Thursday, December 21, 2023

(Sweet??) 16

Above: A joke from Sophie's a few years back

The first post arrived on this platform on Dec. 21, 2007, at 5:48 p.m., which research later showed is one of the worst times of the day to post items on platforms like this. 

ICYMI (and 99.999999999% of people did), the item was a cut-n-paste from Page Six about the possible sale of Sophie's (Fifth Street!) and Mona's (Avenue B) ... and before Josie's (Sixth Street) was part of the family. 

I'd spent some time at Sophie's and couldn't imagine an EV world without it. So, like any once-a-week bar regular would do, I created a Blogger site called Sophie's Bar Blog blog (honest, that's what the name was)... as a way to chronicle the sale of Sophie's (sorry, Mona's) and the possible end of its several-decades existence. 

After a few weeks of under-the-radar chronicling on a site that no one was reading, we learned that Bob, the owner of the bars, was selling them to his brother Richard and another friend (hi, Kirk!). 

That was that, or so I thought. Now I've told this story a few times, so if you've already read it, I'll make some shit up to make it seem more interesting than it actually was. 

I announced the end of Sophie's Bar Blog blog. [Crickets] Vanishing New York author/blogger Jeremiah Moss somehow had seen the site (thanks, Google!), and he encouraged me, just because Sophie's and Mona's were going to be OK, to keep the site going, covering other comings and goings. 

So Sophie's Bar Blog blog was rebranded to EVG (I give this site six months!). And here we are 16 years after the first post. 

Two people recently told me they started reading the site in high school and were in their late 20s/early 30s. Which is really cool and obviously terrifying.

A sincere thank you to everyone who has read the site and continues to read it, sharing comments and tips and creating a sense of community. 

A BIG thank you to everyone who contributes to the site, particularly Derek Berg and Steven, for their ongoing daily dispatches... and to Stacie Joy for her intrepid reporting from bell towers, abandoned schools or former motorcycle clubs

May your holidays be filled with warmth, peace, and joy ... and had we created an Etsy account 16 years ago, Sophie's Bar Blog blog T-shirts, hoodies, and customizable tabletop beer pong games.


Anon said...

So glad you’re still at it. One of my favorite things about this neighborhood. Merry Christmas, Grieve!

Laura Goggin said...

Happy Sweet 16! It really makes me appreciate the people and businesses that continue to survive this crazy city. And THANK YOU for your tireless work with this site. You have been the essential thread that holds this timeline together.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! I'm so glad to see the evg success. And, I had no idea about the history of the site. Kudos and Happy Birthday EVG!

Anonymous said...

happy grievemas! swag would be nice...!

Greg Masters said...

Thank you, EVG. Happy holidays and thank you for your incredible and valuable service to the community all these years. I read you first thing every morning.

Anonymous said...

happiest birthday evg!

bruce said...

Happy 16th Anniversary, Grieve! Thank you for all that you and the amazing contributors do to keep our community informed, entertained, and turned onto new music! You and the site are indispensable to the neighborhood!

Anonymous said...

At this point…It would not be the East Village without you!

yetanothercommenter said...

Six ... teen candles
make a lovely site
that we're enjoying
reading every night

(ht The Crests)

Great work Grieve and Team Grieve. The only thing that would make this site better is the neighborhood getting more interesting. So readers let's all work on that.

Pinch said...

Thanks as always, Grieve. PS: This is one of the best laugh out loud posts in all the 16 years.

Jill W said...

Agree with anon 7:35! Thank you for your service and devotion to this site. Happy Solstice!

Choresh Wald said...

Thank you and Happy Birthday! Here's to many more years!

Anonymous said...

EVG 4 PREZ 2024

Anonymous said...

Long live evg!!!!

Anonymous said...

We love you Grieve!!!

Grieve said...


Francesca said...

Happy Birthday, EV Grieve!! My first read of the day always..and later check ins throughout the day. Thank you for the solid reporting and our community.

Anonymous said...

I like your quirky sense of humor that subtly comes through a lot of the posts, even the ones that don't have any comments....I get every joke, especially the Gen-X-y ones...

Anonymous said...

the absolute best 💖

Dave on 7th said...

Few things in my life made me prouder or happier than when you listed me as a contributor . Thanks EV for single handedly keeping the spirit of our neighborhood alive. Or at least on life support. Happy 16th.

Anonymous said...

and always love the Friday music posts! I bet 16 years of Fridays would be an amazing playlist

Simon E said...

Thank you for giving us such a superb and reliable resource!

