Friday, January 18, 2013

Winter Friday flashback: At the 2009 Unemployment Olympics

On Fridays this winter, and probably spring and summer ... we'll post one of the 16,000-plus EVG, uh, posts from yesteryear, like this one from March 31, 2009...


The Unemployment Olympics are under way now in Tompkins Square Park. Hard to say whether there are more contestants (athletes?) or reporters on the scene.

After waiting in line to sign up, you waited in line to take part in the first activity of the day, Pin the Blame on the Boss.

Organizer Nick Goddard had to ask the assembled reporters to move back several times...the media kept inching closer to the Pin the Tail sign, and there wasn't enough room for the participants to spin and pin.

There are other activities planned, including the Fax Machine Toss (which looks suspiciously like a phone), the You're Fired Race and a stress-relieving piñata.

All of this got old pretty quickly. The reporters got their cutesy, "aw, we're-having-fun-in the-recession!" soft news bit and started to leave. Curiosity seekers had time to gawk.

Some Pin the Blame on the Boss video:

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Food truck steakout on Avenue A

Dave on 7th notes the (rare) appearance of a Phil's Steak food truck tonight on Avenue A near East Sixth Street...

Breaking: Kmart reminds us of the drunken revelry to come in two months

Two months out from St. Patrick's Day, and Kmart on Astor Place is ready for the action with this nifty display of cliches... noted, warily, by EVG regular William Klayer...

Meeting recap: 'Pringle-lizing' the East Village, 7-Eleven style

[Photo of Bob Holman by Jose Garcia]

As previously noted, members of the 11th Street A-B-C Block Association met last night at Father's Heart Ministries to discuss the incoming 7-Eleven on East 11th Street and Avenue A..

A tipster passed along a quick recap of the No 7-11 meeting...

The meeting was the usual mix of brainstorming, with some good ideas and some silliness, but it all came from the heart. There were some ideas put forth that a lot of us had not even thought of — for instance, how to keep schoolkids from patronizing a shiny, magical 7-11 instead of a Slurpee machine-free bodega?

There was talk about banding together with other block associations to fight this and other chains...

The problem, and believe me I don't mean to sound cynical, is that a lot of this is sound and fury ... I have been on many committees and in many groups, and have repeatedly found that while you might have any number of interested people, only a few of them will actually step up to the plate and take on the struggle, with the rest encouraging from the sidelines. That's a hard way to win a war, and sometimes it doesn't work.

Jeremiah Moss always has a summation here.

And here are a few quotes from Serena Solomon's article at DNAinfo this afternoon:

"People come to New York because it is not the suburbs," said Rob Hollander, the meeting's organizer, who also heads up the 11th Street A-B-C Block Association. "7-Eleven is not here to contribute to the culture of New York, and someone has to stand up for that culture."


Bob Holman, founder of the Bowery Poetry Club, was also on hand at the meeting to blast the store.

"They are boring. They are bland. They are not New York," said Holman, who wore thick links of industrial-size chain around his neck to symbolize the fight. "They are Pringle-izing our population."

A writer from Gothamist was also at the meeting. Read that post here.

On Avenue B, Epic City Pub will be 'the first gay pub in the East Village'

[14 Avenue B from last summer]

As previously mentioned ... The Urge Lounge, the gay bar/club that closed at the end of 2012 at 31-33 Second Ave., is moving to 14 Avenue B between Houston and East Second Street...

And the Urge folks have just shared a few details about the new space via Twitter...

No opening date just yet...

Welcome back?

A quick grab of an article this morning on DNAinfo:

Skyrocketing rents, cramped apartments and a cut-throat rental market. Conditions that originally forced New Yorkers out of Manhattan are now sending them back, a report claims.

A real-estate expert said Williamsburg and DUMBO homes have become so hot that people are being priced out — and Manhattan has become a cheaper alternative.

Read the whole article here.

[Image via Free Williamsburg]

Wafels & Dinges hoping for a spring opening on Avenue B

[Jan. 5]

Last April 4, we first reported that Wafels & Dinges will open its first café based on the same concept as the popular food trucks in circulation around the city... W&D founder Thomas DeGeest, an East Village resident, provided a brief update on the storefront on Avenue B and East Second Street.

"Our store is progressing at turtle speed. I'm hoping for March or April," he said via a Facebook message. "Building trucks is definitely easier."

He also noted that it "will be as much a good coffee place as a waffle and ice cream place."

And no frozen yogurt.

Previously on EV Grieve:
Is Wafels & Dinges opening a café on Second Street and Avenue B?

