Thursday, July 21, 2011

City officials further shame NYC by declaring Smurf Week

Our friend Jen Doll over at Runnin' Scared has the details about Smurf Week. Which city officials announced yesterday. It's all a big marketing thingee leading up to the release next Friday of "The Smurfs Movie," the latest Dogme 95 film by Lars von Trier.

Anyway, is this a big deal? Those little fuckers have been running rampant here the last few months anyway...

Karl Fischer designing new East 12th Street residence

'Tis the season for coming back from the dead ... Let's see, we mentioned 401 E. Eighth St. yesterday ... and 75 First Ave. earlier this summer.

Now! That long-dormant pit also-known-as 427. E. 12th St. across from the East Side Community School is primed for a six-story, 11-unit residence designed by Montreal-based architect Karl Fischer, who is behind several overly luxurious condos on the Bowery. (The Observer has details on his latest at 255 Bowery.)

Like with the two Bowery properties, Shaky Cohen is the developer at 427 E. 12th St., according to DOB records.

We didn't find any renderings at the Fischer website... but here's what 263 Bowery looks like (at least as of last fall) via BoweryBoogie:

Related reading:
Want to see how Fischer is making (leaving?) his mark over NYC, then check out the Curbed archives here.

Last night in the East Village: A solidarity march for the Pelican Bay State Prison hunger strike

[Photo via @volt4ire]

Last night around 10, witnesses spotted a group of a dozen (or so!) protestors marching down Ninth Street near First Avenue handing out flyers in solidarity with the Pelican Bay State Prison hunger strike in California. The three-week-long strike began due to poor conditions at the prison. A little background via Southern California Public Radio:

"The strike originated in the Special Housing Unit of the prison, which houses 1,100 inmates who are completely isolated from one another in soundproof cells and are let out for only one hour each day. The strike has spread to thirteen other state prisons with 6,500 inmates participating over the past few days, thus making it the largest prison strike in California in a decade."

Witnesses told Bob Arihood at Neither More Nor Less that the group — mostly dressed in black — "emptied trash containers and tossed newspaper dispensers into 2nd avenue while chanting anti-police rhetoric." Bob has a photo of the aftermath on Second Avenue here.

Could have been more dramatic. For instance, yesterday in Seattle, organizers hung a banner, tossed flyers and set off a smoke bomb in a busy downtown intersection.

Tonight in Tompkins Square Park — 'Star Trek,' Gilbert Gottfried

Tonight marks the fourth of the free music-movie nights in Tompkins Square Park. This evening's talking picture: "Star Trek," the new one from J.J. Abrams circa 2009.

And, for some reason, Gilbert Gottfried is introducing the film. Seriously. And according to sponsor Epix's website, they're giving away the following tonight: one iPad, one Flip Cam and four 4-packs of tickets to the Rose Center at the Museum of Natural History.

And now, the trailer....

And upcoming...

July 28 — Arthur (the original, by the way)
Aug. 4 — Pope of Greenwich Village
Aug. 11 — Kickass
Aug. 18 — Rosemary’s Baby
Aug. 25 — The Godfather
Sept. 1 — Stake Land

Here's the official website for the summer movies.

Did Tre Scalini close on St. Mark's Place after less than two weeks?

Back on June 17, we pointed out that an Italian restaurant called Tre Scalini was taking over the former Bello's space at 130 St. Mark's Place near Avenue A.

I meant to note when they opened... If I had to guess, then I'd say they opened around July 1... During the weekend of July 8, I spotted this sign...

I walked by a few times and never saw anyone inside, save the owner and a worker or two. I last saw it open on July 10. I've walked by every day since then. It has not been open in the past 10 days.

If this is all true, then it was probably a good idea that they never changed the awning from the previous tenant.

They weren't even open long enough to merit a Yelp review.

Did anyone ever eat here?

Papa John's will deliver to churches, apparently

Oh, just spotted some Papa John's flyers everywhere on Seventh Street, including on the door to the St. George's Ukranian Catholic Church Rectory ... and the church's front steps. But will Papa John's deliver so early on a Sunday morning?

Southern American restaurant opening on East Fourth Street

[Updated: Sorry, I had "South American" restaurant rather than Southern American]

Amaya thai eatery on Fourth Street near Avenue B closed last summer around this time... Workers are currently renovating the space. A few readers noted that the rumors pointed to a southern restaurant opening here.

