EVG reader AC points out that Maharlika, the Filipino restaurant on First Avenue near East Seventh Street, is temporarily closed. Per the DOH, they had 63 violation points on an inspection dated Jan. 29 ...
Interestingly enough, despite the telltale DOH stickers, signs on the door point to a "gas leak."

Updated 2-15
Per Eater, the restaurant reopens tonight.
Maharlika? I hardly know her!
You no call it a Filipino restaurant. Owners like to distinguish themselves as Filipino Moderno or Filipino gastropub, you know just to keep-up with the rest of these specious restaurants popping-up.
The gas might be a product of some decay process.
I was walking by Tues night when the DOH was slapping the "closed" notices on the window, and a man in a chef's outfit was standing watching. I said something about them being shut down and the chef said "gas leak". Uh huh.
poor people put out of business again, if all those fines stick you are looking at easy $6000 that will go into the health depts pocket...such a racket.
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