Showing posts with label Avenue A. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Avenue A. Show all posts

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Video: Cyclist snatches woman's phone on Avenue A; Citi Biker follows in pursuit

An EVG reader shared this Dashcam video with us from late yesterday afternoon around 5:30 … when a woman walking west on Seventh Street at Avenue A has her iPhone snatched by a cyclist (it's at the 24-second mark)… following in hot pursuit is a well-dressed man on a Citi Bike…

Sadly, we don't know the outcome… the woman is last seen stopping on A at East Fifth Street after running down the Avenue…

H/T Brian Cohen for passing along his friend's video… posted with permission…

Monday, June 1, 2015

Avenue A storefront shuffle

Back in February, Galleria J. Antonio announced that the crafts and custom jewelry shop would be closing in the months ahead at 47 Avenue A.

As we understood it, the proprietors were retiring from the business that has been here between East Third Street and East Fourth Street since 2000. (The shop opened on Madison and 68th Street in 1970 before relocating to Christopher Street … before the move to A some years later.)

However, it turned out to be a short-lived retirement. Galleria J. Antonio is downsizing and moving into the former eyeglass shop a storefront away.

Galleria J. Antonio curator Jesse Gee told us this in a Facebook message: "The eyeglass store will be my retirement store. Isn't that a stitch? I can't stop working because I love what I do and STILL NEED A JOB, but — I must slow down and work fewer days and hours."

Meanwhile, from the rumor mill comes word that the Essex Card Shop at 39 Avenue A is going to open a second outpost in the former Galleria J. Antonio space … the person who passed along the tip used the words "Avenue A department store." We shall see.

Friday, May 29, 2015

[Updated] Avenue A is getting part of its sidewalk back

City Crews look as if they're finally finishing up their work outside 28 Avenue A between East Third Street and East Second Street, as this photo by EVG reader Carl Bentsen shows. (Apparently workers needed to remove an abandoned oil tank beneath the sidewalk outside New York Sports Club, per the club's GM.)

The orange barricades have been blocking much of this sidewalk in recent months, prompting at least one person to write signs asking for the return of this part of Avenue A.


A reader noted that the sidewalk is open … and Manny seems to be fully restocked.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

[Updated] Reader report: The city dumps Manny the Peddler's wares on Avenue A

A City sanitation crew stopped by Avenue A between East Second Street and East Third Street around noon today and dumped all of the items Manny the Peddler has been selling along here.

Said one witness:

It appears the manager of the New York Sports Club called the city rather than ask Manny to move his things to another spot along the block, which most other business owners on this block do. Manny is happy to oblige.

Considering the eyesore and highly illegal-looking construction that's been taking up the sidewalk for MONTHS now outside the sports club, it seems like a real douchey move.

Manny is a sweetheart and favorite of many locals in the neighborhood.

This isn't the first time that the city tossed Manny's sale items.

Manny, aka Emmanuel Howard, has been selling second-hand items on Avenue A and East Second Street for more than 35 years.

Updated 5/27

NYSC General Manager Anthony Testai responded with this comment:

I just wanted to say — as the General Manager of the NYSC on Ave A that I am shocked to see how badly my company is getting dragged thru the mud with this. Manny and I have personally chatted multiple times and I was disappointed to see the city throw away his things again.

Just so most of you are aware this is the third time that I know of that this has happened and as all of you know..(weve only been here for 3 months). I can assure you that NYSC myself and my staff included had NOTHING to do with the fact that he had his things thrown away. The first time this happened before we were even open I immediately ran down to Manny and apologized for his belongings being thrown away.

Manny sells his things in front of the methadone clinic and he's not near our storefront, which is why we have no problem with him doing his business, he knows that because we have spoken and I say hello to him almost everyday.

On behalf of NYSC I apologize for this happening but it did not come from us, I even spoke to the construction team and they had nothing to do with it.

Now for the real issue the SIDEWALK! This is killing everyone's business and is a huge problem with the community and me. Just so everyone is aware the sidewalk has been the city not giving us to remove an oil tank that was abandoned beneath the old sidewalk. And so everyone is updated it will be completed by the end of this month if not sooner.

If anyone has any questions please feel free to stop by, tour the gym and see that we are not some "big business" or call me...

Friday, May 22, 2015

Down On Avenue A, 1922

Anton van Dalen shared the following with us this week...

Ever since my settling on Avenue A in 1971, I have been collecting the neighborhood's history. That gathering is of diverse interest with ephemera and artifacts of all kinds. It includes vintage press photos, flyers, maps, architectural salvage, street signs, etcetera.

One of my favorite finds is this sheet music of 1922 titled "Down On Avenue A." The great cover image in style, fashion and attitude still looks contemporary, timeless.

As now with impending summer the down on Avenue A sidewalk parade has started anew.

You can find more details about the music here.

