Thursday, August 3, 2023

RIP Miss Kita the Wonder Dog of East 10th Street

Miss Kita the Wonder Dog of East 10th Street (2009-2023) 

Text by Jose Garcia 

The lovely Miss Kita the Wonder Dog of East 10th Street took her earthly leave of us on the night of Aug. 1. While she remained happy and engaged until quite recently, she had been in declining health for several months.

A native of Tennessee, Kita came north as a puppy and somehow made it to Bide-a-Wee Manhattan from which she graduated as a three-and-a-half-year-old stunner with a winning personality to boot. She was clearly well-loved and cared for by her previous owner who had named her Kita — a name she recognized and responded to so we figured it was none of our business to go about changing it to Sugar, which may have been the original plan.

Kita the Wonder Dog of East 10th Street made her EV Grieve debut on March 9, 2012. Over the years she became something of a local celebrity once removed through a combination of grit, good looks and a nose for news. In addition to her coverage in EV Grieve, Kita was named Bide-a-Wee "Pick of the Litter" for January 2012, and had a cameo appearance on the "Second Chances" episode of the Netflix series, "Dogs." 

She was frequently spotted around the neighborhood and seemed to genuinely enjoy meeting her neighbors, graciously accepting ear scritches (and the occasional illicit dog treat) while doling out her own sweet kisses to the lucky few. 

Kita enriched our lives immensely and we were every bit as lucky to have found her as she may have been to have landed with us. 

Thank you for the many kindnesses you showed her and us. 

We will miss her terribly. 

Jose Garcia & Family


Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry. I lost my Sophie after 16 and a half years last December and it still stings every day. It is so very hard to cope. Find peace in the love you shared. Dogs are the best. Hang in there.

J said...

So sorry for your loss! And what a talented writer you are!

Anonymous said...

My sweetest wishes to this lovely Kita. May her new journey be as beautiful. Thank you for loving her.

Anonymous said...

What sweet memories you gave me

Anonymous said...

My condolences 😔

Pennys herb co. said...


Anonymous said...

RIP sweet Kita. We love you.
Many thanks to the Garcia family and EV Grieve for sharing this lovely creature with us throughout the years. Miss Kita brightened our lives.

Greg M said...

Beautiful tribute. Sorry for your family's major loss, Jose. And thank you, EVG, for including Kita posts these past years to knit us all together in the delight.


So sorry to hear. I loved reading about her adventures.

Ann8thSt said...

Jose and fam, if you are on here, I'm so very sorry for your loss. I was your neighbor for a long time, and had Toña, a rescue from Nicaragua who many thought was Kita's doppelgänger. She was such a sweet, special girl. I like to think of the two of them reunited, charming and confusing everyone in their new hood. Big hugs, Ann 💔🐾

Anonymous said...

She'll be waiting for you on the Rainbow Bridge.

OlympiasEpiriot said...

Very sorry for your loss.

Mark said...

RIP Kita. What a sweet, beautiful dog.

Our animals become family the moment we adopt and place them into our homes. They leave such an impact and meaningful presence in our lives, even when they are gone. We can still feel them. I am a cat dad and love my fur baby than anything.

Condolences to her pet parents. Sorry for your loss. :(

Anonymous said...

What a face! 10th street will not be the same. RIP.

Anonymous said...

Jose and family, my condolences on the passing of Kita. I always enjoyed her appearances here on EV Grieve. It was easy to see how friendly she was and what a wonderful home you gave to her. Thank you for sharing Kita with the East Village. I'm sure you know that the pain will gradually ease but the beautiful memories of Miss Kita will last. Still, that doesn't make it hurt any less right now. Wishing you comfort through this period.
-East Village neighbor


I made the acquaintance of Miss Kita the Wonder Dog just once, on a Sunday morning in June 2012 on a morning walk that took me past her residence and that of her parents. Through Facebook since, though, I feel that in at least some small measure I came to know her a wee bit, and I certainly thrilled to her antics and the way she got around the neighborhood. My heart aches, thinking of how her loss is affecting her parents, and I wish them the warmth of good memories of their precious girl-pet and a whole heckuva lot more smiles and laughs than tears.

Sarah said...

I'm so sorry for your loss. What a sweet girl. You gave her a great life.

Anonymous said...

RIP Kita. Sending love to the Garcia family. You gave her such a wonderful life, and she gave you and all of us so much joy.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

RIP Miss Kita, sweet adventurous soul + EV legend ❤️🦴

Anonymous said...

RIP sweetheart..heaven awaits.

DrBOP said...

Kita....didn't we have some fun?
Rest In Rhythm girl

Anonymous said...

We are so grateful to have made friends with Miss Kita and her pawrents many years ago. Although some may have referred to Miss Kita and Tater Tot as frenemies, it was with the greatest respect. She was in a league of her own and will be remembered with the greatest affection. Sending peace and love to Kita's friends and family and all who are mourning the loss of a fur baby.

Jose Garcia said...

DrBOP she was not unaware of your encouragement over the years. Many thanks. Best, JG