license to 4AB LLC, with a proposed business name of Fleurie, for the existing business Tonda, located at 235 East 4th Street, unless the applicant agrees before the SLA to make as conditions of its license the following signed notarized stipulation that 1) it will operate as a full‐service restaurant, serving food to within one (1) hour of closing, 2) its hours of operation will be from 8:00 A.M. to 12:00 A.M. weekdays and 11:00 A.M. to 1:00 A.M. weekends, with the exception that a street facing window will be open from 8:00 A.M. daily from which coffee and pastries will be served for take out, 3) it will install additional soundproofing as needed, 4) it will close any doors and windows by 10:00 P.M. weekdays and 11:00 P.M. weekends, 5) it will not have DJs or live music, 6) it will designate an employee or employees whose responsibilities will include monitoring the sidewalk to discourage patrons from loitering on the sidewalk and will provide a waiting area within the establishment to prevent patrons from waiting outside.

Not sure what all happened to these plans. At least from the Open Table description, we'll have Italian here... and it enters an already-crowded Italian restaurant market right here with Perbacco across the street ... Max around the corner on B ... Il Bagatto and Supper on Second Street ... to name a few...

EV Grieve reader Alexis Weiss took a look inside the other day... here's how it was shaping up so far...

The Mars Bar awaits its turn

Saturday at 11-17 Second Ave.

Someone to watch over me

Meanwhile, Goggla passes along this photo from the sidewalk shed outside the Mars Bar...

"There is a frog? Pig? Gargoyle thing perching atop the construction ... I like to think it's warding away evil spirits..."


A new top for the Tompkins Square Park ping-pong table

On Friday, a truck pulled into Tompkins Square Park...

... to deliver a new top for the Park's ping-pong table...

I don't believe anything was wrong with the last one... the thing is seemingly indestructible ...

Anyway, it is ready for another year of ping-pong ... as well as cellphone use... eating...

[Bobby Williams]

...and equipment storage...



18 seconds of Susan Sarandon playing ping-pong here last month...


First look at PermaBase, opening soon on Third Avenue

Ha. Just kidding about the PermaBase. Old construction joke.

It's actually going to be a Japanese restaurant called Kotobuki here on Third Avenue near 10th Street... and we're sure their food won't taste like cement board...

Strangely enough, during my last reading here, I envisioned this happening

The "for rent" sign went up Friday on East Third Street between First Avenue and Second Avenue...

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Breaking: First frozen leaky hydrant of the season

11th Street and Third Avenue ... via Matt LES_Miserable ...

'CHARAS Comes Home For The Holidays' ends with arrests

Today, members of the community as well as Occupy Wall Street came together to mark the 10th anniversary of the eviction of CHARAS (aka El Bohio Community Center) on Ninth Street between Avenue B and Avenue C. (A flyer for the event is here.)

People met at noon... and, led by the Hungry March Band, paraded through Tompkins Square Park for a "holiday party and community potluck" — dubbed "Charas Comes Home For The Holidays" — on Ninth Street. Reverend Billy and the Church of Stop Shopping "Earthalujah" choir were among the performers.

Bobby Williams was along for first leg of the parade...

According to The Observer, the NYPD arrested several people on Ninth Street ... As The Observer's Henry Krempels wrote:

As the banging progressively grew louder the New York Police Department became aware of the disruption, dispatching five cars which pulled up only minutes after the drumming began. From then on, they attempted to get the situation under control, resulting in at least three arrests and numerous confrontations. Police at the scene declined to comment on what those arrested were charged with, and as The Observer was leaving one of the arrestees was let out of the car, but remained in handcuffs.

The crowd, who were ushered to the other side of the street, stood on the sidewalk chanting “Viva Charas!” and “Tear it Down!” while officers cleaned up the mess.

Previously on EV Grieve:
Will old PS 64 get a theater for nonprofit groups?

Rebranded P.S. 64 up for grabs: Please welcome University House at Tompkins Square Park to the neighborhood

'Public Assembly' for the former P.S. 64 on Friday

Celebrating the arrival of Jesus one week early in the East Village

Tim Tebow humor spotted at Standings on Seventh Street. Posted by Here Comes the Pun.

H/t Neighborhoodr.

Week in Grieview

RIP Anthony Amato (Thursday)

The Sunburnt Cow reopens after drug bust (Friday)

More details on the Schwimmer Estate (Tuesday)

Ben Shaoul gets The Landmarks Preservation Commission moving (Thursday)

Astor Place cube pranked (Wednesday)

Tompkins Square Bagels (soft) opens (Friday)

The 6th Street Kitchen space is for rent (Wednesday)

The Bean opens its Second Avenue location (Monday)

EV Grieve reader David Cross is moving to Brooklyn (Wednesday)

First sign of Michael White's new pizza place on Second Avenue (Thursday)

Hospital Productions closes shop (Tuesday)

99-cent pizza coming to Avenue C (Thursday)