Thursday, January 5, 2012

An appreciation: Coffee (or espresso!) at DeRobertis

Since April 20, 1904 here on First Avenue just south of 11th Street... I can always do without CNN on in the background... but I'll take it...

Visit the DeRobertis Pasticceria and Caffe website here.

Previously on EV Grieve:
Watching football at DeRobertis Pasticceria and Caffe

Bobblehead Bop

From the EV Grieve inbox...

Together, legendary guitarist Johnny Ramone, and legendary punk-rock bassist Dee Dee Ramone created a wall of sound that defined the driving force of the Ramones. For the first time ever in their history making legacy, Johnny and Dee Dee have been rendered as bobblehead figures, or as FUNKO calls them, Wacky Wobblers.

Both of these stylized 6-inch tall figures come decked in traditional Ramones leather jackets, and armed with their weapons of choice, (guitar and bass respectively). They're detailed right down to Johnny's infamous frown, Dee Dee's enigmatic glare, and the matching shoulder chains that bookended them on stage while changing the face of rock 'n' roll.

Info here.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Discarded Christmas tree catches fire, lights up car on Seventh Street

@JSMeudt sends along these photos from Seventh Street between Avenue A and First Avenue... where a discarded Christmas tree on the curb apparently caught on fire last night and, well...

You can see what's left of the tree above...

There's a little more about this — as well as other tree fire safety tips — at the Strollerderby blog.

[Updated] An 'Absolute' theft at the Woodward Gallery

Our friend Curt Hoppe let us know about an apparent theft last night at the Woodward Gallery on Eldridge Street between Broome and Delancey...

Per the gallery's Facebook page:

ATTENTION Stolen Artwork!! REWARD being offered for information leading to the return of artwork from our Project Space last night. (MOODY "Absolute Addict", acrylic on wood panel, 68 x 44 inches)

We spoke with someone from Woodward ... turns out the piece was part of an Outdoor Project Space. Someone removed the artwork with a drill. Per the Woodward folks: "We have the area monitored with camera surveillance. We have filed a report with the NYPD, provided video evidence of the theft and now have detectives on the case. Someone was very silly in thinking they would not be caught."

Why the East Village should fear NYU 2031

The battle over NYU 2031 heats up starting tonight ... The Greenwich Village Society for Historic Preservation (GVSHP), the Community Action Alliance on NYU 2031, Greenwich Village Block Associations, the Bowery Alliance of Neighbors and more than a dozen community groups from the area are sponsoring a Town Hall tonight on the NYU expansion plan.

The meeting is at 6:30 p.m. at the AIA Center for Architecture, 536 Laguardia Place (Bleecker/West 3rd Street).

Anyway, as NYU is moving ahead with certifications and approvals for its NYU 2031 expansion plan, Community Board 2 is holding five public hearings on NYU 2031-related topics on Jan. 9, 10, 12, 17 and 18. (Find out more details on these meetings here; The Villager has an article on all this here.)

NYU is seeking zoning approvals for two superblocks south of Washington Square Park that will create four new buildings in order to add more academic space. You can read about NYU's plans via its NYU 2031 site here.

GVSHP released these renderings that offer comparative views of NYU's proposed new buildings in relation to the existing structures between West Third Street and Houston Street.

"NYU is asking for an unprecedented package of city approvals to undo long-standing neighborhood zoning protections, remove open space preservation requirements, lift urban renewal deed restrictions and take public land used as parks," Andrew Berman, executive director of the Greenwich Village Society for Historic Preservation, told us via email. "This would allow them to add 2.5 million square feet of space — the equivalent of the Empire State Building — to the blocks south of Washington Square Park."

We asked Berman why this should be of concern to East Village residents.

"NYU's ever-growing presence in the Village has long had a disproportionate impact on the East Village; it's where NYU students go to live off campus, to party on weekends (and weeknights) and grab some fast food. The type of growth NYU is projecting, even if it were only limited to the blocks south of Washington Square, would still greatly accelerate the transformation of the East Village we've seen in recent years.

"But there is no reason to believe that NYU's growth will be limited to these blocks if they get the approvals they seek. Nothing in the requested approvals limits NYU's ability to acquire property, build, or demolish anywhere else, and as long as they are growing in the Central Village, they will likely seek other locations nearby for additional facilities, just as they have for the past several decades.

The way Berman sees it, the impact of the precedents set by these approvals is much more likely to be felt in the East Village.

"If NYU convinces the City that the zoning protections, open space requirements and urban renewal deed restrictions under which these superblocks were developed are ripe for the undoing ... then it is neighborhoods like the East Village and Lower East Side which present the most opportunities for the kind of overbuilding and overdevelopment which could follow from that profound change in city planning and philosophy," he said.

Fish and meat market, restaurant in the works for First Avenue

There are big plans in the works for the former Revitali Hookah Lounge‎ at 125 First Ave. between St. Mark's and Seventh Street... Ray LeMoine, an owner of the late Bowery Beef inside the Bowery Poetry Club, is one of the proprietors behind a fish market/retail shop/restaurant in the works for this storefront.

We asked LeMoine via email the other day to explain a little about the concept. Fish monger and retail shop by day, restaurant by night?

Not exactly. We have a hallway entrance that would make a fine small market. We love Commodities up the block, but they mainly do greens and health food. There's no seafood market in the East Village, save our enemies at Whole Foods. The company has a dock behind my dad's house in Gloucester, MA. Both the Whole Foods on Houston and 14th have signs on the wall saying they sell a lot of fish from Gloucester. They don't. We will. And meat too.

