Tuesday, May 7, 2013

The Christodora House receives a Cultural Medallion

There was a ceremony yesterday at the Christodora House on Avenue B at East Ninth Street... where the Historic Landmarks Preservation Center unveiled the latest in its Cultural Medallion program...

...honoring Harry Lloyd Hopkins...

It reads:

Harry Hopkins, one of the most influential non-elected officials in American history, became a Settlement House worker in 1912 at Christodora, where his exposure to the struggles of new immigrants helped shape his thinking about social reform. Christodora, launched in 1897, was then housed in 143/145/147 Avenue B, and to this day continues its mission to help alleviate inequities among the underserved. In 1933, President Roosevelt asked Hopkins to implement the Social Security Act of 1935, and to direct the Works Progress Administration, which hired more than 3 million unemployed to rebuild highways, bridges, public buildings, and parks. During WWII, he was Secretary of Commerce and FDR's personal representative to London and Moscow. In 1945, Hopkins helped arrange the Potsdam Conference for President Truman, who honored him with the Distinguished Service Medal.

Here's a photo of the Christodora from 1929...

[From the Collections of the Museum of the City of New York]

Top three photos by Bobby Williams.

Former Local 269 space back on the market

The Local 269 on East Houston at Suffolk never reopened last fall after a flood apparently KO'd much of the live music venue's equipment.

Applicants who were previously involved with the Apocalypse Lounge (2004-2007) on East Third Street between Avenue A and Avenue B apparently had designs on a new bar here. However, the applicants apparently never appeared before the CB3/SLA committee back in March, according to the CB3 meeting record.

So now the space is back in play. An EVG reader points us to this Craigslist post:

188 Suffolk Street corner of Houston St
· Located at 269-271 East Houston St
· Prime location
· Approx 900ft² street level with approx. 1200ft² usable downstairs
· 4AM Liquor License
· Showings from 10:30-6pm
· Monthly rent $14,500
· $100,000 Key Money
· No fee

The Local 269 space was previously home to Meow Mix and Vasmay Lounge. The Local opened in February 2009.

Despite what Google Maps shows, the Sunburnt Cow is still open

Although the Sunburnt Cow may be for sale, the Endless Brunch hotspot on Avenue C and East Ninth Street remains open... Per the Cow's Facebook page yesterday:

Google Maps is WRONG!! We have not closed or re-located. We have reduced our hours to Friday - Sunday. Hope to see you all back next weekend!

Tonight: Discussion about the 'Tompkins Square/Alphabet City Slow Zone'

[Click image to enlarge]

As you may recall, CB3 member Chad Marlow, and the group that he founded in 2011, the Tompkins Square Park & Playground Parents’ Association (TSP3A), are kicking off a major neighborhood safety initiative.

Allow me to cut-and-paste this from the previous post on the topic:

It involves applying to the Department of Transportation to have them create what the group is calling the "Tompkins Square/Alphabet City Slow Zone" (TSACSZ).

The TSACSZ, in short, is an effort to improve pedestrian safety for children and all others who live/work/play in the proposed 0.38 square-mile zone by reducing motor vehicle speeds. As Marlow writes, the slow zone program "takes a well-defined, relatively compact area, and reduces its speed limit from 30 miles per hour to 20 miles per hour, with further reductions to 15 miles per hour near schools."

And tonight, the proposal gets the CB3 committee treatment:

Transportation & Public Safety / Environment Committee
Tuesday, May 7 at 6:30pm — Community Board 3 Office, 59 East 4th Street (btwn 2nd Ave & Bowery)

• Request for support of the proposed "Tompkins Square/Alphabet City Slow Zone"

Marlow introduced the proposal with this op-ed first published in The Villager.

Previously on EV Grieve:
Call for an East Village 'slow zone' (34 comments)

'Authentic Georgian-Mediterranean cuisine' coming to Avenue B

A reader told us that a new restaurant is opening in the space recently vacated by Caffe Buon Gusto on Avenue B and East Fifth Street.

We don't know much about the space. The reader noticed diners inside Sunday night, but thought that it was a friends-family kind of thing.

The restaurant is called Oda House, serving "authentic Georgian-Mediterranean cuisine" per the signage outside, from chef and managing partner Maia Acquaviva. Sounds interesting... hope to receive more information later...

Bending elm awaits its fate in Tompkins Square Park

Workers closed off the area surrounding the great bending elm in Tompkins Square Park yesterday... apparently the Park workers are awaiting for arborists to check out the tree... Meanwhile, it was eerily quiet early last evening ... as these shots by East Village Hawkeye show...

