Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Tomorrow night: Art and Architecture Slam

From the EV Grieve inbox...

You’re invited! Join local artists, architects, preservationists, and our neighbors for Lower East Side Preservation Initiative’s and Art Loisaida Foundation’s Art and Architecture Slam fall fund raising bash at the Bathhouse Studios!

A community’s art often flowers from its architecture, and its architecture from its art. When the unique buildings that make up a historic neighborhood are lost to cookie-cutter new development, art and architecture suffer. LESPI and ALF are working to preserve the East Village/Lower East Side’s historic architecture and free accessible art venues to nurture our irreplaceable artistic /urban environment, an environment that enriches all of us — our neighbors, our visitors and ourselves.

Date: Thursday October 20, 2011
Time: 6:30-9:00PM
Place: Bathhouse Studios, 540 East 11th Street between Avenues A and B
Donation: $15 Friend ($20 at door); $25 Supporter; $50 Sponsor;
$100 Benefactor; $500 Patron

Proceeds will be split evenly between Art Loisaida Foundation and Lower East Side Preservation Initiative to fund their work in the East Village/LES. Art Loisaida is a 501(c)(3) and your donation is fully tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.

For more information on our organizations, go here.

Mario Batali says the Blue and Gold is his favorite late-night dive bar in NYC

Uh, per his tweet last night...

Not sure what this really means, except, perhaps, a brief increase in foodies at 3 a.m.


Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Packing up the BMW Guggenheim Lab

The BMW Guggenheim Lab wrapped up its 10-week East Village run on Sunday... and now, workers are taking down the structure for its next stop: Berlin, in the spring of 2012. (After that — Mumbai!)

Bobby Williams stopped by yesterday to monitor the deconstruction process...

We're very curious what kind of reception the Lab receives by "Confronting Comfort" in Berlin. (Paging people who can read German!)

I was never a fan of this whole endeavor. Regardless, I'm wondering how BMW/Guggenheim will measure the success of this first stop. I haven't talked with many people who really bought into what they were trying to do. Not that anyone actually understood what they were trying to do. Any thoughts about the Lab — pro or con?

New Cooper Union president to be met by song, pleas to save St. Mark's Bookshop

From the EV Grieve inbox...from the Cooper Square Community Development Committee and Businessman’s Association

“A Call to Action! Join us at the Inauguration of Jamshed Bharucha, the incoming President of Cooper Union and Let’s Make our Voices Heard – St. Mark’s Bookshop Must be Saved!”

New York, NY: St. Mark’s Bookshop, one of a few remaining independent bookstores in New York City, is in a state of crisis. It has appealed to their landlord, Cooper Union, to reduce their monthly rent of $20,000 by $5,000 until it is able to recover from the effects of the downturn in the economy. A combination of the difficult economy, the dramatic changes in the publishing industry and the escalating costs of doing business have pushed St. Mark’s Bookshop to the brink. Cooper Union has indicated that it is looking into this matter, but no commitment has yet been made.

On Tuesday, October 18th, at 12 noon, Jamshed Bharucha, will be inaugurated as the new President of Cooper Union. We will be singing and handing out an open letter to invitees as they enter the Great Hall. Let’s raise our voices together in song and ask those in power at Cooper Union to do the right thing and agree to the rent reduction before it’s too late – so that this vital landmark, which serves the diverse community of the Lower East Side, is not forced out of business!

(Sung to the tune of Home on the Range, lyrics by Frances Goldin)

“Oh give me the word
That we long to be heard
That the St. Mark’s Bookshop will be saved.

That you know it’s a gem
With a stroke of your pen
That its’ future’s forever engraved.

It just needs less rent
And if that’s your intent
You will most likely earn
Real High Marks.

If you need help with the music...

Mars Bar finally gets a sidewalk shed

To be honest, we've been expecting the arrival of a sidewalk shed outside the Mars Bar — and the whole stretch of 11-17 Second Avenue destined for demolition — since August... And yesterday, the sidewalk shed finally arrived, as these photos by Bobby Williams show...

As you know, all this will be torn down to make way for a 12-story apartment building. We're curious how soon demolition will actually happen. The arrival of a sidewalk shed doesn't mean the building will fall anytime soon — just look at 51 Astor Place.


Meatball Factory opening next Tuesday; featuring the 'turducken' and more

Here's more information about the new Meatball Factory coming to IHOP Way East 14th Street and Second Avenue. Per Thrillist yesterday:

Surprisingly not a super-popular gym located just off the LIE, the Meatball Factory's a 1600sqft ball-eteria coming at you from OG Top Chef alum Dave Martin. The set up's like a rustic, industrial (rustdustrial?) bistro thanks to red brick walls, wine barrels aplenty, dark wood tables flanking the central bar, and a to-go counter, because you're going to need a snack on your way to working off all those meatballs at a gym just off the LIE.

