Wednesday, May 6, 2020

A visit to Juicy Lucy on Avenue A

Text and photos by Stacie Joy

Rene Henricks, owner for the past 23 years of Juicy Lucy’s Juice Bar, appears slightly frazzled but still happy to see me when I show up to take some pictures and ask questions about the business.

She’s concerned about her employees and when she can bring them back to work at her two outposts — 72 E. First St. at First Avenue and 85 Avenue A between Fifth Street and Sixth Street.

For now, just the Avenue A location is open, where Henricks is every day making juices, smoothies, acai bowls and coffee drinks. There are also prepared and healthy snacks to go. I quickly try to get my questions and photos in, mindful of any patrons — spaced 6 feet apart outside — waiting to order.

What changes have you had to make since the new COVID-19 regulations went into place?

Besides not having a staff, you mean? For their protection and because they have families, it’s not safe for them. I had to close one location and now only have the Avenue A store open. God forbid, I can’t expose my staff to this virus.

Other changes? People are being a lot more patient, they are more polite. The masks, the plastics and the shields. And all that. The produce prices have also gone way up, I have seen that, and I am hoping they are going to level out soon.

What are the most popular items people are ordering now? How, if at all, has that changed from before this health crisis?

Watermelon juice, which is now in season. Celery juice. Wheatgrass shots, ginger shots, and green juices. I can’t make enough cold-pressed juices to fill demand. As soon as I fill the fridge it’s empty. People are buying in bulk. Some people come and buy a week’s worth of juice at a time. Because my store is so small, I don’t have room for things to sit, so everything is fresh.

Do you have any recommendations for what folks can eat or drink to help boost immunity and remain healthy?

Wheatgrass. The chlorophyll is healing — it’s really a miracle juice. Also, fresh-squeeze orange juice, plenty of Vitamin C. I sell that by the quart and you can get a dollar off if you bring the bottle back.

I know the neighborhood is grateful Juicy Lucy’s is open during this stressful time. How are you holding up?

Well, most days are good, but toward the end of the day I tend to snap. But I also bounce back a lot quicker. I am trying not to hold on to things. The business is very labor-intensive, and you need to provide good customer service. And when I am tired it’s harder. I love the neighborhood. I feel like I am established, that people want me to be here.

This is good, and I am lucky to have a job! If I were home, worried about how I was going to pay my bills, I’d be a lot more stressed out. At least now, I am working every day, making some money to put into the business and that gives me some security.

The storefront is open from approximately 11 a.m. until 7 p.m. daily, although hours are flexible. She recommends calling ahead at 212.777.LUCY.

Construction watch: 799 Broadway

In case you haven't been over by the southwest corner of Broadway and 11th Street of late... it appears that workers have nearly reached the top of this 12-story zig-zagging office complex (this development made the cut for essential construction during the COVID-19 PAUSE)...

According to a news release about the address: "799 Broadway will feature floor-to-ceiling glass, private terraces, and 15 foot high ceilings. This combination of highly desirable location and state-of-the-art design will appeal to New York’s most progressive and creative companies."

And (previously revealed) renderings of the new building via architects Perkins and Will ...

The official site for 799 Broadway is at this link.

EVG reader Gojira shared these views of the new building from 11th Street and Fourth Avenue from over the weekend...

Per Gojira: "Saw this monstrosity looming over the Grace Church Rectory, and competing with that beautiful spire for air space. What a fucking travesty."

No. 799 was the former home of the historic St. Denis building, which opened as a hotel in 1853. Normandy Real Estate Partners bought the property for somewhere in the $100 million ballpark back in 2016.

Previously on EV Grieve:
Report: Former St. Denis Hotel selling for $100 million

[Image via Wikipedia Commons]

Temakase Hand Roll Bar coming soon to 2nd Avenue

[Photo by Steven]

Signage arrived this past weekend for Temakase Hand Roll Bar, the next tenant for 157 Second Ave. between Ninth Street and 10th Street.

Don't know anything about the proprietors at the moment.

As noted in previous posts on No. 157, this has been a challenging space to make work for any length of time. Previous restaurants here in the past five years include Savor Por Favor ... Yuan ... Biang! ... and Wylie Dufresne's bistro Alder.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Tuesday's parting shot

Earlier today on Avenue A and Sixth Street.

And on this Cinco de Mayo, a reminder that this corner space has sat vacant since Benny's Burritos closed here in November 2014...

