David Cross and a couple of his friends are putting on a benefit to raise money to keep the Bowery Poetry Club around for hopefully at least a few more years.... Per David Cross in the e-mail: "I know the ticket prices are steep but it's a benefit and (most) of the ticket price is tax deductible." Details follow...

i frequently see david cross, incognito, at a pub in the ev (which shall remain nameless, to respect his privacy and since the patrons there also leave him alone and do not gawk nor take cell pics of him when he's there). cool dude.
anyhoo, that's a great line-up. should be there...
Urban Roots has closed on Avenue A!!!!
while the cost is prohibitive, it's nice to see a fundraiser of this magnitude for such a hub of creativity. the poetry club needs to stay alive!
@ anon.
Thanks... that's a shame... I just walked by myself...
For something like this, I think the price is reasonable. Tickets to a Broadway show will set you back much more.
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