If you still have an appetite, then here's a look at their menu via the Meatball website:

To be honest, we didn't make it past the Turducken: House Blend of Shady Farms Turkey, Bell & Evans Chicken, Hudson Valley Farms Duck Confit, Sage & Allspice (Dairy Free) $9

According to Thrillist, Meatball Factory opens next Tuesday. Eater has more information here.


JoeDoe opening JoeDough on First Avenue

In November 2009, Habib's Place on Avenue A near Sixth Street closed rather suddenly... Then came the news that Habib relocated to the former Question Mark Cafe space at 135 First Avenue between St. Mark's and Ninth Street. And that venture seemed to close just as suddenly and quietly.

Anyway, Grub Street reports that the husband-and-wife team behind JoeDoe on East First Street are opening a gourmet sandwich shop at 135 First Avenue called — seriously — JoeDough. It will open sometime this fall, per Grub Street.

Personally, I wouldn't mind having another normal, nongourmet sandwich place like Sunny & Annie's on Avenue B at Sixth Street.

And does anyone know what happened to Habib?

Monday, October 17, 2011

Early verdict on tonight's CB3/SLA meeting

We've heard from several people attending tonight's CB3/SLA committee meeting... early word so far:

• Yankee Pizza Restaurant Inc, 181 Ave C aka 647 E 11th St (wb)


• Jane's Sweet Buns (DeRossi Chelsea LLC), 102 St Marks Pl (wb)

APPROVED, but not before David McWater apparently called the other board members fascists for trying to block this one, according to an attendee. Looking forward to hearing more about this tomorrow on Eater, The Lo-Down, and others.

• Bobwhite Lunch and Supper Counter, 94 Ave C (wb)


This venture sounds interesting, from what we've heard... we'll have more on it later.

Gingersnap's Organic opening at former Mikey's Pet Shop on Seventh Street

Back in July, Dave on 7th told us that the former Mikey's Pet Shop on Seventh Street near Avenue A...

... would become an "organic, healthy food market."

Well, Dave on 7th sends along a shot of the sign that just went up on the front door...

Gingersnap's Organic featuring "handcrafted conscious cuisine."

And they have a website, though there's isn't much info yet.

Previously on EV Grieve:
Mikey's Pet Shop closing at the end of the month

Is the Fine Fare recycling center 'destroying' East Fourth Street?

Patrick Hedlund has the story today at DNAinfo ... Some fed-up neighbors are saying that the recycling center on the East Fourth Street side of the grocery store at Avenue C continues to cause problems. Such as: Noise. Drinking. Public urination. Fights.

Sounds like just another weekend night outside [insert pain-in-the-ass bar here].

Residents have been talking with the 9th Precinct and local elected officials this past year. Last Thursday, Hedlund reports that 15 residents met again with the 9th. Per the article:

“Essentially they live there,” said one block resident, who complained of having to pick up human feces “every day” and noted that some of the regulars hassle other people who often use the machines.

“This is a problem for us seven days a week.”

219 First Avenue ready for a chain store, probably

The northwest corner of First Avenue and 13th Street has been under renovation for the past four years... (we last looked at it here).

(Via Flickr)

Now, workers have made enough progress on the formerly four-floor building that the ground floor retail space is on the market.

According to the listing... you can see for yourself...(Plus, if shows what the renovated building with additional floors looks like...)

Check out that list of neighboring tenants — all chains. And "sidewalk seating is permitted"?

Anyway, the ground floor here once housed the Mee Noodle Shop, a favorite spot for Allen Ginsburg.


Closing celebration at the BMW Guggenheim Lab last night

The BMW Guggenheim Lab ended its 10-week run last night with a closing party. And we were there to capture the last dance.

Technical difficulties, folks. Apologies!

Meanwhile, we'll have plenty more on these 10 weeks.... and what it all meant — if anything. Soon.

Previously on EV Grieve:
The Guggenheim wants our rat-infested First Street lot

Residents pitching in to help refurbish First Street garden

Designs for urban life apparently don't include trees

Try my beer toast!: Calling for contributions to the free East Village Harvest Cookbook

From the EV Grieve inbox ...

Tompkins Square and St. Mark’s Church Greenmarkets are calling for recipes from around the East Village for our 2011 East Village Harvest Cookbook.

We’re looking for YOUR favorite recipe featuring fall farmers’ market ingredients, especially produce. Simple recipes are best – avoid exotic ingredients and Iron Chef-type cooking techniques. Eligible entries will join some Greenmarket fall favorites in our 2011 East Village Harvest Cookbook, which we’ll offer for free at the markets in time for Thanksgiving. (Don’t forget to include any info you’d like us to credit – including author’s name, organization or company name and contact info if applicable, and any note or story about the recipe.)

Email your recipe to:

Lela Chapman or Greg Manley

Or write it down at the Market Info table at Tompkins Square Sundays or St. Mark’s Church Tuesdays.