A Cool collab

This arrived on Sunday evening... a collaboration between Cool and Stargirl in the long empty lot along First Avenue between Fifth Street and Sixth Street...

A sky-high salute

EVG reader Kate shared this photo from First Avenue and St. Mark's Place this morning... when a message thanking front-line workers serving during the COVID-19 pandemic appeared in the sky... The full writing said "we salute essential workers."

Members of the GEICO Skytypers Air Show Team reportedly flew a fleet of vintage World War II airplanes to create the messages over the five boroughs and parts of Westchester County and Long Island.

RIP Ali Yasin

We heard the sad news that Ali Yasin, the pharmacist and proprietor at New York City Pharmacy on First Avenue, has died. According to a text to customers from his family, Ali died Sunday night from COVID-19-related complications.

[Ali Yasin, left, from 2013]

Several East Village residents and patrons of the shop, located between 12th Street and 13th Street, shared their thoughts about Ali and his family-run business:

I knew Ali for over 30 years — before the last three of his four sons had been born, beginning with his tenure working at the old McKay’s (pre-CVS). He was so very special to me and my family. The neighborhood has lost a real gentleman, fighter and treasure. — Nancy Arons

He and his family are an integral part of our community. The loss of Ali — whose life story represents the best of America— is simply devastating: He was beyond kind, compassionate and generous. He had a huge impact on our East Village world... and we mourn him like a close family member. Our neighborhood will never be the same. — Brian Katz

He always made sure to say hello with a smile and took the time to accommodate each customer. I've been on new and expensive medications and he always went out of his way to find me coupons online or whatever he could do do bring the prices down for me. If an order didn't come in on time he always tried to give me what he could to hold me over. He was a special man and loved by his customers. He will be missed. — Julie Farol

We'll update this post when more information becomes available about his passing.

Updated: Someone has started a modest crowdfunding campaign for his family. Details here.

Photo by Mario Tama for Getty Images

In aftermath of Avenue D arrests, pols want answers from city on how social distancing is being enforced

Local elected officials are calling on the city to report on why and how social distancing is being enforced.

The demand comes following a violent arrest on Avenue D and Ninth Street late Saturday afternoon that was captured on video via a bystander.

An NYPD officer, identified as Francisco Garcia who's stationed at PS4 on Avenue C, was stripped of his gun and put on modified duty following the ugly confrontation when an attempt to enforce social distancing rules escalated.

Per Gothamist:

" ... a plainclothes officer can be seen punching and tackling Donni Wright, a groundskeeper with NYCHA, while shouting the n-word, brandishing a taser, and subsequently kneeling on Wright's head. The confrontation began after officers, some of whom were not wearing face coverings, spotted "a number of people not wearing masks" at the corner of Avenue D and 9th Street, NYPD Commissioner Dermot Shea said on Monday.

Shea told Pat Kiernan yesterday that he was not happy with some of the tactics that he saw used in the video. Mayor de Blasio had this to say...

And yesterday, a handful of elected officials, led by local City Councilmember Carlina Rivera, sent Shea and de Blasio a letter asking for "transparency and accountability" in the way the NYPD is enforcing social distancing.

[Click on image for more detail]

The letter reads in part:

This incident highlights our concerns that social-distancing enforcement may not be applied equally in all communities. Social media accounts portray scenes of people congregating in parks across New York City’s more affluent parks and neighborhoods, yet the enforcement actions that come to light are those like the May 2 event on East 9th Street and Avenue D, predominantly a community of color.

We, therefore, request that NYPD release a report on social-distancing enforcement statistics by neighborhood and demographic. The report should include all citations including warnings and fines, along with 311 complaint data on the matter so that we and the public can compare application of the law.

Communities of color have been particularly burdened by the COVID-19 outbreak, and it is imperative that, especially now, they see that New York City government is in their corner. In the interest of transparency and accountability – and to help repair the mistrust fostered by the May 2 incident and others like it in the past – please release this data immediately.

The letter is signed by Rivera, State Sen. Brad Hoylman, Assembly Member Harvey Epstein, U.S. Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney, U.S. Congresswoman Nydia M. Velazquez, Public Advocate Jumaane Williams, Comptroller Scott Stringer and Manhattan Borough President Gale Brewer.

Meanwhile, as previously reported, the city has paid out nearly $200,000 to settle lawsuits involving Garcia, an eight-year veteran.