Monday, May 6, 2013

Praying for a miracle

Outside Mary Help of Christians Catholic Church on East 12th Street this evening... There are permits on file to demolish the church and its adjoining buildings for a new residential-retail complex.

Photo by Shawn Chittle.

Reader report: Is a bike-accessories thief on the loose?

A reader who lives in the vicinity of Second Avenue and East Third Street sends along the following:

Someone stole my bike lights. They came with an Allen wrench and took them.

I just wanted to let people know that a thief is on the loose in the East Village and to keep their bike accessories with them.

The reader said the theft occurred yesterday morning or early afternoon.

More support on the way for the bending elm in Tompkins Square Park?

On Friday, GammaBlog noted that the bending elm in the center of Tompkins Square Park was down to one support cable, and that the lashing around the cable appeared to be fraying... (The second cable was lost during Sandy).

Earlier today, workers arrived and cordoned off the area surrounding the tree...

No word yet on what exactly will be happening here...

Photos via our friends at MoRUS...

Previously on EV Grieve:
[Updated] Concern for the bending elm in Tompkins Square Park

EV Grieve Etc.: Mourning edition

[Outside St. Brigid's yesterday via @NYCCorners]

1980s-90 NYC via photographer Efrain Gonzalez (Jeremiah's Vanishing New York)

A look at 105-year-old John’s of 12th Street (DNAinfo)

Man arrested for groping 9-year-old girl in the East Village ( WNBC 4 New York)

At the annual Cannabis Peace Parade and Rally on Union Square (Slum Goddess ... Gog in NYC)

The developers interested in Seward Park (The Lo-Down)

More grumbling about Citi Bikes (Curbed)

[Photo from Ideas City by Stephen Popkin]

Recap of the Ideas City Street Festival on the Bowery (BoweryBoogie)

Remembering the Tenth Street Studio Building (Ephemeral New York)

Remembering Johnny Blitz on East Fifth Street (Flaming Pablum)

Marky Ramone and Andrew W.K. play the Ramones at Santos Party House (Rolling Stone)

RIP Joey McGibbon

We heard the sad news this past weekend that longtime East Village resident Joey McGibbon has passed away. He was 54.

While we didn't know him personally, he is someone we saw often in the neighborhood. And we featured him last Aug. 29 in Out and About in the East Village.

I moved down here by accident. I was in love with this girl and we were in the throws of breaking up. I grew up in Queens. I had no intentions of moving down here, especially back then when this neighborhood was the way it was. But she moved here and I followed her. I thought maybe we’d get back together but it never happened and I ended up staying.

Here's an obituary, which notes:

His gentle spirit and kind way will be missed dearly.

[Thanks to Bill the Libertarian Anarchist for letting us know about Joey]

Amanda Bynes enshrined in the East Village

Over on East Ninth and Stuyvesant, a shrine of sorts arrived in honor of Amanda Bynes, the actress who has apparently been acting in a bizarre fashion of late. (Enough so to make ABC News the other day.)

As for this shrine, EVG reader Rachel Borg notes that the tribute-maker even Photoshopped Bynes' face on the Mary candles.

I can't stop taking photos of 51 Astor Place

I know. I know! There is some sort of life force within the new building that compels me to take out a camera every time I walk by... (And I've tried taking different routes...)

Oh, and the front entrance and public plaza are shaping up...

Now I want to go inside. (Via 51AP's official renderings)

'Stop with the graffiti on this building!'

EVG reader John spotted this Urban Etiquette Sign over at 134 E. 13th St., home of the Classic Stage Company and Everyman Espresso...

On Avenue B, Sigmund Pretzel Shop is closing to reopen as a restaurant

The folks at Sigmund Pretzel Shop on Avenue B just south of East Third Street let us know that, starting today, they will be closed until June 12 or so... Here is their official message via Facebook:

A lot of you know that we've been planning to graduate from a favorite neighborhood snack and sandwich place to favorite neighborhood restaurant for some time now.

And the time has come — we are briefly closing to do some magic in our East Village spot.


You can call us at 646.410.0333 Mon-Fri 10 am - 4 pm and order pretzels, dips or book a catering gig. All deliveries will come to you directly from our bakery in Greenpoint, BK and our lovely Alicia will be on the phone to take care of all of you.