What a lot of 'foot traffic' will cost you on Third Avenue and St. Mark's Place

We previously reported that workers quickly moved out of the short-lived Little Italy Pizza joint at 23 Third Ave. at St. Mark's Place.

For rent signs went up, though we didn't see the listing online...

However, a listing is now posted at NYCRS:

As you can see, the asking rent is $11,000 per month (plus $275k in key money) for the 900-square-foot space. You'd think this place could/would be a goldmine — especially with you know what with all those new office workers popping up directly across Third Avenue.

Any thoughts on what you'd like to see here? (Other than my dream zine/egg shop)?

Speaking of you know what across the street...

Glassed up to the top at 51 Astor Place now.

Reader mailbag: Try IHOP's new Griddle Melts in the privacy of the middle of Times Square tomorrow

A little off our coverage zone (just by 40 blocks!), but a reader forwarded us this news release from yesterday for our amusement/horror/combination of amusement-horror. Plus, the reader figured the Griddle Melts will show up on IHOP Way in the East Village soon enough...


IHOP’s Master Chef Hits The Streets With Portable Dining Booth To Test New Griddle Melts

WHAT: IHOP® will heat things up in Times Square Friday, setting up an actual restaurant dining booth on the street to welcome passersby to sit down, sample and share their opinions about the company’s new Griddle Melts breakfast sandwiches. Real opinions. Real food. And, a chance for real people to be in a national television commercial.

WHY: The family-friendly restaurant chain, known for “everything you love about breakfast,” will be shooting a commercial to introduce the new menu items set to debut in restaurants nationwide in February,

WHEN: Friday, January 18, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

WHERE: 44th & Broadway

WHO: IHOP Master Chef Phil Blankenship

VISUALS: Pop-up IHOP booth with hundreds of hungry passersby seeking celebrity in IHOP’s new Griddle Melts commercial.

GRIDDLE MELTS: IHOP recognized that breakfast sandwiches are the largest selling breakfast item out of the home, with more than 55 billion servings consumed each year. IHOP will introduce Griddle Melts in restaurants nationwide on February 11. The hand-crafted, made-to-order sandwiches on artisan sourdough bread with a choice of three fluffy omelettes, all made and served with fresh ingredients.

Manitoba's celebrating 14 years on Avenue B Sunday

More details here.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

A wet and steamy day, kind of

Just two streetscenes from today... Tompkins Square Park and the Bowery... By Bobby Williams.

EV Grieve Etc.: Mourning Edition

[This morning on 14th and First]

Concert in honor of Martin Luther King, Jr. this Sunday at St. Mark’s Church-in-the-Bowery (Off the Grid)

Large rent hike could KO Bleecker Street Records (DNAinfo)

The latest on the demoliton-redevelopment of Beth Hamedrash Hagadol, a New York City landmark on the LES since 1967 (The Lo-Down)

Malai Marke opens on East Sixth Street (Zagat)

Video interview with Father Pat (GammaBlog)

Pondering the forces of the Death Star (Jeremiah's Vanishing New York)

The origins of Ludlow Street (BoweryBoogie)

Is the city's oldest row house on the Bowery in Chinatown? (Ephemeral New York)

All the Chinese restaurants in New York look the same in movies (Scouting NY)

The South Bronx in the 1980s (Gothamist)

Out and About in the East Village

In this weekly feature, East Village-based photographer James Maher provides us with a quick snapshot of someone who lives and/or works in the East Village.

By James Maher

Name: Chris Riffle
Occupation: Musician, Barista
Location: The Bean, 3rd Street and 2nd Avenue
Time: 1 on Tuesday, Jan. 15

I’m from Seattle. I was born in the woods. It sounds nice for my bio because you’re supposed to put something in there that makes you unique. So yes, I was born in a cabin in the woods in one of those hippie parent home birth situations. Then, when my parents divorced when I was two, my dad had a house that he built in Leavenworth, Washington, which is over the mountains, with 10 acres and lots of woods, and there was no electricity there.

For a good four or five years I was living there with him. I moved to Seattle after college, on Capitol Hill and lived there for many years until I moved here in 2007, because my boyfriend, Tim got into Cooper Union as a painter.

I’ve always wanted to be a musician. It’s tough to describe my music style — folk, it’s soft and I play the acoustic guitar. I’ve always loved playing music, although I got distracted in Seattle by a lot of things and working full time. When I first got here, I showed up at the open mic at the Sidewalk Café and the experience was great. It took me about six months to finally get out of my shell and get out my guitar and play. I just didn’t know what to expect.