Gothamist had more details on some of these incidents yesterday.

According to a complaint filed in 2013, Garcia allegedly told a woman eating with her partner inside a Harlem restaurant that she "dressed like a man." When the woman attempted to get his badge number, Garcia allegedly pushed her, then replied: "Take a fucking picture of it, fucking dyke." The city settled that suit for $8,500.

A year later, Garcia was accused of wrongfully arresting a man trying to visit his girlfriend inside a Washington Heights NYCHA building. According to a federal lawsuit, which the city settled for $27,500, Garcia "forced [the man] to the floor face-first," then punched, kicked, and clubbed him.

The letter also states that the officials "expect a full investigation of Officer Francisco Garcia. All disciplinary actions should be on the table, including dismissal."

For further reading:
Mother of man beaten in East Village social distancing melee rips NYPD

Checking in on East Village Meat Market

Text and photos by Stacie Joy

I stopped by East Village Meat Market, 139 Second Ave. between St. Mark's Place and Ninth Street, over the weekend to pick up some flax seeded rye bread.

The bread, made by Moonrise Bakehouse, is available by prepay/preorder. Deliveries to the market occur on Fridays, with pickup between noon and 3:45 p.m.

While I'm there, manager Andrew Ilnicki shows off some of the available meat provisions (brisket, T-bone, short ribs, prime rib and porterhouse)...

The longtime meat market, which dates to 1970, has plenty of supplies, including Eastern European standbys like pierogies, sour cherry syrup, blintzes, borscht, and poppy seed rolls as well as dairy products like cheese, butter, eggs and milk. For now, they're open Monday through Saturday 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Help Limited to One stay on their feet with these limited-edition Vans

Limited to One, the record shop specializing in rare and limited vinyl releases on 10th Street, has teamed up with Vans for a special edition Classic Slip-On.

It's part of the Vans Foot the Bill effort that launched last month to help small businesses nationwide during the COVID-19 crisis.

Owner Kristian Sorge explains how it works via an Instagram post:

"We designed a shoe for Vans and all of the net proceeds go to our small business. Being a mom-and-pop record shop, we order a lot of items for our shop locally or directly from other small businesses such as record labels, t-shirt screen printers ... So when you support us, you support our vinyl community!"

You can customize your own pair via this link.

The temporarily closed shop, located at 221 E. 10th St. between First Avenue and Second Avenue, is also selling vinyl via Instagram these days.

And earlier this year, I interview Kristian for a podcast on You can listen to this show on Spotify here.

Ruffian Wine Bar now selling bottles of wine to go

[Image via Instagram]

Ruffian Wine Bar on Seventh Street between Avenue A and First Avenue is now open as Ruffian Wine Shop.

You can order online here at any time for pickup from noon to 4 p.m. on Tuesdays and Saturdays. They're also delivering within a two-mile radius.

Management says that they'll be expanding days/hours/delivery zones in the days ahead.

In addition, their other local establishments — Kindred on Sixth Street and the pop-up kitchen inside Black Emperor on Second Avenue — will be re-opening soon for pickup and delivery.

A sign of things to come?

A for rent sign arrived yesterday in the front window at T-swirl Crêpe, the dessert shop on 14th Street that has been closed during the COVID-19 outbreak.

Pinch, who took this photo, added: "Hopefully not too much of an indication for what’s to come for other businesses."

T-swirl Crêpe, part of a small chain with multiple NYC locations, opened here between Second Avenue and Third Avenue in July 2015.

Monday, May 4, 2020

Monday's parting shot

The last outpost of Ricky's, located on Broadway between 12th Street and 13th Street, recently closed... and workers today were removing remaining items (essential work?).

During its heyday, there were nearly two dozen Ricky's in the city, but the kitschy retailer started to close storefronts in recent years. The Broadway outpost had been selling pandemic-related cleaning products this spring.

Photo by Derek Berg.

The free face masks went quickly today at East River Park

Text and photos by Stacie Joy

I arrived at around 11:15 his morning at the East River Park Sixth Street Promenade for the free masks.

Unfortunately, the Parks Department had already given out all the 5-packs of white reusable masks. They had a small stock of camo-green size XL bandana handkerchiefs left...

Parks Department workers told me that there were more than 50 people lined up at 10 a.m. when they opened, and that they went through 2,000-plus masks immediately.

They will be back at the same spot on Thursday at 2 p.m. with double the amount of face masks.