Thursday, February 14, 2013

If you could turn back time: Spend your Valentine's night with Cher, sort of

From the EV Grieve inbox...

Many years ago, Reverend Jen had an epiphany: She didn't know or care who St. Valentine was. Not only that, she cared even less about Valentine's Day. Her solution: Name the holiday after someone she and others recognize and love. For some inexplicable reason, Cher came to mind and Valentine's Day quickly became "Cher Day." On Cher Day, celebrants are encouraged to listen to Cher's music, watch Cher films and dress as Cher (or as one of her loves.).

What could be more fun than Cher Day? How 'bout a Cher Day that falls on a Thursday when Rev. Jen hosts her open mic, The Anti-Slam! As a result, Rev. is throwing a very special Cher Day Valentine extravaganza!

Along with the regular open mic, there will plenty of crazy fun bonus activities including an "Art Star Dating Game" and a raffle (benefiting Waggytail Rescue) where guests can win special prizes like vibrators (who needs a significant other?) and gently worn "elf panties." Guests, are of course, encouraged to dress as Cher, reenact her films or simply be groovy and fabulous!

Starts at 7:30 at the Pyramid, 101 Avenue A. Here is the Facebook events page with more info.

Previously on EV Grieve:
Reverend Jen's Anti-Slam is back; starts tonight at the Pyramid

Last-minute Valentine's Day gift ideas, if you're feeling lucky

Step right up to the (slightly refurbished) Treasure Chest here then on East 14th Street near First Avenue ... outside the Community Grocery & Candy store.

The game of chance has been stocked in recent weeks with some nice Valentine's Day-related items.

But. If you want a sure thing, then we suggest that you try Zoltar.

Previously on EV Grieve:
Before Zoltar, there was Treasure Chest

Crowdsourcing campaign winding down for Rawvolution — in Santa Monica

Rawvolution, the raw vegan cafe/retail store on East 12th Street, closed "for renovations" back in early December. At the time, Jill heard from an employee that they would reopen Jan. 1.

A week or so later, a former employee said the Rawvolution was done here, that the owners were focusing on their Santa Monica, Calif.-based flagship store.

Claimed the employee: There was "no warning, or heads up to their employees…shady shady." Said another former employee: "Furthermore, they failed to pay their entire staff their last two paychecks."

The Rawvolution website still says: "At this time we are not delivering locally to New York City, this is only temporary and will keep you updated when we do start again."

Meanwhile, in Santa Monica, a crowdsourcing campaign is winding down to save that shop. Per IndieGoGo: "Our landlord is trying to evict us. He has been trying to find ways to take away this community hub of amazing food and inspiration for years and to replace RAWvolution with a corporate coffee bar. We need $38,000 to keep the doors open and to ensure that we have enough capital to ensure a sustainable future." [Updated: Good point per a commenter: No mention in this campaign of the East Village location.]

With about 20-some hours left, the owners are nearly $34,000 short of their goal.

An East 12th Street resident told us that the storefront has been gutted, with some "real-estate types" in and out of the place.

Rawvolution opened in August 2011 here just east of Avenue A.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Today in photos of a fire breather in Tompkins Square Park

Getting ready for Valentine's Day?

Above photos by EVG regular peter radley.

Here are a few more via Bobby Williams...

Read more about Penny Pollak here.

Reader report: Araman closes for good tonight

[Via Bobby Williams]

As first noted back in November, Amaran is closing on Avenue B... the store that specializes in imported home goods at East Seventh Street originally said that they would close on Jan 27 ... now Bill the libertarian anarchist passes along word that tonight is the store's last night...

[Bill the libertarian anarchist]

[Updated] DOH temporarily closes Maharlika on First Avenue; bonus gas leak

EVG reader AC points out that Maharlika, the Filipino restaurant on First Avenue near East Seventh Street, is temporarily closed. Per the DOH, they had 63 violation points on an inspection dated Jan. 29 ...

Interestingly enough, despite the telltale DOH stickers, signs on the door point to a "gas leak."

Updated 2-15
Per Eater, the restaurant reopens tonight.

This week in reminders of how luxurious the Bowery has become

A penthouse at 250 Bowery is in contract for $2,500 per square foot, supposedly a record for the area. The home sold for nearly $3.9 million total. (The Real Deal)

The warmth of the (winter) sun

Second Avenue and East Third Street via EVG regular jdx.

Why the East Village is like Ireland

Columbia University's New York World has released a study that compares every NYC precinct's homicide rate with a UN member, as the Post noted today.

Researchers set out to learn: How does a plunging New York City murder rate look from a global perspective?