Monday, May 11, 2015

Avenue A wants its sidewalk back

The New York Sports Club opened at 28 Avenue A back in early March... and the space outside here between East Second Street and East Third Street ...

... remains a work in progress... drawing the ire of at least one person (or more) asking for the release of the sidewalk...

H/T to @fnytv for alerting us to the signs on Saturday.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015


[Photo by Maria]

Ah, just taking in the three-wheeled Polaris Slingshot on Avenue A near East Seventh Street late this afternoon...

[Photo by Bill the Libertarian Anarchist]

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Reader report: Pit bull attack on Avenue A

[Photo by Bobby Williams]

We don't have all the details on this incident this afternoon on Avenue A and East Third Street (we heard about it from several people) … Here's one version:

[There was] a pit bull attack on Avenue A, on a small black-and-white dog. Despite people throwing garbage and a garbage can at it, the bull would not release its grip. Multiple cops came, dog's owners appeared to not give a fuck, and the little dog's owner went into shock and an ambulance was called for her.

Anyone else witness this?

Updated 9:08 p.m.: We heard from the owner of the dog that was attacked… the puppy is doing OK

Updated 4/13

The owner of Dante, a 1-year-old Yorkipoo, shared her version of the incident:

We were walking on Avenue A when a pit bull on a leash on the other side of the sidewalk made a beeline for Dante. He grabbed Dante's neck, and with a locked jaw kept thrashing him about and would not let go. My husband and I just tried to pull the dog off — a crowd was forming and the dog's walker said he was sorry but he couldn't do anything — it wasn't his dog.

People kept yelling for him to kick his dog, to do something — I don't know what he should have done ... but standing around saying he couldn't do anything probably wasn't it. Then at one point he said something like, "oh gosh, the dog is dead" or "it just killed a dog." That's when I had to turn away ... it didn't seem like we were going to be able to get the dog to let go and it looked as if Dante's neck was about to be ripped apart.

Then, somehow Dante gets free and everyone thinks he's dead. My husband felt a very faint heartbeat but he was lifeless in my arms — not moving for a few minutes. I start to run to the Lower East Side Animal Hospital but some amazing people from the Ruff Club [at 34 Avenue A] ushered me inside. That's when Dante started to move a bit, pick his head up. Poor thing was shaking and in shock. He ended up having a bite and needs to be in a cone, receive some medicine, etc., but the vet said Dante is very lucky. The people at the Ruff Club were beyond awesome — they stayed with us, checked on Dante, gave us advice and clearly cared a lot.

My husband got a small cut and I got bit, though it isn't too deep. We found out that the pit bull did not have his rabies shots and now my husband and I need to go through a series of rabies shots over the next month.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

5 car collision on Avenue A this morning

Happened just before 11:30 a.m. at East Second Street... with the cab apparently colliding with the back of one car, which caused a chain reaction of fender bending... no word about any injuries... thanks to EVG reader Mayra Diaz for the photo...

Monday, March 2, 2015

Former space housing 1st bar for pregnant women returns to market on Avenue A

[EVG photo from September]

The corner retail space on Avenue A and East Fifth Street served as an advertising repository last October for some bar-finding app disguised as Gestations — "NYC's first bar for pregnant women."

The storefront has sat empty since East Village Pharmacy moved from here to 41 Avenue A in early 2011.

And now there's a new broker for the space…

So far, we haven't spotted the listing online at the Tower Brokerage website. And is the space next door that housed Twist for lease as well?

In any event, this is a good block for independent retail here between East Fifth Street and East Fourth Street … you have a coffee shop/cafe (Croissanteria), a housewares shop (Lancelotti), a used bookstore (Mast), a magazine shop (Ink on A), a gift shop (Alphabets), a dry cleaners … not to mention the lottery place and the liquor store.

Previously on EV Grieve:
No, 'NYC's first bar for pregnant women' isn't opening on Avenue A

People behind Gestations still pretending to be opening a bar for pregnant women on Avenue A

Sunday, February 1, 2015

A cloud over A

Photo the other day on Avenue A by Grant Shaffer

Monday, October 27, 2014

NYC's 1st bar for pregnant women goes belly up on Avenue A

The month-long reign of this unfunny marketing campaign on Avenue A and East Fifth Street is over… so long to Gestations — "NYC's first bar for pregnant women"…

The ads for whatever the app was came down on Friday. The whole campaign seemingly came to a halt on Oct. 6, the last day that someone posted to the Gestations Facebook page…

Last we heard the long-empty storefront would soon be home to a veterinarian's office.

Previously on EV Grieve:
No, 'NYC's first bar for pregnant women' isn't opening on Avenue A

People behind Gestations still pretending to be opening a bar for pregnant women on Avenue A

Friday, October 24, 2014

Former Avenue A laundromat 'is perfect for anyone with an exciting hip concept for a bar or restaurant'

[EVG file photo]

Kim's Laundromat & Cleaners on the southeast corner of Avenue A and East 13th Street got rent hiked out of business at the end of July.

