I was enjoying a leisurely read over at Flaming Pablum... checking out a post about the Modern Lovers ... and a little West Village street art experiment when...
I had missed Alex's post from Saturday... pointing out that 82 University Place, which was home to the last incarnation of the Cedar Tavern, was becoming a European Wax Center ... with a tagline "Luxurious waxing is now for everyone."
Seems about right. The last time I looked, workers had stripped the interior, showing a charmless space fit for a ... European Wax Center?
The Cedar Tavern closed in December 2006, supposedly temporarily. Anyway, I have nothing to add to what Alex wrote. Except maybe: Ahhhhh!
It will fit in nicely with the two overpriced nail salons within 2 blocks of it. At least it's not a bank or Duane Reade. Can't wait to see what's in store for the vacant University Diner at 12th St.
It was always a waxing place.
I remember upon entry to the Cedar Tavern some drunk patron would be waxing on about his local troubles or something.
Sacre bleu.
Wake me up when they wax all the remaining sould out of this town so I can move to Costa Rica.
What exactly is "luxurious waxing" and how does it differ from "waxing"?
These are for the places only Europeans would dare to wax!
And the places they need to wax..hairy s.o.b.s
You Maniacs! You blew it up! Ah, damn you! God damn you all to hell!
Well, I daresay this is as ludicrous as "luxury cupcakes." When will all this luxury end? Why oh why does everything need to be fucking luxurious?
Luxurious garbage!
Luxury vomit on my steps this morning!
Luxuriously stagnated gutter water!
I hate this.
From waxing art and poetry to waxing butts, vagina, and bikini areas. Again, it's the dumbing down of the East Village. Besides, au naturelle is better. There's nothing natural about this. And can this comment be a luxury comment?
Fits right in with the nouveau neighborhood. Wax This!
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