It's 2020 and we are all stuck inside somewhere ... This year's festival is dedicated expressing our situation through art ... sharing the reality of what is going on in our lives
All the exhibits will take place behind the garden fences with the audiences on the sidewalks.
The audience will be moving, fluid. The art stationary. We want to foster our wild variety of sentiments through our art. We are all politically bent, given the times and election. Vote with your ART too. Let people know how you feel.
This as an Art exhibit and the gardens are the Green Museum.It's perfect for touring audiences to visit and enjoy our community gardens.
Nomad, a North African and Mediterranean restaurant in the East Village, shut down in March after the pandemic engulfed New York City, leaving its owner unable to pay the full $11,500 rent for months.
After opening for outdoor dining in June, the owner, Mehenni Zebentout, has struggled to pay 70 to 80 percent of the rent. But he had to cut his staff from nine full-time employees to four part-time workers. And his landlord still wants Mr. Zebentout to pay what he owes from the spring.
"We're just hoping for some miracle," he said. "I believe, according to my experience, two out of three restaurants will close by December, and I'll be one of them if there's no help from the city or the government."
As many of you know, the city and the Parks Dept. have had massive budget cuts. Recently I have been assigned to work many other locations, leaving Tompkins vulnerable to trash and weeds.
So with that being said, we are hoping to gather as many folks as we can for Saturday, Oct. 10. We will meet at the main office in Tompkins at 11 a.m., have some coffee and donuts, and then concentrate on areas of the park together. Bring a mask and gloves. Feel free to bring any gardening supplies you prefer —otherwise we will have tools and such.
Eliza's Local has closed at 2 St. Mark's Place just east of Third Avenue.
An all-too-familiar set of circumstances are behind the bar-restaurant's closure: "Unfortunately, we had no choice with the current situation, our landlord and no inside dining," a rep told us.
Eliza's had been open in the early days of spring, selling beer to go (and giving away bread). They later had some expanded outdoor dining space with the closure of St. Mark's Place on weekends for Street Feast. Still, it wasn't nearly enough volume to overcome the drop-off in business.
The bar, which opened in December 2018, was named for Elizabeth Hamilton (aka "Eliza") co-founder and deputy director of the first private orphanage in New York City. She was the wife of Alexander Hamilton. She lived next door at 4 St. Mark's Place in what was later known as the Hamilton-Holly House.
In some positive-for-a-change local restaurant news, the owners of Foxface recently started renovations at their new storefront at 189 Avenue A between 11th Street and 12th Street.
East Village residents Ori Kushnir and Sivan Lahat, who opened the hit sandwich shop at Theatre 80 on St. Mark's Place in late 2018, will keep that outpost.
At 189 Avenue A, they're planning on Foxface Provisions — a smokehouse, tasting room and preservation commissary. (Read more about it here.)
During the start of the renovations, Kushnir reported finding some remains of a previous tenant — Vampire Freaks (RIP 2012)!
View this post on InstagramUrban archaeology - ceiling from the @vampirefreaks period
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Most recently, 189 Avenue A was home to Harry & Ida's Meat and Supply Co.
On August 31, investigators with the state's multi-agency task force observed in excess of eight patrons standing, drinking and congregating in front of the licensed premises. Inside, investigators observed three patrons sitting and drinking at the bar and one patron standing inside with a drink in his hand, all in flagrant violation of the Governor's Executive Order in place since March 16, 2020.
Updated 11 a.m.: Several readers have noted that Black Emperor had previously announced plans to temporarily close the bar after service on Aug. 31.
Meanwhile, two other East Village bars-restaurants that had their licenses suspended by the SLA last month are back in service.
Maiden Lane on 10th Street and Avenue B resumed service with alcohol and expanded food offerings on Sept. 10. (They did reopen after their license was suspended in early August for food orders and a non-alcoholic drink menu.)
The Hairy Lemon, 28-30 Avenue B between Second Street and Third Street, also had its license reinstated after nearly six weeks of closure.
The property consists "of 6 one-bedroom and 2 two-bedroom apartments. The property is built 25 feet by 63 feet and sits on a 25 foot by 93.92 foot lot with approximately 7,990 gross square feet. The property is zoned R8B allowing for approximately 1,409 gross square feet of available air rights.
And with one dream coming to fruition, another one comes to a pause. Our NYC locations of Ghost Donkey, The Poni Room and Saxon + Parole are temporarily closed due to COVID-19. It has been a pleasure serving you, and we hope to do so again soon.
S+P opened here in September 2011, replacing the company's Double Crown restaurant.