Coming soon to Second Avenue: Block's Vision Care

Been meaning to note this... you may have noticed the sign up next door to Block Drugs ... at the former home of Jack's Luxury Oyster Bar at 101 Second Ave. near East Sixth Street ...

The folks at Block are opening Block's Vision Care...

Extra Place now home to a Little Free Library

Spotted three people installing this in Extra Place on Saturday morning... and the final product...

...with an explanation about Little Free Library ...

Per The New York Times:

Holding no more than about 20 books for old and young, the 10 new Little Free Libraries — miniature lending libraries where anyone can take or leave a book under the honor system — will pop up all over downtown Manhattan on Saturday afternoon, and will stand until Sept. 1.


Jakab Orsos, the director of the PEN World Voices Festival, which features events and workshops with international authors this week, said he heard about the Little Free Library concept last year and almost immediately decided to bring some to New York.

“It’s such a rich, such a romantic idea,” he said on Thursday, waxing lyrical about the pleasures of literature. “It really restores my faith, this connectedness — how people are actually harboring the beauty of reading and the book and the importance of the book.”

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Concern for Elmo on Avenue C

And why not? Spotted by EVG reader Laura Ave B ... between East Seventh Street and East Eighth Street today... When awakened, Elmo said, "Elmo is not drunk."

So I meet you at the cemetery gates

The New York City Marble Cemetery on East Second Street between First Avenue and Second Avenue is open until 5 today... Chango Blanco, who took the above photo, took a walk around the grounds. Find more of his photos from today at Flickr.

[Headline h/t]

Week in Grieview

[Roman in Union Square yesterday. Photo by Bobby Williams]

May Day march arrests (Wednesday)

Veselka Bowery has closed (Monday)

Efforts continue to fight the dorm planned at the former PS 64 (Thursday)

Terry: "I know what it’s like to suffer and that’s why I like to rescue things." (Wednesday)

New York Sports Club for Avenue A (Monday)

St. George's Ukrainian Catholic Schools are closing (Friday)

The future of Avenue A (Thursday)

Residents return to where Mars Bar once stood (Wednesday)

More about the the Peter Stuyvesant Post Office's future (Tuesday)

Motor City will be open to the end of June (Tuesday)

Max Fish making it official in Williamsburg (Thursday)

Another building on East 14th Street is for sale (Monday)

The return of Red Mango (Thursday)

Eastside Bakery has closed (Wednesday)

Iconic Hand Rolls has closed (Tuesday)

Cafe, tapas bar in the works for 155 Avenue B (Wednesday)

... and One World Trade Center is now the largest building in the Western Hemisphere... a view of the spire from the East Village this morning via Bobby Williams...

Citi Bikes docking stations Week in Grieview

[St. Mark's Place]

The Citi Bikes docking stations arrived in the neighborhood this past week, as you probably noticed... We did.

Our 12 posts on the topic fielded 277 comments, covering everything from the Fall of Rome, Nazi Germany, 9/11 and the Mayan Apocalypse.

These two had the most comments:

Reader mailbag: Have you read the Citi Bikes Rental Agreement? (49 comments)


Here's another docking station for St. Mark's Place (49 comments)

Any thoughts on why this is such a divisive topic?

Today in street art II

Oh, here's another set of Polaroids in the "Love is an oasis of horror" collection... William Klayer spotted these...

Anyone know more about these?


Ah, thanks to a commenter sharing a link to BelleDuPolaroid.


Mary Help of Christians: 'This is heartbreaking'

[Bobby Williams]

The Post has a piece today on several NYC churches that are facing possible demolition... including Mary Help of Christians Catholic Church on East 12th Street, which developer Douglas Steiner is razing to build a residential-retail complex ... the story doesn't offer any new information... but people are remaining hopeful.

“This is heartbreaking,” said Andrew Berman, executive director of the Greenwich Village Society for Historic Preservation. “We hope [Steiner] can see the light and realize it’s advantageous to use something that’s special rather than demolishing it for something that’s a dime a dozen.”

Meanwhile, the Post employed three reporters to investigate local bars that aren't selling full pints of beer.

Previously on EV Grieve:
Permits filed to demolish Mary Help of Christians church, school and rectory

Today in street art

Spotted on the plywood outside 51 Astor Place...

Others in this series had been ripped off the plywood.

'Spring Open Day' today at the New York City Marble Cemetery

From 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. On East Second Street between First Avenue and Second Avenue. Afterwards, stop by here for a swim.

Go here for more information and history about the cemetery.

Deals of the day