So then the host booked me a couple shows and I was playing there every month or so. Then this one guy came into the Bean with a guitar on his back and I invited him to a show and he got me a gig at the Living Room. I gave him a demo and he came back and said, "This is great, do you want to make an album? I’m a producer and I would love to put this out." And I was like, "Yes. Yes I would like to make an album. That’s what I want to do." Since then, I’ve made three with him and he’s amazing. I play about once a month now at the Living Room. It’s a great venue, but unfortunately they are moving at the end of January. They are closing that location and looking for a new one due to skyrocketing rent.

This job works really well with music because I will leave for a month to go on tour and then come back to work and it’s no big deal. I can come back and work 45 hours the next week to make money or I can work 30 because I have a show and I’m busy. It’s really nice for that and they’ve been very flexible.

The Starbucks moving into the old Bean location was really interesting. Somebody came in with plans and wanted to look at the building. The manager there was just like, “What? Who are you? Where are you from?” And he was just like, “Oh I’m looking at this for Starbucks.” It was shocking and the landlord hadn’t told us that he was looking to not renew the lease to us. We were working on negotiating the lease and instead of doing it with us they just said nope. We kept trying to make offers.

At first I was really bummed out and then we got the other spot and it worked out better in the long run. Everybody supported us and spoke out about not wanting to go to Starbucks. Now the Bean is drastically more crowded than the Starbucks, which is kind of ugly. And I don’t hate Starbucks, but I definitely try not to go to any of them now, which is funny since I’m from Seattle.

James Maher is a fine art and studio photographer based in the East Village. Find his website here.

Second on Second sets farewell party

Early last week, a tipster told us that Second on Second, the 10-year-old karaoke bar on Second Avenue, was closing at the end of this month... a combination of rising rent and slumping business...

The bar at 23 Second Ave. has made the closing official now... the farewell party is Jan. 31.

Meanwhile, on the topic of karaoke, a tipster points out that the Sing Sing emporium on St. Mark's Place has been on the market in recent months ... a few details via LoopNet (subscription required)...


Reminder tonight: Meeting to discuss incoming 7-Eleven on Avenue A and East 11th Street

We first posted this last Tuesday... here's a reminder...

7-Eleven is coming to Avenue A at 11th Street. The residents of 11th Street won't sit for it. We're drawing the line of suburbanization here.

We have had about enough of chain stores and suburban franchises, Duane Reades, Walgreens and Chase Banks on every corner. We've chosen to fight. Join with us and let's start a city-wide resistance. Let's not sit for it any more.

(Father's Heart Ministries, btwn A&B)

San Francisco has laws to restrict chain stores. NYC zoning laws don't prevent big box commercialism and the current mayor's planning department won't change those regulations. But a local election is coming.

Next year, this mayor will be gone — now's our opportunity to tell the coming administration that this does matter to us. If we don't raise the cry loud and clear, the new administration won't address it either.

It is not an exaggeration to say that the wholesale suburbanization and selling of New York lies in the hands of the people of New York. We've got to create the political will to fight against the death of this city. We've got to be visible and loud and persistent. New Yorkers have been sitting for it for a long time. We mustn't sit for it any longer.

There's likely a 7-Eleven near you, and if not, there will be. The 7-Eleven corporation has targeted the city for many more openings, intending to displace local commerce especially local bodegas. Don't sit for that.

Join the 11th Street resistance. Let's turn it into a Lower East Side resistance and a Manhattan resistance a Harlem and the Heights resistance and a Village and Chinatown resistance. Complacency=Suburbanization.

We're meeting on the 16th. Tell your friends. Bring your inventive ideas and your righteous indignation.

There's an addition to the meeting to note. Bowery Poetry Club founder Bob Holman will be there to tell to discuss "the No 7-11 campaign of No Chains on the Bowery," per the meeting invite. (Though there already is a 7-Eleven on the Bowery.)

Holman wrote this yesterday on Facebook:

You know my feelings about the architecture of my cross the street neighbors — that the Avalon Buildings are bland, tired, socialist post-modernism, while the Bowery is and always has been about life and art jazzed to extremes. But to be invaded by mall culture, the US's lowest common denominator, citizen as consumer —no! No Chains on the Bowery! They do it in San Francisco — let's go!

So, what do you think of the Annual No Pants Subway Ride?

The 12th Annual No Pants Subway Ride took place this past Sunday, as you may have noticed. If not, then here's the official recap...