To the surprise of absolutely no one, brokers are peddling the space for a bar/restaurant.

Here's the pitch via Loop Net:

Former laundromat in the east village. Great corner space on 13th and Avenue A with 50 feet of frontage. Easily vented for a restaurant or bar. total build-out needed. Rent concession will be given for build-out, and will vary on a tenant to tenant basis. 1300 sf

Great corner in the East Village. Surrounded by college students, young professionals, and bar-hoppers, this space is perfect for anyone with an exciting hip concept for a bar or restaurant.

The space is going for $135 per square foot.

Good luck to the potential tenant securing a liquor license in a saturated zone with a business that has never previously had a liquor license…

Previously on EV Grieve:
Reader report: Rent hike washes away longtime Avenue A laundromat

Monday, September 29, 2014

Updated: Restaurant in the works for Top A Nails storefront on Avenue A

[Image via Goggle Street View]

As we mentioned last week, CB3 has released the SLA licensing committee docket for October.

One mystery item on the agenda (to be heard Oct. 6) is a new liquor license for 137 Avenue A — currently home to Top A Nails between St. Mark's Place and East Ninth Street.

So far, there aren't many details on the CB3 website about the applicant. The application (PDF!) notes that a restaurant with a full liquor license is in the works. There isn't any mention of the names behind the project. Attorney Ravi Ivan Sharma reps the applicant. (Sharma worked for Pride and Joy BBQ as they tried to open a restaurant in the former Lucky Cheng's space on First Avenue.)

This might prove to be a challenge for the applicant — a full liquor license within a so-called saturated area in a space that previously didn't house a bar-restaurant.

At this point, we're not sure what the deal is with Top A Nails. Based on the number of people we see waiting for manicures and pedicures, this place seems to do brisk business.

Updated 10:58 a.m.

It appears that there might be a mistake on the application with the address. The folks at the salon say they aren't moving. The application might then be for No. 135 — home now to Lucy's. Ugh.

Updated 4:56 p.m.

We're still waiting for clarification on this... the CB3 schedule shows 137 Avenue A ... the application on file at the CB3 website mentions 137 Avenue A on Page 1 ... and 137 Avenue C on Page 2... the owner listed is the same as 137 Avenue C's owner... so, this appears to be a mistake. The application is very likely for 137 Avenue C then — the former home of the Sunburnt Cow...

Updated 5:08 p.m.

There was a mistake on the application — it's for 137 Avenue C, not 137 Avenue A as posted at the CB3 website. Sorry for any moments of panic.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Reader report: Rent hike washes away longtime Avenue A laundromat

Kim's Laundromat & Cleaners on the southeast corner of Avenue A and East 13th Street closed yesterday, a victim of a rent hike, according to EVG reader dwg.

Workers were inside cleaning out the space, which has been here a good 30 years.

No word just yet on a new tenant. (Maybe it will stay a laundromat?)

In November 2009, Chico created this tribute to Eric "Taz" Pagan outside the laundromat.

Pagan, a bouncer at the former Forbidden City lounge on Avenue A, was shot and killed trying to break up a fight on Aug. 23, 2009. Pagan was not on duty at the time of the shooting. He was 42.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Updated: Car fire on Avenue A and East 7th Street

[Photo via @RTSNYC]

From the EVG Twitter hotline... About 12:15 or so...

[Photo by @jansichermann]

Anyway! All is well. The FDNY is here.

[Photo via @RTSNYC]

Updated 1:10

A few more photos courtesy of EVG reader Leah Milstein...

And now some video via @RTSNYC ...

...and more video from Leah ...

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Welcome to New York

Earlier today on Avenue A, Kristen from Norway, spending her second day in NYC, was busking with an electric guitar on Avenue A between East Second Street and East Third Street.

After about, oh, 20 minutes, two police officers, driving in an unmarked vehicle, arrived on the scene. She was singing a song about Saturday, a pleasant alternative-rock (for lack of a better description) sounding number.

The officers waited until the song was over, then told her that she needed to leave.

She protested a little, explaining that she has busked throughout Europe the past 10 years without incident. The officers nodded and said that she was done for the day. She asked if she could play one more song. No. In a firm yet polite tone, they reiterated that she had to pack up and go.

As the officers returned to their car, several passersby explained to Kristen that the amplification was the problem in the estimation of the NYPD.

Did she have an acoustic guitar?


Could she play the electric guitar without the small amp?

No, it will sound weird.

She thought she could just move up to the next block.

Hmm, no — not a good idea. The officers will certainly drive by again … and probably issue a ticket for something.

Her haul this morning: Two single $1 bills, and a handful of coins that looked to amount to $1.50.

Saturday, May 10, 2014