Work is moving right along on the southeast corner of Avenue A and 13th Street, where the former laundromat is getting closer to becoming a Caffe Bene… the Brewing Soon signage arrived late last week…

… announcing the coffee and waffles from the company based in Seoul, South Korea … as well as a hiring notice…
The proprietors for this location received the OK from CB3 for a beer-wine license during the August meeting. Here's what CB3 had to say via the meeting minutes (PDF):
[W]hile Community Board 3 is reticent in approving an additional liquor license for a chain coffee shop at a previously unlicensed location in this already overburdened area which is serviced by many coffee shops, given that such a license is likely to be approved and the applicant has made amendments to its method of operation in response to community concerns...
A Caffe Bene is also in the works for the former Pinkberry space at 24 St. Mark's Place between Third Avenue and Second Avenue … Here's a look at that storefront on Saturday…

They have not applied for a liquor license. Yet anyway.
Previously on EV Grieve:
2 Caffe Bene locations coming to the East Village (45 comments)
Reader report: Rent hike washes away longtime Avenue A laundromat
Work starts on the 2 Caffe Bene spaces in the East Village
I'm beginning to think CB3 is full of gin swilling drunks. They give out liquor licenses like candy on Halloween then sit back and do nothing as the neighborhood becomes unlivable by anyone not half in the bag themselves.
great cb#3 - something i would expect from a group of spineless morons.
[W]hile Community Board 3 is reticent in approving an additional liquor license for a chain coffee shop at a previously unlicensed location in this already overburdened area which is serviced by many coffee shops, given that such a license is likely to be approved and the applicant has made amendments to its method of operation in response to community concerns...
board members should have to take some lessons from communities that have actual working community boards, perhaps take a look at our neighbor the west village.
compare the two
we are all talk, they are all action,
we've already lost the neighborhood. we are the training ground for all the college students that are being prepared to don costumes (or remove them) and earn a living on times square. party down new york. that's what the tourists come here for.
REALLY REALLY want to know why there are no protesters outside this location? they can protest the chain stores of 711 but not cafe bene???
shocker, those idiots make no sense yet again
Coffee now a front from a liquor establishment what the fuck is wrong with this town?
I am seeing these "Caffe"'s popping up all over the city.
The coffeehouses in San Francisco all serve beer and wine. Its not (or wasn't) a big deal. You could also get decent food there. That was 20 years ago, a generation ago, and its probably over there, too.
Any place that doesn't serve alcohol as well as food probably can't meet the new EV rents.
Stalking By Meh, you're obsessed with them.
It's not Community Board 3 anymore, it's Cocktail Board 3. In order to pass resolutions all members of CB3 must show their support by saying "I'll drink to that!"
Hion By Ick, if you haven't noticed, the disbanded 711 group isn't serving troll food. Stop begging.
Yet The Cock that has been around for 18 years is not allowed to move but these interlopers are. Whose neighborhood?
Dear EV Grieve, please end commenting and just add a like and dislike button. We would all be happier in the long run.
@ anon 2:54
Unfortunately, the Blogger platform doesn't offer that option.
I hope it goes out of business in less than a year.
Hion Oven Cleaner <- Dislike
Everyone blaming this on the community board should get a grip. The community board can't stop a beer and wine license as the sla approves them all, because there is no rule like the 200 or 500 foot rule that they can use to legally deny them. So the best residents and the cb can do is push for earlier hours and things like a fixed facade and no outdoor seating, which is exactly what both groups did. If I were you , I would be more concerned about the crew who took over common ground with their spiel about running an upscale exclusive lounge. First weekend they are open the place is a shit show with screaming idiots out front. Another case where the cb and residents hands were tied because the current owner of common ground sold less then 100 percent of his business to these assholes, they were able to take advantage of a loophole in the law and just reopen with a new name etc. Both of these places will suck, but you can't blame the community board or residents as both groups did the best.they could to prevent this. Oh by the way community board meetings are open to the public and in many cases if enough people show up and fight something the community board will listen, but that takes a grear deal more effort than posting nasty comments on a blog. It means hours of work every month for a small group of residents. So show up and do something.
Hion Oven Cleaner join the community board and STFU already.
ost cafe on 12th and A serves wine and craft beer. the world hasn't ended
If they want to serve beer and wine WHO CARES?! Jesus people. If you don't like it, don't go there. I doubt it's going to be the next frat boy hot spot. Bitch bitch bitch!
It's not a matter of "don't go there." Lots of us don't go to 13th Step, Thirsty Scholar, Professor Thom's, or any of the dozen or so bars on Bro Way, but that doesn't stop them for catering to the bros and she-bros who do. How much liquor does one neighborhood need? How many back to back to back bars can one neighborhood sustain when the majority of the people who come here on the weekends do so turn it into an alcoholic's theme park? It's disgusting.
I am thinking of starting a new group, called the East Village Christian Temperance Union. Together we can end the scourge of alcohol! If people are with me, let's meet this Sunday (after church) at the statue that bears the name of our movement.
I hardly think this will be a bro destination. It's a cafe not a "let's get drunk" destination. You can buy beer at any bodega. So who really cares?
If this "Caffe Bene" is anything like the one I passed by in Chelsea I'm not worried--they had bookshelves full of books inside. Books are like kryptonite to a lot of people.
I am not so worried about this place. It is a chain of cafes. It is not a bar or a club. I don't think the woo hoo crowd is going to gravitate here. They like places like Doublewide.
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