The restaurant will be called The Cardinal, and as Eater reported, the CB3/SLA committee OK'd a beer-wine license for the place on Monday night. (A new license within a resolution area too.)

According to the questionnaire The Cardinal reps gave to CB3 (PDF here), the restaurant will serve Southern American Cuisine ... the place can seat 74 people. No word just yet who the owners are here.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Truck from Ladder Company 3 in the East Village returns to ground zero

This afternoon, a fire truck from Ladder Company 3 on East 13th Street used during the World Trade Center evacuation after the Sept. 11 attacks returned to ground zero, the Associated Press reported.

Workers lowered the truck into exhibition space for the National September 11 Memorial & Museum. Twelve firefighters from the East Village-based firehouse were killed when the towers collapsed.

Read more here.

Ladder Company 3 photo via.

A cool cat, most likely

Tonight on Seventh Street... photo by Dave on 7th.

The red-tailed hawk welcomes visitors to Temperance Fountain in Tompkins Square Park

Wow. A little earlier today. Photos by Bobby Williams.

This afternoon on Seventh Street

Photo by EV Grieve reader Evan.

The Health Department inspection report that closed the Mars Bar for good

By now, of course, you know that the Mars Bar has closed. The City inspected the place on Monday afternoon and found a lot of fruit flies — like 850! (How precise is this number?)

Anyway! The DOH has finally updated its website with the report... we were a little curious about all this... How bad was it?

Well, 54 total violation points. Not in Fu Sushi's league.

To the report!

Establishment Closed by DOHMH. Violations were cited in the following area(s) and those requiring immediate action were addressed. ("Critical" violations are displayed in red.)

Sanitary Violations
1) Food Protection Certificate not held by supervisor of food operations.
2) Raw, cooked or prepared food is adulterated, contaminated, cross-contaminated, or not discarded in accordance with HACCP plan.
3) Filth flies or food/refuse/sewage-associated (FRSA) flies present in facility’s food and/or non-food areas. Filth flies include house flies, little house flies, blow flies, bottle flies and flesh flies. Food/refuse/sewage-associated flies include fruit flies, drain flies and Phorid flies.
4) Facility not vermin proof. Harborage or conditions conducive to attracting vermin to the premises and/or allowing vermin to exist.
5) Non-food contact surface improperly constructed. Unacceptable material used. Non-food contact surface or equipment improperly maintained and/or not properly sealed, raised, spaced or movable to allow accessibility for cleaning on all sides, above and underneath the unit.
6) Proper sanitization not provided for utensil ware washing operation.

Stupid watermelon vodka!

EV Grieve Etc.: Mourning Edition

Real ices of the Lower East Side (Jeremiah's Vanishing New York)

The long, slow death of Mars Bar (Grub Street)

A day in the life of Tompkins Square Park the other day (Nether More Nor Less)

Bloomberg buys a $20 million mansion (Runnin' Scared)

Thinking about those Lou Reed tags (Flaming Pablum)

Tiny's Sandwich Shop returns (BoweryBoogie)

And Melanie at East Village Corner across this speedster on Delancey ... Perhaps it's best if we don't know what was happening here...

Stalled development site on Eighth Street and Avenue D asking $5.2 million

Here at 401 E. Eighth St. at Avenue D, this empty lot has sat, uh, empty for years. The DOB OK'd permits for a six-story building in 2006. But those plans never materialized. We last checked in on the space in February 2010.

And now (and above)...

However, there's activity again at this address. Eastern Consolidated is now marketing 397-401 E. Eighth St. Here's the news release that they issued:

A 4,324-square-foot vacant residential development site in Manhattan’s East Village that could accommodate an 11-story, 25,955-square-foot building, is on the market for sale through Eastern Consolidated. Situated only 50 feet from Avenue D, the L-shaped irregular site is priced at $5.2 million.

Eastern Consolidated’s Senior Director and Principal Alan P. Miller with Senior Financial Analyst Paul Nigido are co-marketing 397-401 East 8th Street with Lee Odell Real Estate Inc., on behalf of seller Samtel East 8th Street LLC.

“The East Village is booming,” noted Mr. Miller. “The neighborhood has become a very trendy enclave, particularly for young people, offering a wide variety of ethnic restaurants, boutiques and specialty shops. This site offers 67 feet of frontage on East 8th Street, and new construction is taking place directly across the street and just south on Avenue D.”

[Updated: Didn't realize that Sam Chang bought this lot back in 2007... Curbed has those details here ... and here...]