The background:

The No Pants Subway Ride is an annual event staged by Improv Everywhere every January in New York City. The mission started as a small prank with seven guys and has grown into an international celebration of silliness, with dozens of cities around the world participating each year. The idea behind No Pants is simple: Random passengers board a subway car at separate stops in the middle of winter without pants. The participants do not behave as if they know each other, and they all wear winter coats, hats, scarves, and gloves. The only unusual thing is their lack of pants.

Some 4,000 people apparently took part here. I saw a few people walking on First Avenue in their underwear... and coats. I thought about taking photos, but it seemed like a lot of effort. And a little pervy. Then again, you're the one in your underwear walking on First Avenue.

Not sure what else transpired after the ride.

All too corny for my tastes. Still, certainly far, far away from SantaCon on the Apoplectic Rage Meter. Didn't know how you felt about it... New Jack Cornballs? Or, Hey, We're Just Having Fun. If You Don't Like Fun, Then Move to... Or maybe somewhere in between.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

[Updated] Reader report: Christmas trees burn on East Third Street

The FDNY responded to the scene of a fire on East Third Street between Avenue A and Avenue B tonight around 8 ... where a pile of discarded Christmas trees caught fire in front of the Church of the Most Holy Redeemer... Many thanks to EVG reader Francis Ratna for these shots before the FDNY arrived in force... one neighborhood super helped extinguish the flames ...

There weren't any reports of injuries or any further damage. Another reader noted that firefighters were checking out rooftops on the block for any errant embers...

Updated 1-16:

GammaBlog has more photos and a video here.

Tonight in photos of Charlie Sheen walking into McSorley's



The actor has been in town promoting something or another, and making the talk-show rounds...

12 second of East Village Wooooooooooooo!

Thank you to Gothamist for pointing out the existence of this video. Uploaded yesterday and titled "Guys on top of a bus (roof) as it is driving in New York City (Manhattan - East Vilage)"

First Avenue and East Ninth Street to be exact.

Party bus!

EV Grieve Etc.: Mourning Edition

[East 10th Street and Avenue C]

Look what Frank Lloyd Wright was going to build on Second Avenue and East 11th Street! (Gothamist)

Happy anniversary to the St. Mark’s Historic District (Off the Grid)

From Planet Hollywood in Las Vegas to the Bowery (Jeremiah's Vanishing New York)

Remembering Dashane Santana 1 year later (BoweryBoogie)

MulchFest! (The Gog Log)

Photo purge! (Flaming Pablum)

And too late for the "breaking" headline...

Whatever happened to that really ugly hotel planned for the Bowery?

Mystery Building Week continues. (See here and here for previous installments.)

The Salvation Army's East Village Residence closed here at the Bowery and East Third Street in August 2008. (Find some history of the space here.)

[February 2011, of course, because it doesn't snow here anymore]

And all was quiet for a few years. Until Jan. 11, 2011, when Lois Weiss at the Post reported that the France-based Louzon Group had bought the building and were planning on opening a new hotel here. Across the way from the Bowery Hotel. And two blocks from the then-Cooper Square Hotel (now the Standard East Village). Not to mention the rebranded Whitehouse Hotel and Hostel across the street. And close enough to the 569 hotels planned for the Lower East Side.

Remember the first rendering?

[Via Curbed]

Then! The next rendering! Keep in mind: This is not a joke.

[Via the Observer]

And yes — that's a Jumbotron up there.

As you'll recall, the reaction was... brutal? My favorite comment, via the EV Grieve Facebook page, came from Luc Sante:

It would be cheaper and more useful just to blow up the building and leave a 30-foot crater.

Anyway! Two years later, there's no sign of this hotel. (Which is a very good thing...) There's nothing on file for the property with the DOB. No demolition permits in the works. Nothing.

Did the Louzon Group changed its mind? They paid $7.6 million for the property. Anyone know what's going on with the space? Let us know via the EV Grieve email.

[Image created by Shawn Chittle]

Previously on EV Grieve:
Reactions to new Bowery hotel: 'It would be cheaper and more useful just to blow up the building and leave a 30-foot crater'

Why do the French hate us?

New York City's original Death Star

We had a post yesterday about 51 Astor Place, including quotes from developer Edward J. Minskoff from The Wall Street Journal. (Flashback: "it's great-looking, it fits in to the neighborhood, it's not overbearing.")

So, you know, at least one neighborhood blogger and several readers who just obviously don't appreciate great-looking architecture have dubbed 51 Astor Place the "Death Star."