So, in 2012, New York finished the year with 419 homicides — an average of 3.8 killings per every 100,000 residents. The high end of the report: East Harlem reportedly had 21 murders per 100,000 residents, which mirrored the rate of Brazil. And here in our 9th Precinct? The 2012 homicide rate was 1.31 per 100,000 residents, comparable to Ireland's rate. (The 7th Precinct on the Lower East Side saw 0 murders last year — just like Iceland.)

You can read the methodology and find the interactive map and all that at New York World.

Out and About in the East Village

In this weekly feature, East Village-based photographer James Maher provides us with a quick snapshot of someone who lives and/or works in the East Village.

By James Maher

Name: Mike Bakaty
Occupation: Tattoo Artist, Owner Fineline Tattoo
Location: 1st Avenue between 1st and 2nd
Time: 4 on Friday, Feb. 8

I grew up in Miami. I moved to Houston and Bowery in 1970 to try it out for a year or two. I was 34 when I got here and I’m 39 now. I was the same handsome, charming young man that I am now.

When I moved here East First Street was ravished. First Street between Bowery and Second Avenue looked like fucking Dresden, literally. Particularly right here where we sit was like junkie heaven. I remember one building between B and C or C and D, where there were junkies lined up down the block and some guy with a string in a burned-out building would take the money up in a can and drop down the dope in the can. In wintertime like this there were 55-gallon drums burning at every corner with guys huddled around it trying to keep warm.

Fame and fortune brought me here, like everybody else. Why the hell else? If I wanted fun in the sun, I’d have stayed in Miami. I was pursuing a fine art career and had some pretty good fortune with it. I was making sculptures out of fiberglass and polyester. My first one-man show was 9 months after I got here and I had one every year after that until I started tattooing. It was my intent when I first started with the tattooing to tattoo and do the sculpture on the side, but I soon discovered that you can’t serve two maidens.

I made the transition very carefully and slowly. I had tattoos from when I was a kid and when I was in the Navy, so I looked around the city and there was nothing here. Tattooing was banned in the city from 1962 to 1997, when we moved into this shop. At the time, the nearest place was up in Yonkers called Big Joe’s. I spent two years going up there, hanging out, watching and gleaning information. I was in the process of getting my old work covered up and I’d be asking questions and everybody would shut up. They didn’t give up the information. And the more they shut up, the more interested I became. Fortunately, there was a guy visiting up there that became a key figure in modern tattooing, named Zeke Owen, who was the first to give me any real information. And by 1976 I started tattooing.

I worked out of the loft I lived in on Houston and Bowery. I lived there for 34 years. I advertised in the back pages of The Village Voice even though it was illegal at the time. I never had any problems but I must admit that when I first started I’d jump every time the phone rang.

One day the buzzer rang and I went to the box and said, “Who is it?” “It’s the State Police looking for Mike Bakati.” I said, “Oh shit, it’s all over.” I quickly put on a long sleeved shirt and went downstairs. They asked if I was Mike Bakati and asked, “Do you do tattooing?” A long pause, and then finally, “Yeah, I do tattoos.” “Well good, maybe you can identify these for us.” So they showed me a bunch of tattoos relating to a guy who was murdering prostitutes working on Eldridge Street and some of them had tattoos. They thought perhaps I could identify the tattoos, if nothing else. By the time we finished, I asked the guy, “You knew I was here?” And they said, “Oh we know everything... and by the way, I might be back to get this tattoo fixed.” I felt better after that.

We had to move out of the loft about 8 years ago, because the building was replaced by a glass and steel apartment building. The building was 295 Bowery, which should have been a historical landmark. We tried to save it. It had been a notorious bar and whorehouse in the 1890s called McGurk’s Suicide Hall, because a lot of prostitutes committed suicide there. It was a notorious and nasty place.

It was also the first building in Manhattan to have a neon sign. By the time I first moved in, the ground floor was still operating as a wino bar, run by a great big old guy named Henry Davis. He had been the manager of a very famous burlesque house on Bowery below Houston Street called Sammy’s Bowery Follies. He was a nice but big and fearless old dude. He must have been in his early 80s then and I had seen him more than once grabbing guys by the throats and throwing them again the walls. When my older son was like 3 years old he asked me, “How come you’re living down here with a little kid like that with all this bullshit going on,” and I said, “Henry, I’d rather him see all this bullshit now than see it for the first time when he’s 30.” And he looked at me and said, “Oh yeah, I see whatcha mean.”

Tattooing is a truly democratic form of expression. It crosses all socio-economic and religious boundaries — even more so now. Back then there weren’t as many black people or women getting tattoos. Now for women, it’s like 50-50. That’s been the most interesting change. That and the popularity of it. In the 70s and 80s, it was not as exposed as it is now.

James Maher is a fine art and studio photographer based in the East Village. Find his website here.

