Thursday, December 30, 2010

As the Le Souk New Year's Eve Party turns

The Lo-Down just got off the phone with Mike Jones, deputy CEO of the State Liquor Authority. He tells Ed that Le Souk’s planned New Year's Eve bash at its former Avenue B digs is not happening.

Per the Lo-Down:

Jones said the one-night permit had initially been approved because the address on the application was incorrect. He confirmed that permit has now been rescinded and there is no active liquor license at 47 Avenue B. The 9th Precinct has been advised of the situation, he said.

Previously on EV Grieve:
Le Souk is 'exceptionally back to its former location'

Video tribute to the lost bars and restaurants of 2010

It's the time of year for, um, Year in Reviews... Jeremiah Moss checks in with some of the big losses from 2010 ... Meanwhile, BoweryBoogie takes a look at a few of the Lower East Side eateries that quickly flamed out...

And the folks at Grade "A" Fancy have gone cinematic with their tribute to the lost joints of NYC this past year... As Karen and Jon write, "The city will be poorer for the loss. Each of these had its own unique charms, but we relied on all of them to temporarily shut out the horrors of the homogenized Disneyfication New Yorkers have all had to endure over the last decade or so."

Now to their video...

Kenny Scharf's mural restored

After getting tagged a few days ago, Kenny Scharf's mural at the old Deitch Wall has been cleaned up... from a few minutes ago...

Meanhwile, via Animal NY, famed graffiti photographer Martha Cooper expresses disappointment in what happened to Scharf's work. Writes Cooper at 12ozProphet: "Much as I admire vandals, I feel these perps were mean-spirited and heartless." Be sure to check out the wall here on Houston and the Bowery circa 1983.

The man who has been living next to the trash at Starbucks

A reader notes that a man has been living in a snow pile next to the Starbucks on Second Avenue at Ninth Street the last few days... Apparently the employees of Starbucks and the pet store next door are used to him by now... He also refuses any kind of assistance from police or Social Services... Per the reader: "He's right in front of a bus stop too. All bundled up and packed in w/ the snow, garbage and pigeons."

Billy's survived the blizzard...

...but will it survive the Suburbanization of The Bowery?

A rather ominous message from Billy's Antiques ...

Meanwhile, American Gothic Billy's Style ... Spider and Sugar Bear...

[Photo by Billy Leroy]

Unruly patron tosses trash can through the HiFi front windows

A tipster passes along word that an unruly patron tossed a trash can from Avenue A and 11th Street into the front door and window at EV Grieve favorite the HiFi...

Per the tipster, the patron — known to those in the bar — became verbally abusive Sunday evening and was told to leave. He walked to the corner and returned with the trash can. Which ended up in the window. Given the blizzard, the police couldn't immediately respond to the scene. The bar did file a report later, though.

16 Handles closed until New Year's Day

Looks as if some renovations are going inside the Second Avenue FroYo mainstay....

Their Facebook page says they're be back open late Saturday afternoon...

Last night in buying Select Bus tickets

Second Avenue near 14th Street.

Posts that I never got around to posting in 2010: Cooper Square Hotel Guests

Written but never posted on July 18...

I walked by the Cooper Square Hotel the other morning ... and the two people in the attached photo walked out the front doors...

A bellhop type held the door open for them and bid the couple farewell...then he looked at his co-worker and they both started snickering... Maybe the laughter had nothing to do with the couple. Or, more likely, the Cooper Square Hotel continues to act like a high school bully....

Rejected posts from 2010: Food truck craze getting out of hand

Posts that I never got around to posting in 2010: What would happen if you wore the Ludlow Suit on Ludlow Street?

Trend pieces that we never covered this fall: Abandoned cupcakes

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Earlier this evening on Stuyvesant Street and 10th Street

Imperial Tavern and Superdive pretty much having the same New Year's Eve party

The new Imperial Tavern on Ludlow Street...


Le Souk: New Year's Eve party still on


Superdive on the January CB3/SLA docket

The Lo-Down notes that the CB3/SLA agenda is out now... (Set your calendar: Jan. 10, 6:30 p.m.)

A few highlights ... including confirmation that Superdive is coming back from the dead...

Renewal with Complaint History
• La Vie (La Cave LLC), 64 East 1th St

Applications within Resolution Areas
• Coyi Cafe (Constance L Enterprise Inc), 42 Ave B (wb)

• Cien Fuegos (Cien Fuegos LLC), 95 Ave A

• Superdive (Rapture Cafe & Books LLC), 200 Ave A (alt/op/legalize work done, move bar)

New Liquor License Applications
• Ashton Thai Place Inc, 244 E 13th St (wb)

Today in post-blizzard walks

The M15 Select Bus Service has never been more convenient!

Now the fun begins! Identifying the various stains in the snow!

This NYU dorm on Third Avenue and NYU uses the A&L Cesspool Service.

An igloo of sorts in front of the Bowery Hotel...

The Street Life Ministries provides a most valuable service for this and other neighborhoods... Their musical selection today was questionable, though: "Let it Snow."