Meanwhile! Turns out that this isn't the city's first Death Star... Crazy Eddie came across this Shorpy photo from 1902...

Per the caption, "The Waldorf-Astoria, New York." The original, and somewhat forbidding, Waldorf at Fifth Avenue and 34th Street. Complete with the obligatory windowsill milk bottle.

Of course, this Death Star had a short life... In 1929, the original Waldorf-Astoria was demolished to make way for something called the Empire State Building. (Did plans for that ever move forward?)

Not sure I'd describe that old Waldorf as a "Death Star." Maybe we can swap this out for 51 Astor? Dibs on the corner room at the top.

No dice on East Second Street

New Urban Etiquette Sign spotted outside an apartment building on East Second Street between Avenue C and Avenue D...

Includes awesome clip art.

Actually, those look like playing cards. But the point is taken.

Today in Urban Etiquette dog poop signs

On the topic of Urban Etiquette Signs, a reader sent us the shot below from East 12th Street near Avenue B where "there is always dog shit smeared on the sidewalk."

Here's one way to perhaps curb this kind of non-practice ...

This sign led to a conversation about the worst blocks for uncurbed dogs. Aside from this stretch, one candidate suggested was the north side of East Second Street between Avenue A and First Avenue ... on the sidewalk, dubbed by someone as "poop alley," along the Village View parking lot.

That aside, remember — You don't fuck with East 12th Street.

New Year's resolutions: Eat more fries at Ray's

One resolution that we won't break. Photo of Ray by @gerryvisco via the Ray's Candy Store Facebook page.

Rumors: 2 Bros. Pizza is opening another East Village location

BaoBQ closed here on First Avenue between East 13th Street and East 14th Street in August. The for rent signs are down... and someone put up black trashbags on the windows...

We've from several different tipsters now that a 2 Bros. Pizza will take over this space... there hasn't been any official confirmation on this from 2 Bros., who continue to expand in the city... If this is true, then this could be one more reason why Vinny Vincenz Pizza close by on First Avenue is now selling a $1 slice, as noted yesterday.

Of course, there's already a lot of cheap pizza right around here, from Papa John's and Joey Pepperoni across the street to the other Joey Pepperoni's and 7-Eleven around the way on East 14th Street...

The first 2 Bros. opened on St. Mark's Place in 2008.

Monday, January 14, 2013

And now, a photo of Morrissey not looking so happy on First Avenue

Several people spotted Morrissey in the East Village yesterday... on First Avenue with two friends looking for a cab. EVG reader Krist Sorge sent me the above photo ... via Instagram.

BoweryBoogie posted a photo here.

As BB notes, the former the lyricist and vocalist of The Smiths was last spotted around these parts coming to the aid of a woman who passed out at the Strand in September.

5 nights of Nick Zedd and the Cinema of Transgression

From the EVG inbox...

January 15-19
9pm-late all nights

Glasshouse 246 Union Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11211(G to Broadway, M to Lorimer, or L/G to Metropolitan-Lorimer)

Entrance is free (suggested donation of $10 at the bar)

Leading figure in the avant-garde cinema and NYC underground scene of the 1980’s and 1990’s; Iconic filmmaker, writer, and painter, Nick Zedd returns to New York City for a festival dedicated to his work, providing New Yorkers with the rare opportunity to meet and experience this body of work.

In addition to coining the term “Cinema of Transgression” and critically framing the work of his contemporaries (as creator of Underground Film Bulletin from 1984–90 and writer of the Cinema of Transgression manifesto), Zedd is known for his low-budget films, paintings, and mid-2000’s public television series with Reverend Jen, Electric Elf.

For this event Zedd curated a special program with screenings of most of his works since the 80’s and hosting works of some of his peers in the Cinema of Transgression movement including films by Nicholas Abrahams, Tessa Hughes-Freeland & Holly Adams, Angelique Bosio, Richard Kern, Richard Klemann, Casandra Stark and documentary films by Mary Jordan and Andreas Troeger.

Here's a Nick Zedd Tumblr with more details of what's playing each night.

Zedd lived in the East Village for years... these days he's down in Mexico City with Monica Cassanova and their son Zerak. Here's an excerpt from Whitehot Magazine circa December 2011 on his decision to move:

I could have stayed in New York, but after awhile it became a self-imposed purgatory, going to court, fighting frivolous evictions and continually winning against a psychotic landlord, accepting the ugliness of gentrification and becoming more isolated as the city became a party to which I wasn’t invited. New people to collaborate with kept me there for decades; but they got fewer and farther between. Every scene disintegrated into petty backstabbing or was short-circuited by landlord harassment. A new crop of faux bohemians arrived as part of a sad, fucked-up Simulation. There were so many normal people around I became agoraphobic. They took over my building, paying exhorbitant rents, complaining about the sound of my feet.

