[Photo via @RTSNYC]
From the EVG Twitter hotline... About 12:15 or so...

[Photo by @jansichermann]
Anyway! All is well. The FDNY is here.

[Photo via @RTSNYC]
Updated 1:10
A few more photos courtesy of EVG reader Leah Milstein...

And now some video via @RTSNYC ...
...and more video from Leah ...
Man... I was just walking down A and there was a guy crying... Like fucking weaping... It was the guy in the pictures.... Poor guy, I bet no insurance and his source of income:(
And that's what happens when there are no gas stations and you have to drive around for hours looking for gas and parking becaase of all the CitiBike stations.
Check the fluids in your car folks. Also, in the first video a van pulls up at high-speed and people leap out and start to grab stuff from the back - any idea what that's all about?
That'll buff out.
The guys in the van were employees of company that does some sort of work cleaning out and fireproofing exhaust hoods for restaurants. After the video ended they got some sort of a thing that looked like a power washer and tried to put out the fire. What they did probably prevented the fire from getting out of control before the Fire Dept. got there. Definitely good Samaritans.
How does that happen? Any mechanic types out there? Don't this to happen to my car...
Billsville hates our freedom.
@sam_the_man Besides poor or neglected maintenance most common causes are fuel leaks (broken or cracked fuel lines), overheating (with a combination of worn spark plugs unburnt fuel ends up in the exhaust where a red hot catalytic converter can cause it to combust), electrical short, or poorly maintained seals or gaskets that allow fluids to leak. I have also seen piles of trash inside engine compartments brought in by nesting rats. (In the winter they love warm engine blocks) Hope this helps.
I should also note that IF you are in a car that catches fire NEVER under any circumstances open the hood. This will feed the fire with oxygen and you'll have a dangerous fireball on your hands. Shoot the extinguisher from the underside of the car to smother the flames.
CitiBikes and CitiBikers hate out freedom.
Kudos to the man running in with the fire extinguisher while Miss OMG stood there shooting video like the bore she is.
He ran over Jimi Hendrix's guitar...in the first photo you can clearly see the shape of a guitar
A Somber Prediction From Zoltar: Even more cars will catch on fire while looking for parking spaces in the East Village this summer, now that CitiBike is blaming it's riders for breaking the docking stations which rarely seem to work anymore. That's right you bike share renter-abusers, CitiBike is telling everyone to slow down and gently push the bike into the docking stations, which will slow down traffic even more as CitiBikers slowly position their bikes for gentle docking, which will more cause car engines to overheat and explode in the summertime. At least that's what Zoltar thinks.
This may be the first time in history that anyone associated with a major bank asked someone else to push it in slowly.
Stupid steeple, neglected infrastructure, set manhole fires, alciada ops, they set em, they put em out.
Also, telling your CitiBike it's the prettiest bike in the whole world and singing it a song helps with locking it into the dock. After all, CitiBikes are Millenials and need constant encouragement.
I've never had a problem locking up my citibike. Sometimes a stall doesn't work so I move to the next one, which does. Sometimes a station is full, so I ride a couple of blocks to the next one, which has room. It's certainly much easier than trying to find a parking spot for a car.
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