RUMOR: New York Health & Racquet Club taking over the space above Gracefully on Avenue A

[Via Off The Grid]

We've long been curious about the space above Gracefully at 28 Avenue A between East Second Street and East Third Street. It's a fascinating building with those block letters that read Burger-Klein. We don't have any idea what, if anything, is upstairs.

But, perhaps there will be a big new tenant. A tipster hears that New York Health & Racquet Club is taking over all of the floors above the grocery. Again, just a rumor. (Gracefully will remain in place.)

Nothing at the DOB to note this conversion. But, in October 2011, the city approved plans to convert the "existing commercial 5-story with cellar to mixed use, commercial and residential." Estimated cost: $1.1 million. DOB records show 12 residences in total. But apparently this project is in limbo.

Regardless of the incoming tenant, it's likely going to change in appearance soon enough. Off the Grid completed a thorough history of the building back in July 2011. The building dates to 1871. And in its early days, it was part of Little Germany, serving as a German ballroom known as Concordia Hall.

Later, per Off the Grid:

The earliest evidence of furniture seller Burger-Klein occupying the building is from 1939.

In 1959, a four-alarm fire destroyed the roof and top floor of the building, resulting in a significant alteration of building’s façade, most likely the face of the building we see today. It is noteworthy that the owners chose to replace what had once been an architecturally significant facade with a mid-century modern wrapping that in its own way and for its own time is as extraordinary as the 19th century face of the building.

The Burger-Klein building’s uniqueness in the streetscape is a big part of what inspires so much curiosity about it.

Read the whole post here.

51 Astor Place — all glassed up and...

Just because it has been nearly an entire month since mentioning 51 Astor Place...

...glassed up except for the very tippy-top, which will house the hypermatter reactor ... you can notice the tippy-top (descriptive!) on the Third Avenue side...

OK, OK — here.

Anyway. Getting used to seeing it now here?

More about Pink Pony and Motor City Bar closing on Ludlow Street

As we first reported on Monday afternoon, the 18-year-old Motor City Bar on Ludlow Street would be closing this spring. Their current lease expires at the end of the month. It was all but a done deal, a tipster told us.

Co-owner Francesca Romeo confirmed this to The Lo-Down yesterday, noting that the bar's landlord "did not give the option of renewal."

Also on Monday, BoweryBoogie had the scoop that the Pink Pony on Ludlow had also closed for good. In a follow-up piece, Cara Buckley at The New York Times reported that the cafe closed, in part, because the landlord increased the rent from $14,000 to $20,000 a month.

The owner, Lucien Bahaj, who also runs Lucien on First Avenue, said that the landlord "had been reasonable and patient, and was merely asking for market rent." Plus: "[H]is cafe had come to seem out of step in a neighborhood sprouting condominium towers, boutique hotels, mixologists and sports bars."

Here's more from Buckley's piece:

The bar captured a fast retreating moment in the evolution – some may say devolution – of the Lower East Side, a time when patrons read those books and flocked for documentary screenings and poetry nights.

Bahaj said this to the Daily News yesterday:

"It's not a tragedy. It belonged to an era and the era changed and I changed with it. All my customers have left or changed. The neighborhood used to be full of creative types — painters, writers, filmmakers. We don’t have that anymore."

Who do we have?

Previously on EV Grieve:
Reader report: Motor City Bar is closing on Ludlow Street

[Image via Tripping With Marty]

Creepy Craigslist ad seeks '4 sexy hot bartending robots'

A reader pointed our attention to this Craigslist ad...

looking 4 sexy hot bartending robots (Lower East Side)
Popular LES soul jazz bar/tavern is looking for asexual stage performing robots, models r3710 thru r3710-2.0, to entertain curious onlookers on a brightly lit stage, with witty repartee' and story telling, while fetching & mixing alcoholic beverages, at their command. Most current drivers for brightest, friendliest, openiest, sexiest robot communication skills that 99.99999% of humans have been genetically program to find appealing, by what ever God they believe in, if any, required. Race, Creed, Sexual Orientation, Age, Sex, Robot or Bar Code status UNIMPORTANT.

All tips are pooled and divided evenly. Restocking will be required. Obscure, but legit, constitutionally protected, soul sucking ritual, will be performed, involving chicken feet and body fluids (you don't want to know) to determine your level of MOJO. (please include return address for soul or return cannot be guaranteed) A picture of your robot self, lock of robot hair and/or robot fingernail clippings, with resume, will be required for ritual or there is a small but still significant chance you will become a face eating, end times, zombie robot. If interested please reply.

Perhaps someone's idea of a joke, though it's not really funny. (Of course, robot humor is tough to pull off...) Probably fake? Or, perhaps, it's real...?