Anyway, the market will lead to a kitchen and dining area with seating for 60 or so. The final concept is still fluid. Our new partner is Mitch Zukor, a local gent who always came into Bowery Beef. Talking to him, we learned his younger brother was hardcore punk legend Jay Anarchy of the NYHC Youth Crew.

Food-wise, assume a lot of the market's products will hit the menu. We're talking to some young chefs. It will be a chef-driven menu serving three meals. Lunch, we'll serve the beef again at $5, plus other deli-style items. Dinner, we have some ideas, but the chef will create the menu. Front of house, we have ex-Blue Ribbon and Blue Hill folks. Assume we're entering our blue period, but no more Blue Bottle coffee.

We have a cultural component too, like we did with Beef at Bowery Poetry Club. I can't say the whos and whats yet.

Here's what the place looks like inside these days...

LeMoine and his partners, Mike Herman and Mitch Zukor, are having an open house tonight and Thursday from 6-8 for anyone in the neighborhood with ideas and concerns.

They will appear before the CB3/SLA committee for a liquor license on Jan. 9.

[All photos by Kathy Grayon]

And that's it for what used to be the Mars Bar

A look inside the demo site at 11-17 Second Ave. yesterday morning showed that just a crumbling section of the Mars Bar's north wall remained... workers were busy bringing down that portion ... By now, we're assuming that it is all gone...

And here are a few shots from Bobby Williams taken yesterday... 9 (71/2) Second Ave. is next for extinction...

Read Jeremiah's history of 9 (71/2) Second Ave. here.

Former Superdive space on today's SLA agenda

An Avenue A tipster tells us that the folks hoping to open a bar-gallery space at 200 Avenue A (the former Superdive, of course) is on today's agenda for the State Liquor Authority's full board meeting...

The people behind the "art gallery with a full-service restaurant" concept — who have appeared before and been rejected by the CB3/SLA committee three times — decided to go directly to the State Liquor Authority for its license.

The group, calling themselves Hospitality LLC, appeared before the CB3/SLA committee in November 2010 with the idea of a restaurant/lounge "that involves all the senses," including the now-legenedary smell machine. They came back in April, and were told to do more community outreach. The didn't have any better luck in May given the strong opposition from neighbors.

In case you are wondering... the board meeting starts at 10 a.m. at:

Harlem Center Tower Office Building
317 Lenox Avenue
New York, NY 10027
Entrance to the Main Lobby is located on Lenox Avenue near 126th Street.

And now, 34 Avenue A is just fucking with us

That damn sign! Changing it all the time!


Two weeks ago!

Last week!



Vampire Freaks has closed

A few weeks ago we pointed out that Vampire Freaks on Avenue A was closing... As you can see, that closure is now official...

However, you can still find their goth-punk-and-what-not apparel online here.

Autumn Skateboard Shop has closed on East Ninth Street

The other day @bonatron9000 pointed out that Itzocan Café closed on East Ninth Street near Avenue A... now, she notes that the restaurant's next-door neighbor, Autumn Skateboard Shop, has also rather abruptly closed...

As New York magazine wrote, "Autumn may not have the largest inventory in the city, but they are big on creativity and carry unusual pieces that you won’t see everywhere else."

The store's website is still live ... so perhaps you can still order stuff online...

Bobwhite Lunch and Supper Counter officially opens today

Bobwhite Lunch & Supper Counter is officially opening today on Avenue C near East Sixth Street... (they had a soft opening of sorts on New Year's Day.)

Last Thursday, owner and founder Keedick Coulter distributed 250 samples of the restaurant's fried black eyed peas (which included a card good for one free dessert with the purchase of a lunch or supper) to passersby on Avenue C and in Tompkins Square Park.

Per Fork in the Road:

"Although the final menu is still being tweaked, it will include fried and grilled organic chicken suppers; hot sandwiches with fried chicken, grilled chicken, or pork chops, featuring homemade condiments and relishes; simple Southern sandwiches like pimento cheese, egg salad, and chicken salad; seasonal Southern vegetables like collard greens; and traditional Southern desserts such as banana cream pie parfaits and red velvet cake."

And here's a photo of their southern-style fare via the Bobwhite Facebook page...


There is now a website dedicated to the work of Jim Joe

From the EV Grieve inbox... a news release...

For immediate release…

The Cult Of Joe ( is a collective of art fans who appreciate the work of NYC’s mysterious “street artist” Jim Joe. Jim Joe is an artist whose simplistic style stands out quite a bit from the ocean of graffiti scribbles that plaster NYC’s East Village and surrounding areas. From his cursive “tags” to his often nonsensical Samo-esque quotes, to his drawings on stickers to his writings on trash, his distinct style makes him easy to spot. This website is merely an attempt to document his work.

Launched on January 1st 2012, The Cult of Joe website is by far the largest collection of Jim Joe photos on the web with over 500 photos shot over the last 2 years mainly by three super fans known as xxxJORDYxxx, Bomarr and Setlasmon. We’re also encouraging all New Yorkers and visitors to NYC to join The Cult Of Joe by snapping a Jim Joe photo, submitting it to the Cult of Joe website and then posting it on Facebook or Tweeting it. Submit Jim Joe photos to : with the subject line “Submission,” or via Twitter, by adding the hashtag #cultofjoe or #jimjoe

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Transformers: Dark of the Avenue A

ConEd is futzing around with their substation on Avenue A between Fifth Street and Sixth Street...And we can never resist a photo of a ConEd flatbed with two large transformers... which Bobby Williams is well aware!