By the way, thanks to a link from EV Grieve reader Adam A., we know how the address looked in 1923... also vacant...

[Via NYPL]

Previously on EV Grieve:
Meanwhile, before we christen Avenue D the next Greenpoint...

Reader tip: Destino-backed 'Meatball Factory' opening on 14th Street and Second Avenue

Back in April, the Pizza Hut-Nathan's-Arthur Treacher's combo on the northwest corner of 14th Street and Second Avenue closed. And on Monday, we noted that workers have started renovating the space.

Now EV Grieve reader Larry Goldberg passes along this tip. He spoke with workers at the scene, who said a restaurant from the folks behind Destino, the Southern Italian restaurant on First Avenue between 50th and 51st Street, are opening a casual dining spot here. (And, in case you are curious, Justin Timberlake is no longer a minority owner at Destino. Oh, and Eater notes that Destino is now closed. Sorry! Destino is very much open!)

Per the Destino rep, it is tentatively called the Meatball Factory, which will open in three months, or so. The rep said the plan is to create a menu similar to the Meatball Shop with dinner going for around $10-$12 per entree keeping things quick and casual.

Then the worker fired the first meatvolley, saying that the meatballs here "will put the Meatball Shop to shame."

Noted, and we're suddenly really missing Nathan's.

Bonus trivia about Destino... that location served as a key scene in "The French Connection," as Eater pointed out back in March.

No opening date yet for the Upright Citizens Brigade Theatre on Avenue A

Nearly three months have passed since all that sign hoopla at the new home of the Upright Citizens Brigade on Avenue A and Third Street. Seems pretty quiet. So we thought we'd check in. Per a UCB press rep: "As of now we have no tentative opening date. We'll let you know when we do."


Previously on EV Grieve:
[Updated] Your 'Hot Chicks Room' sign update

[Updated] Resident starting a petition to have the 'Hot Chicks Room' sign removed at the Upright Citizens Brigade

Breaking: UCB will remove the 'Hot Chicks Room' sign!

CB3 OKs transfer of Banjo Jim's to The James Daniel

Last Thursday, we first brought you the news that changes were in the works for Banjo Jim's, the ramshackle live music joint on Avenue C and Ninth Street. Plans call for an "artisanal neighborhood cocktail bar" named The James Daniel.

As Devin Briski reported for Eater, the CB3/SLA committee OK'd the transfer during Monday night's meeting.

In the comments on our post, owner Lisa Zwier-Croce left this message:

Hi. Banjo Lisa here! It is sad for me to lose Banjo Jim's but I am so proud of all the amazing musicians that have passed through our humble place. Rob and Timothy are down to earth guys and care about the community. i wholeheartedly embrace them and encourage everyone to continue to support their place. Don't let the word "artisnal" scare you! What [they're] saying is they don't want to serve you the same crap you can get in any bar! It's even possible that there may be a "Banjo Jim's night"(of music) occasionally! Anyone whose been in Banjo Jim's knows there's magic in those walls! With tears in my eyes I pass these guys the baton. Maybe I'll see you there!!!!!

Also, on Monday night, Briski reported that the committee also OK'd the transfer to The Phoenix to new owners. Hello Open Mic Night!

Previously on EV Grieve:
Banjo Jim's space to become home to an 'artisanal neighborhood cocktail bar' (47 comments)

Van Leeuwen Artisan Ice Cream gets a sign on Seventh Street

Yesterday, workers were putting up the new Van Leeuwen Artisan Ice Cream sign on the shop's front window. Van Leeuwen opened in late May. People tell us that they like the shop's offerings... though it hasn't been quite as crowded as some people thought... Perhaps the sign will help.

Subway store #50977 ready for cold-cut action on Avenue B

And it's already on the Subway locator map! ( refers to it as Store #50977...)


Tuesday, July 19, 2011

This heatwave calls for a refreshing cold drunk

EV Grieve Rita spotted this in front of the East Village Prescription Center on Avenue A this afternoon. At 99 cents, a pretty good deal, really.

Dog owners unveil heat contingency plan‎ in Tompkins Square Park

At the Tompkins Square Park dog run the other hot day. Photos by Bobby Williams.

