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As you may recall, CB3 member Chad Marlow, and the group that he founded in 2011, the Tompkins Square Park & Playground Parents’ Association (TSP3A), are kicking off a major neighborhood safety initiative.
Allow me to cut-and-paste this from the previous post on the topic:
It involves applying to the Department of Transportation to have them create what the group is calling the "Tompkins Square/Alphabet City Slow Zone" (TSACSZ).
The TSACSZ, in short, is an effort to improve pedestrian safety for children and all others who live/work/play in the proposed 0.38 square-mile zone by reducing motor vehicle speeds. As Marlow writes, the slow zone program "takes a well-defined, relatively compact area, and reduces its speed limit from 30 miles per hour to 20 miles per hour, with further reductions to 15 miles per hour near schools."
And tonight, the proposal gets the CB3 committee treatment:
Transportation & Public Safety / Environment Committee
Tuesday, May 7 at 6:30pm — Community Board 3 Office, 59 East 4th Street (btwn 2nd Ave & Bowery)
• Request for support of the proposed "Tompkins Square/Alphabet City Slow Zone"
Marlow introduced the proposal with this op-ed first published in The Villager.
Previously on EV Grieve:
Call for an East Village 'slow zone' (34 comments)
Totally unnecessary. Flattened CitiBilkes will create naturally occurring speed bumps. Problem solved !
But, if they are flattened, they wont be very bumpy?
The citibank logos get bigger when flattened.
I vehemently oppose this.
Sorry but I don't want any parents group calling the shots around this neighborhood. No offense to parents, but they are concerned for their kids and for safe family environment over the cultural vibrancy or diversity in an area; hoods in which these groups are overly active or powerful are systematically declawed, defanged, further gentrified, with any remaining edge sucked out with the family hoover. (no offense EV parents, I'm sure you are the coolest of the lot). the most dangerous force on our streets are the rich drunk monsters that invade and knock people all over the place as they stumble around wasted screaming like apes, disturbing the general peace, trashing whatever they see, terrorizing cab drivers, business owners, and innocent passersby with absolutely zero sense of respect (let alone community or any clue how to physically behavein public). bloomberg sees these tyrants as nothing more than loud, wobbling dollar signs, hence there is no police presence patrolling them. yet 100 peaceful protestors assemble in the park on may day - to use their voices to call for a more fair systems for workers - for ME and for YOU - in a historically significant and politically progressive area - and they are trailed, harassed, beaten and arrested by 100 cops (with helicopters no less). what do the parents have to say about that??? i'd really like to know. will they use their power to protect free speech, socially progressive ideas, activism, community?
what will they give back to the community, that will truly benefit it as a healthy, self-supporting neighborhood, inclusive of ALL, in exchange for this power that they want to gain and use? we are on the verge of living in a police state where the cops protect the rich and the rest of us are oppressed... surely that is the real "danger zone."
Um, glamma? Who's more dangerous to neighborhood "vibrancy" again? Parents? Or "rich drunk monsters"? Can one be a rich drunk monster parent? I'm confused!
(But remember, where schools, libraries, playgrounds are not, more bars and nightclubs might sprout!)
imo they can do what they want, dont really oppose this or support it cause I dont think it will make any difference (besides Highway 1, does the 9th precinct even have radar guns? how are the going to enforce this, never ever seen a speed trap on local nyc roads and I've been driving them for almost 30 years!) .... but meanwhile the drug dealers and project hoods are dealing,fighting and shooting at each other in broad daylight at our doorsteps.
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