Recipes due by Sunday, Nov. 6.

Image via.

Bowery Coffee opens today

[Photo via @majman]

Several readers have noted that Bowery Coffee opens today at 87 E. Houston just west of the Bowery. (BoweryBoogie noted this last week.) Boogie reports that the decor can be described as "rustic Americana." While there are a few tables, it's more of a to-go place.

Anyway, if you try it, then please let us know what you think. Of the coffee.

BB has more on the owner here.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

At the La MaMa 50 World Block Party

This afternoon on East Fourth Street... More details here ... Photos by Bobby Williams...

[Updated] 17 year old shot and killed on East 12th Street early this morning

There have been multiple reports of a fatal shooting last night on 12th Street and Avenue C. According to the Daily News this afternoon, someone shot 17-year-old Keith Salgado (pictured, right) about 1:50 a.m., police said. He later died from his wounds at Bellevue Hospital.

"His life was taken too soon," Salgado's cousin, Jahaira Rivera, told the Daily News. "We were hanging out last night and he decided to split for five minutes. In five minutes, he got shot."

The Lo-Down reported that Salgado's mother was the leader of an anti-violence youth group.

[Photo via the Daily News]

Avenue A Mini Market now without part of its front window

A reader notes that someone smashed part of the front window at the now-closed Avenue A Mini Market near 10th Street....

This aside, anyone else notice an increase in smashed car windows of late? Dave on 7th noticed several the other morning on Seventh Street...

Week in Grieview

Joe's Bar closed for good? (Monday)

Wi-Fi for Tompkins Square Park (Wednesday)

Bad news for the Holiday? (Thursday)

Village Scandal facing eviction (Tuesday)

Even an empty 34 Avenue A is pissing people off (Monday)

Heathers lives (Wednesday)

The Chocolate Library is checking out of St. Mark's Place (Wednesday)

The falling window lintel on East 10th Street (Sunday)

The next dessert fad for St. Mark's Place (Monday)

A new hawk in Tompkins Square Park (Wednesday)

[Updated] Occupy Saturday

John Penley and a handful of protestors spent the day in Tompkins Square Park yesterday... before moving to the corner of Seventh Street and Avenue A when the Park closed at midnight...

[Top photos by Bobby Williams]

We understand that more people may have joined the Tompkins Square Park group. According to a reader, "Around midnight or 1, I was woken up by a parade of Occupiers. I guess they were coming from Washington Square Park, and heading for Tompkins Square Park ... being followed by the cops. Maybe 50 of them?"

Most of the Occupy Wall Street protests took place yesterday in Times Square, where Gothamist reported that the NYPD arrested 42 people.

There were also protestors yesterday in Washington Square Park, where some from Times Square joined in for an after-party and meeting. Bobby Williams spent part of the day there, and sent along these photos...

Also yesterday, DNAinfo reports that the NYPD arrested 20 people at the Chase branch on Astor Place. Protestors were on the sidewalk telling people to close their Chase accounts. Per DNA: "We were sitting here and the police came with paddy wagons and people started to leave," said Maeve Dwyer, 18, a Bard College student. "But then, we said we were not going to leave."

[Updated: Another source at the scene said that they weren't any arrests made at this Chase branch.]

Back at Tompkins Square Park, we heard that someone superglued the locks to the Park last night.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Tompkins Square Park, 1:57 p.m., Oct. 15

[Photo by jdx]

Occupy Tompkins Square Park just getting started...

Reminders this weekend: Occupy Tompkins Square Park

[Photo by Paul DeRienzo via Facebook]

As you may have heard, there are are plans, spearheaded by John Penley, for a peaceful demonstration starting with a picnic in the Park at noon today... Via Facebook, I asked Penley last night if the rally was still a go. "Hell yes."

He left this comment on the previous Occupation thread:

"People will be at the park at noon. Some will be leaving for Times Square and some will not. It is my understanding that Judith Malina and the Living Theater will lead a march from Times Square to Union Square and then on to Tompkins Square. Anyone who can bring food to share, drums, musical instruments, art supplies anything else you can think of to make this a fun and noisy but peaceful occupation."

Meanwhile, did you notice that park officials put up new signs around the Park pointing out the curfew...?

[Dave on 7th]

Previously on EV Grieve:
Occupy Tompkins Square Park (119 comments)

A different type of demonstration at Tompkins Square Park yesterday

Yesterday afternoon, the Great New York City Bike Share Tour made a stop on Avenue A along Tompkins Square Park... The program starts next summer with 10,000 bikes at more than 600 locations...

.... and here are a few shots from the afternoon...

[Top four photos by Bobby Williams]

[Dave on 7th]

[Sara Louise Tucker]

Here is an FAQ about the program. Bloomy announced the program last month.

Is this a good idea?

Friday, October 14, 2011