Living in NY, your mind gets clouded by the struggle to survive with pointless tension; then you convince yourself you’ve accomplished something special by having one hour of peace a week that anywhere else would be a daily occurence. We put up with it for so long because we know that everywhere else in the country is even more boring. A false sense of self- righteousness infects New Yorkers after years of accepting miserable conditions, bad service and aesthetic ugliness in order to be part of a myth. The City is a good place for roaches and bedbugs but for humans it’s living death. What kind of a city would let the Mars Bar close?!

Gnome alone

Tompkins Square Park today. Leftover entertainment from the MulchFest this past weekend?

Photo by Bobby Williams

Rejected headlines:
Take me gnome tonight
Gnome for the holidays

On such a gloomy winter's spring day

Took this at East 10th Street and Avenue D yesterday ... Posted it on Facebook... thought I'd put it here too...

[Updated] St. Brigid's reopens on Jan. 27

[Photo from Jan. 6.]

An EVG reader passes along word that the first mass at the restored church on Avenue B and East Eighth Street will take place on Jan. 27 ... Nearly 11 years have passed since the last mass in the main church (there were services in the school basement next door until 2004).

The church was thisclose to being demolished ... thanks to a group of hearty volunteers and parishioners who never lost hope... they were able to save the church from an after-life as a dorm or condo.

In May 2008, news broke that an anonymous donor gave $20 million to help refurbish the church... Per The New York Times: "The gift includes $10 million to restore the building, at 119 Avenue B; $2 million to establish an endowment for the parish “so that it might best meet the religious and spiritual needs of the people living in the community”; and $8 million to support the St. Brigid’s School and other Catholic schools in need."

All this seems like a hundred years ago...

Much more on St. Brigid's in the coming days/weeks... there's a lot to discuss...


Updated 1-14 9:30 a.m.
We had also asked Edwin Torres, chairman of the Committee to Save St. Brigid's, for more information. He confirmed the Jan. 27 date. The dedication mass is at 5 p.m. However, an important note: The mass, presided by Archbishop Timothy Cardinal Dolan, is invitation-only for registered parishioners of St. Brigid's-St. Emeric's Church.

[Updated] 3 photos of 51 Astor Place from Jan. 12

Updated 1-14
Well! Turns out that The Wall Street Journal has a feature today on 51 Astor Place. (Thanks to the reader for the link). The article's headline: "Mixed Messages In New Geometry At Cooper Square."

To some excerpts!

Says developer Edward J. Minskoff: "This was a classic case of an opportunity to take a wonderful site and really put a special building there. It's dramatic, it's great-looking, it fits in to the neighborhood, it's not overbearing."


"When I moved here, there were buildings that were not known by their addresses. Lever House, the GM building, the Pan-Am building. I think 51 Astor Place has the opportunity to go down in history as to be referred to by the name of its tenants," Mr. Minskoff says, though he has declined to name any potential tenants with whom he is in discussions. "I don't like to build mediocre boxes. I want to build buildings that will be great on year 1 and great on year 30."

The structure going up at 51 Astor should not be viewed as mediocre, but it's a far cry from the type of ground-breaking design that earns a place in the pantheon of the city's name-brand buildings.


Duane Reade's First Avenue Grand Opening is Friday

The time (heh) is coming for the Brand New Duane Reade on First Avenue just north of East 14th Street... the Duane Reade around the corner is relocating... per the sign on the soon-to-be-moving Duane Reade...

Meanwhile, we looked in the store to see if anything was on sale.

Not yet.

Previously on EV Grieve:
Breaking: Former bank branch to become a Duane Reade on First Avenue

Social Tees has moved into the former Gimme Gimme Records space

[Bobby Williams]

As you may have noticed, Social Tees has a new home now over on East Fifth Street next door to the 9th Precinct ... in the former home of Gimme Gimme Records. Slum Goddess noted this move last week. (Read her post here.)

Social Tees had moved into an East Second Street storefront in December 2011. And that Second Street space is on the rental market. Per the Massey Knakal listing, "most uses considered." Rent for the 950-foor-square space is available upon request.

Gimme Gimme closed last fall after being Cromanized. The store, which had celebrated its 18th year here, has reopened in Los Angeles. If you happen to be in the area...

[Via Facebook]