EV Grieve Etc.: Mourning Edition

[Photo by Bobby Williams]

The watermelon vodka at the Mars Bar (Jeremiah's Vanishing NY)

The last day/night at the Mars Bar (The Gog Log)

Revisiting Bleecker and the Bowery (Flaming Pablum)

A history of Webster Hall (Off the Grid)

East Village-based court photographer Steven Hirsch at work (The Observer)

Chillmaster Dance Party III (Marty After Dark)

XXX-rated DVD shop shutters on Essex (BoweryBoogie)

New mural slated for RCN building on Sixth Street and Avenue C (DNAinfo)

Emma Stone and Ryan Gosling eat FroYo at 16 Handles (Page Six)

The new 11-minute Beastie Boys video (Gothamist)

A urinal for women (Eater)

Long live the Google Street View of the Mars Bar

It's from May/June 2009 ("Terminator Salvation" playing down the street at the Village East Cinema) ... Hank Penza, the owner, sitting out front... Ray smoking on the side... Just like it always seemed. Rather perfect, yes?

As we first reported yesterday, the bar is now closed for good. Up next: Demolition ... two years of construction ... and a new 12-story luxury building.

See some photos from last night's Mars Bar vigil here.

At the Mars Bar yesterday, the DOH found 850 fruit flies (or so)

[Photo by Shawn Chittle]

When the chatter started yesterday afternoon about the Mars Bar, there was confusion whether the DOH shut the place down... or owner Hank Penza basically just said Fuck it and closed.

As Runnin' Scared noted, it was a combo. The DOH paid a visit, and shut the place down. Instead of cleaning up and reopening just to close again... "I closed up," he told Esther Zuckerman. "I don't want to be bothered."

And Runnin' Scared got a quote from a DOH spokesperson last evening. And it's a doozy!

The Mars Bar was closed because inspectors observed approximately 850 fruit flies in various areas of the restaurant and in a bottle of alcohol. Additionally, there were conditions conducive to a pest infestation ... The bar did not have a food protection certificate holder present, had a cracked and chipped wall, unsecured gas cylinders and did not have proper test kits for chemical sanitizing of dishware.

So, a question: Why is the DOH inspecting bars that are closing shortly?

Finally, one of the many rumors we've heard of late: Hank had promised two regulars that he'd sell them the bathroom doors for $1,000 each.

5 similar bars to try now that the Mars Bar has closed

We first posted this on Dec. 8 ... thought we'd repost it now... cheap gag that it was!






Jane's Sweet Buns opens today at 2 on St. Mark's Place; features 'pastries inspired by cocktails'

As we first reported two weeks ago, a bakery is opening on St. Mark's Place in the former De La Vega Museum space.

In what seems fitting for a neighborhood overrun with bars, the bakery — Jane's Sweet Buns — will feature alcohol-laden desserts.

Jenny Miller at Grub Street had the details in a post yesterday. The buns, cakes and pies are courtesy of Cienfuegos mixologist Jane Danger and owner Ravi DeRossi. Per Grub Street: "Swashbuckling types might enjoy the Rum Runner (a bun glazed in aged rum, Galliano liqueur, cinnamon, and other good stuff), while manly sorts can try the savory Southern Special (Bourbon, bacon, brown sugar, nectarine, white cheddar)."

Grub Street notes they will also sell non-alcohol desserts. Grub Street also has the menu. Sorry, no bread.

The sign on the door states they'll open today at 2.

St. Brigid's will have that 1848 look

Meanwhile, in more positive news... The Villager has an update on the renovations at St. Brigid's, the historic church on Eighth Street and Avenue B that was spared the wrecking ball by a determined group of volunteers... and later a guardian angel who donated some $10 million to restore the building.

Anyway! To the article!

Both the west and north facades (what everyone from the street sees) of the building are going to be sheathed in cast brownstone slabs, more or less restoring the look of what was there when the church was first built in 1848. They are working on this now, and roughly a quarter of the north wall has already been installed. The original north wall had to be completely demolished and rebuilt as part of the process of restoring structural stability to the church. This necessitated filling the entire church interior with scaffolding in order to support the roof during this reconstruction. But it was a big improvement over the original repair plan to simply re-stucco the existing facade.

Read the whole article here.

And here are several recent photos that I took showing the renovations in progress...

Argosy is cleaned out on East Ninth Street

Back in May, we noted that Argosy, the vintage clothing store on East Ninth Street between First Avenue and Avenue A, appeared to be closed. The gate was down. Mailed piled up inside. In any event, in the last few days, someone has cleaned out the store...

Expect a "for rent" sign here soon enough.