Mysteries! Who shovels the sidewalk in front of the Mystery Lot?

Also, the blanket of snow brings the graffiti to life...

Long live the Mystery Lot!

[Updated] Rumors: SLA rescinds Le Souk's New Year's Eve plans for Avenue B

A tipster notes that the State Liquor Authority (SLA) has pulled the special permit for Le Souk to hold a New Year's Eve bash at their former Avenue B home.

We're awaiting confirmation from the SLA on this.

Previously on EV Grieve:
Le Souk is 'exceptionally back to its former location'

UPDATED: The folks at Le Souk said via Twitter that the party is still on.

Exclusive: Q-and-A with the bike that became an iconic symbol of the 2010 Holiday Blizzard

This photo by Mario Tama for Getty Images became one of the iconic shots of the Blizzard of Dec. 26, 2010.... Around the globe the shot — now known as The Shot — became associated with the devastating wallop that Mother Nature cruelly delivered the East Coast after Dec. 25...

The bike currently resides on Avenue C at Eighth Street...

We caught up with the rather ornery bike for a wide-ranging interview on everything from new-found celebrity to Forever 21.

There are thousands of bikes buried in the East Village right now. How did the photographer pick you?

I don't know, but I'm thankful for the exposure.

What does your owner have to say about the photo?

I haven't talked with her about it yet. I think she's stuck upstate with her sister. To be honest, I haven't seen her much lately.

I notice that you don't have a seat. What happened?

It went missing right after Germany beat Argentina in the World Cup this past summer. Some drunk guy with a German flag yanked it off and threw it across the street. He laughed and yelled "Deutschland! Deutschland! Deutschland! Deutschland!" [Pauses] I was in a bit of shock. A few minutes later, an ambulance went by and ran it over. I saw the manager from the laundromat clean it off the street and throw it away. I haven't been taken for a ride — so to speak — since then.

Where did you grow up?

The West Village. I liked it there, but my owner got married, and she turned to yoga instead. I ended up on Craigslist. It didn't help that her new husband is a neurologist. He is really over-protective. He even makes her wear a helmet while taking a shower. [Laughs] I heard her talking about it on the phone on the way to Gourmet Garage one day.

I didn't know that people still went to Gourmet Garage.

Tell me about it. She liked their instant meals. Not to mention their scallion egg salad.

So what do you think of this neighborhood?

Specifically Avenue C and Eighth Street? Or the East Village in general?

Avenue C and Eighth Street.

I think it represents the best of the neighborhood's rich history and diversity. You have all sorts of people living here — families who have been here for generations, newcomers, singles, newlyweds. And everyone seems to get along.

What's the worse part of living here?

Probably the weekend drink-and-drown brunch crowd at the Sunburnt Cow. These people from God-knows-where show up and get really smashed. They stagger away. When I had a seat, someone was always pausing here, putting cell phones or purses or iced skim lattes on me. And they all dress alike. You can only pull off Forever 21 for so long.

The Times declared Avenue C the next big thing back in 2005. From your vantage, what do you think?

There is a bit of carpetbaggery going on with some of the new upscale bars and restaurants, but I still haven't seen an influx in, say, Trek Speed Concept time trial bikes chained up along here.

I find it hard to believe anyone would chain up a bike like that outside.

You'd be amazed at what I've seen chained up.

What do you think of the city's new bike lanes?

Obviously I'm supportive of anything pro-bicycle. My owner likes them. I do take issue with the segregation. You have your bus lane, your bike lane. When will Bloomberg start calling the sidewalks the People Lane? Do you really want to walk on something so seemingly condescending? So it's no wonder that so many cyclists prefer to use the other parts of the streets.

What is your impression of NYC motorists?

That's an awfully broad question. In general, I dislike cars, especially rentals — the weekend warriors who get the Zip Car like once or twice a year. They're not [used to driving] on a regular basis, and they do stupid stuff, such as turn left from the far right-hand lane.

Favorite movie about cycling?

[Sighs] "Breaking Away." It's an unerringly accurate coming-of-age story about four discontented blue-collar young men spending their last summer of freedom in Bloomington, Indiana. They are unemployed and patronized by snobbish students....

I've seen it.

[Rudely] Please let me finish. "Breaking Away" is funny, deeply moving, painfully honest: at the end you feel good in a rather special way. Plus, I've always had a Dennis Quaid thing. He can sit on me any day.

Weird how the film's star, Dennis Christopher, just sort of disappeared.

True. I'm told that he gets steady work on TV, though. I don't see much TV. Which is likely a good thing considering there are so few good parts for bikes these days. I did see some of "American Chopper." Not bad.

Best thing about your new-found celebrity?

Some tourists looking for McSorley's have done some FlipCam stuff with me...

McSorley's? A little off the beaten path?

[Chuckles] Yeah, they said this guy in front of Ray's said that the bar is on Seventh Street and Avenue D. Anyway, the boys at the deli at Associated have brought me some egg-and-cheese sandwiches and rotisserie chickens. That's sweet, though I'd prefer some air and oil. And a seat.