Mammad said...

Sweet 16. You are a big part of what makes east village, East Village. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

We are so lucky to have you, evgrieve or whoever you are.
Thank you for providing all the local news for free. FOR FREE, PEOPLE! love you guys

Anonymous said...

Everything here is great, besides the really unnecessary way too strict censorship.

Cajsa said...

Fully agree with 7:35. And give the people their merch!! Happy birthday Grieve, we adore you <3

Anonymous said...

You're an *institution* now! How does that feel?

Just wait until those former high school kids get married & have kids of their own, who'll also grow up reading this blog!

Congrats and keep on keepin' on! (I give it another 16 years.)

Anonymous said...

Has it really been 16 years oh boy it really has been thanks for all the great reads and neighborhood Love and looking out long may you reign! Grieve Thank You you're truly and service to our community

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary! Just imagine if you launched today is the cesspool of social media--you'd have to have an airbrushed face and spend all your energy as a talking head with 15-second Ice Spice music clips to each story to even ping the CCP's precious Taiwan invasion primer errrrr I mean FYP algorithm

Liam R said...

I've lived in a lot of different cities, and followed a lot of different microblogs. This has been my favorite. I wish something like it existed for the LES as well.

creature said...

To 16 more! Happy blogiversary!

Older Historian said...

Congratulations on 16! I've been reaing you all 16 years! Some blogs come & go, some 'Vanish' - but on you go!Looking forward to another 16 years - and maybe more ! (but i'm getting older so let's hope!) Keep up the Amazing Work & Spirit!

Elissa said...

I'm another first-read-of-the-day-er. EVG is a treasure! Marking the losses together as a community helps blunt the painful changes, and the shared laughs are that much sweeter. Thanks and happy Sweet 16.

Anonymous said...

Thank you danke merci gracias grazie, from another EV resident who starts the day every day checking this fantastic site -- and finds it not only informative and enlightening, but uses the news by constantly patronizing local establishments learned about right here.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations and THANK YOU for making a positive community connection and celebrating our neighborhood culture!

MrNiceGuy said...

This blog is old enough to drive a car!

Happy Grieviversary!! You are part of so many daily routines, and I know my day is a bit brighter every time I read this blog.

Thanks to you and the team for remaining so dedicated and for making the EV community that much stronger. And a special shout out to Stacie Joy who has done some fantastic reporting all year long! From fun and fuzzy stories to serious topics that rallied people to help migrants in need. Hats off to Stacie, Grieve, Derek and all the EVGrumps in the comments!

lizbloggety said...

happy holidays and thanks for all you do! so happy to have EVG to read every morning.

Sarah said...

Happy holidays to you, Grieve, and to all contributors!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on 16! You are a pillar keeping the East Village cool. I honestly do not know where else I would go for pictures of dried-up neighborhood Christmas trees in June. Happy holidays!

EVQP said...

Happy sweet 16, Grieve! It's hard to believe it's been 16 years, yet it seems (in the best way possible) that it's been around forever. I've been reading you since the get-go (being a habitue of all three bars [and then some;] over the decades), and you've become an indispensable source of neighborhood info. which I / we cannot imagine doing without.

Here's to another 16, or more, or as long as you can stand it!

And thanks as well to all the other intrepid contributors.

Happy merry to all, and to all a safe and hopefully positive 2024!

Anonymous said...

First thing I read every morning.

Anonymous said...

A big THANK YOU to you, EVGrieve! And thanks for giving the backstory too! I read you every day and occasionally send in a photo which you have kindly used from time to time. I feel like EVGrieve is my small town news source. Always interesting, informative, and with the clever and quirky sense of humor that I adore. Lots of love to you for everything you do!!

JS said...

You are an essential part of the fabric of the neighborhood, which thankfully remains interesting and vibrant in spite of the destructive efforts of greedy landlords and hordes of finance bros and biddies.
May you thrive for many more years to come.
Merry Christmas.

EVSFT said...

Here's to another year, Grieve and team ❤️

Lola Sáenz said...

Happy Sweet 16th, yes Sweet! Thank you for the stories, the good, the bad and the ugly! We Love You because there isn't anyone like you! You keep it real and fresh! Keep on Rockin on and on! Many Thanks to Stacie Joy, Derek, Steven and everyone else including the readers that keep it spicy sometimes!

kadelorenzo said...

Happy birthday and many happy returns! Love this site

elyse said...


Anonymous said...

EVG is truly one of a kind. Been reading since 2012 ♥️♥️ thanks y’all ♥️♥️